Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Ms. Chen Xingtao Died after Torture at the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in 2002 - Her Family Seeks Justice (Photos)
2006-04-1239-year-old Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Xingtao passed away in May 2002, after being savagely tortured at Baimalong Forced Labour Camp. In the past four years, her husband went to various government departments to seek justice. He said, "I must find justice for my wife and bring to justice the guards at the labour camp and other government officials who are responsible for her death. I will not give up. Falun Gong is innocent! There is nothing wrong with being a good person!"
Weinan Prison in Shaanxi Province Is an Hellish Place Used to Persecute Male Falun Dafa Practitioners (Photos)
2006-04-12The prison persecuted practitioners who resisted the persecution more severely, and locked them in confinement cells where it is damp and gloomy. The practitioners had only two buns every day as their meals and had to sleep on the damp ground at night. If they didn't want to sleep on the wet floor they had to squat until they were too sleepy to hold on. Weinan prison created such a terrible environment of hunger, cold, darkness and solitude to torture practitioners long-term.
Five Older Practitioners Who Died Due to the Persecution in Hubei, Heilongjiang, Shanxi, Shandong, and Anhui Provinces
2006-04-1259-year-old Ms. Liu Fang was often harassed by the community members and by the vicious people from the 610 Office. She was threatened to give up her belief, and was detained at a brainwashing centre. Due to the relentless harassment at her home by the 610 Office, Liu Fang's health deteriorated, and she passed away on March 17th, 2006.
Four Practitioners from Shanxi Province, Shandong Province and Inner Mongolia Who Passed Away Due to Persecution
2006-04-12Ms. Li Guizhen, 45, lived in Jinan City. She suffered from many types of diseases and had to rest at home for many years prior to practising Falun Dafa. After she learned Falun Dafa, her health rapidly recovered and she resumed work. After the Jiang Regime and the CCP started to persecute Falun Dafa on July 20th, 1999, her workplace, as well as the CCP Residential Committee, repeatedly harassed her. Her mind and body were damaged and she passed away in December 2002.
Missing Practitioners from Shanghai, Jilin and Heilongjiang
2006-04-11When Wang Zilin disappeared, he was 39 years old and lived in Jilin Province. Before he started to practise Falun Gong he had multiple diseases, but he became very healthy through the practice. On November 19th, 2000, Wang Zilin travelled to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested by the police and sent to the Xuanwu District Detention Centre of Beijing. He was interrogated in the evening and never came back. Nothing has been heard of him since. When his family asked for him in the detention centre the authorities only answered with one sentence: "We don't have this person."
Exposing the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners at Tieling Reform Camp
2006-04-11On December 22nd, 2004, because practitioner Mr, Li Qingfang practised the Falun Gong exercises, the head of the 2nd Brigade shocked Mr. Li's face and ears with electric batons until he was covered with burns and blisters. On December 26th, 2005, practitioner Zhang Wenjie was beaten up and shocked with electric batons for refusing to wear prison clothing.
Witness to Persecution in the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province
2006-04-11The new arrivals were be forced to stand in the janitor's room in the No. 2 subdivision for a whole day, regardless of their ages. They then were ordered to write the "Guarantee Statement". If anyone refused, she would have to stand, with limited toilet breaks or without permission for toilet time. Ms. Zhou Xiaohong was beaten by five on-duty criminal inmates. They prohibited Ms. Zhou from going to the toilet. As a result, she had to use her lunch box as a chamber pot, then carry the lunch box to the toilet to clean it up before using it to eat a meal again.
The Persecution I Suffered in the Banqiao Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin
2006-04-11"When I entered the forced labour camp, it was as though I was entering an evil den full of monsters. For Falun Gong practitioners, there is a rule that new prisoners must suffer pain from the very beginning. The camp employed collaborators to talk to me. They came one after another. They also tried to force me to write the "Four-No" letter (no learning, no exercising, no speaking and no spreading of Falun Gong) and to recite the "Four-Rules" (posted on the wall) used to restrain prisoners. If you did not comply with their demands, they would deprive you of sleep, force you to stand for long periods of time, or force you to perform hard labour, sometimes until 1 or 2 a.m."
The Persecution of Dafa Practitioner Ms Zhang Xiaoping from Ningxia Province
2006-04-10Dafa practitioner Zhang Xiaoping was sentenced to a forced labour camp for three years for handing out Falun Gong materials exposing the persecution in December 2000. In the labour camp, Zhang Xiaoping was deceived by the false pretence and lies, and was "transformed." In 2004, with the help of other practitioners, Zhang Xiaoping realised her mistake. She then helped other practitioners who were "transformed" under duress to return to the righteous path again. Because of this, the police see her as a thorn in the eye.
Violence and Brainwashing at the Shuanghe Labour Camp in Qiqihar City
2006-04-10Shuanghe Labour Camp torture determined practitioners to make them give up their belief. They start by having collaborators attack the determined practitioners and instill them with mind-twisting theories against Dafa. They lock the practitioners to metal chairs, shock them with electric batons, force-feed them and forbid them to communicate with their families via letters or visits. Practitioner Wu Xiuru was tortured by guards and as a result, she was paralysed for 18 months.
The Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Chengdu City
2006-04-10When practitioner Ms. Huang Xiangling hung up a Falun Dafa banner, she was arrested by the police and sent to the detention centre and persecuted by officers from the Sanhe Police Station. They didn't let her sleep and forced her to wear shackles and handcuffs. Her legs became black from bruising and swelled to the width of her trousers from the beatings. Her hands were handcuffed to a stool. The handcuffs cut into her flesh. A month later the detention centre authorities signed a release card, but the Xindu District Mulan Town government and police station wouldn't let her leave and imprisoned her in the police station.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Guo Lirong in Critical Condition Resulting from Long-term Persecution
2006-04-10Shortly after 10:00 a.m. on March 1st, 2006, soon after Ms. Guo Lirong had left her home, four policemen went to Ms. Guo's home, intending to arrest her. Unable to find her, the policemen then went to Ms. Guo's parents' home many times to harass them. A police car waited outside of Ms. Guo's home until after 9:00 p.m. Policemen also followed her sister. These events terrified her 80-year-old bedridden parents. Guo Lirong was then unlawfully detained and tortured, and is now in critical condition.
Missing Falun Gong Practitioners from Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei and Heilongjiang Provinces
2006-04-09A female practitioner who lives next door to us did not tell her name. They detained her in the Tuanhe Labour Camp in Beijing for a year. A practitioner who went to Beijing with me was locked up in the detention centre. Because she later had high blood pressure and was about to die, she told her name and address and was taken home. She told me that there were still many practitioners who did not tell their names. We do not know their current circumstances, or if any of them have been transferred to the Sujiatun Concentration Camp and murdered.
Exposing the Gross Abuse of Women Falun Gong Practitioners at the Guangxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp, Part 3
2006-04-09A practitioner remembers that Guangxi Women's Labour Camp is notorious for its rats. Inmates are afraid to stick their feet out at night, as the rats often bite people's toes. Many inmates' toes are injured as a result of rat bites. It is terrifying when you see rats jumping around along the bed frames, at times over your body, face, or head. A rat bit me during my first month there. At that time, I was forced to be in the study group, where I had to memorize the prison rules, do military training, watch brainwashing videos, write responses and do hard labour. I did not finish until 2 a.m.
Qinhuangdao Practitioner Mr. Hong Fei's Death After Being Arrested
2006-04-09Mr. Hong had never thought that he would leave his parents forever after being arrested on March 7th, 2006. Police broke into Wu Wenjin's house and arrested two people inside. Because Mr. Hong was very weak, he was frightened and became physically incapacitated. However, the authorities still dragged him into the vehicle. On the way to the station they discovered that Mr. Hong was dying and could not be saved. They were afraid of being held responsible, so they threw him to the side of a road and used a quilt to cover him. Afterwards, Daonan Police Station officials lied and said that someone had reported his death.