Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Dafa Practitioners Ms Ye Jingsu and Ms Zhao Hongxia from Inner Mongolia Persecuted to Death
2006-01-09Two ladies, one a retired accountant and the other a teacher regained complete health after they began to practise Falun Dafa. However, both exposed the persecution and were arrested detained and suffered severe long-term persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). As a result their illnesses returned and they both died; one in August 2005 and one in November.
Six Practitioners Die from Persecution in Hebei, Xinjiang, and Shanghai
2006-01-0969-year-old Mr. Li Xiaojing suffered from physical and mental persecution ever since former president Jiang Zemin's regime launched the suppression of Falun Gong. In May 2000, Chinese authorities imprisoned Mr. Li several times and extorted tens of thousands of yuan from him. Mr. Li's home was searched a dozen times and he was imprisoned for more than a month. The persecution has also harmed Li Xiaojing's children. Mr. Li was forced into homelessness in 2001 to avoid further persecution. He died on September 5th, 2005.
The Tianjin Iron Plant Colludes with Police to Persecute Dafa Practitioners
2006-01-09The Tianjin Iron Plant has continuously harassed and persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners in various ways. Their persecution tactics include offering heavy financial incentives for those who persecute practitioners, illegal tracking of practitioners, eavesdropping, camera monitoring, and other surveillance. As a result, many practitioners were unjustly detained or sentenced. The police in She County once threw female practitioners into male prison cells for 20 days. In addition, they once arrested four practitioners, and among them, one female practitioner has become paralysed due to torture and still lies motionless in the hospital today.
Detained Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Pei Shuhua's Life in Danger
2006-01-08On November 4th, 2005, Falun Dafa practitioner was arrested while telling people, who had been misled by the government propaganda, the facts about Falun Dafa and exposing the persecution. She has been on a hunger strike ever since to protest, and her life is now in danger. She is being held in the Changchun City Police Hospital. Her life is sustained by intravenous injection. We have learned that the police department notified her employer, the Shuangyang District Hospital in Changchun City, but her employer refused to be involved, saying that they were "too busy."
The Brutal Persecution of Practitioners in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2006-01-08Most of the detained practitioners are forced to prepare toothpicks and small sticks for food products. The young people are ordered to finish 25 boxes. Every box weighs 2.76 to 3.3 pounds. Elderly people are ordered to finish 15 to 20 boxes. They are supposed to work from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., but usually are forced to work until 10 or 11 p.m., sometimes even midnight. If anyone doesn't finish the work, he has to bring the unfinished work back in the cell. As punishment, the person has to do more work in addition to his unfinished work. Some people have to work until 3:30 a.m.
How the Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp Persecute Elderly Ms. Wang Guoying
2006-01-08Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Guoying is in her 60s. Since being imprisoned in the Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp in October 2005, she has been constantly suffering brutal persecution and is locked up as a so-called "strictly monitored target" on the 3rd floor of the labour camp. Her current condition is very urgent.
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Second Women's Section of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-01-08The guards in the Second Women's Section force-fed those Falun Gong practitioners who protested by going on a hunger strike. For example, Ms. Zhu Yun was force-fed for thirteen months and finally, she could not control her bowels after the force feedings. Ms. Wang Manli's eyesight was blurry because of being force fed for six months through inserted tubes. But the guards did not lighten their persecution. Ms. Dong Jingya was force-fed three times per day and infused with five bottles of IV solution, which caused her face to swell up. The guards also tied some Falun Gong practitioners onto beds and force-fed them. They had to lie on the beds and get help from others when they relieved themselves.
Women's Prison in Liaoning Province Continues to Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-01-07Practitioner Ms. Wang Lanzhi, is about 49 years old. Her name is well known to all the prison guards and the few hundred inmates inside the prison; everyone knows her story. At present, Ms. Wang is in an extremely dangerous condition. Ms. Wang was sworn at or beaten every day since she arrived at the prison. The tortures have caused serious damage to her brain; she reacts very slowly and the expression in her eyes is dull. One time she jumped from a building after a day's work and nearly died from the injuries.
The Persecution Methods Used at a Forced Labour Camp in Jiangxi Province
2006-01-07Officials at Majialong use inhuman torture methods to force practitioners to renounce Falun Dafa, such as "Stick to the Wall," in which the arms and legs of a practitioner are forced apart as much as possible, then the practitioner is forced to face a wall with his or her whole body pressed to it, until the practitioner chokes and falls. Another torture method is called "Bent at the Waist With Head Touching the Wall," in which a practitioner is forced to stand about half a metre from a wall and bend 90 degrees at the waist. The cap of an ink bottle is placed between the practitioner's head and the wall. Those in charge closely monitor the practitioner and prohibit any movement.
Information about Two Practitioners Who Died from Persecution
2006-01-07Mr. Sun Daye, 41 years old, practised Falun Dafa together with his wife. After the persecution began this couple went to Beijing twice in order to appeal for Dafa. Mr. Sun was detained and persecuted in the police station, the 610 Office, the brainwashing centre, and the detention centre many times. His home was illegally searched, and he was badly beaten, threatened, fined, and otherwise disturbed. He was greatly hurt both spiritually and physically. On June 29th, 2003, he died from a recurrence of his former disease.
Persecution Crimes in Fanjiatai Prison
2006-01-07On September 13th, 2005, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Xiong Jiwei was brutally beaten in Fanjiatai Prison. Prison guards brutally kicked his chest with their leather boots. This cruel beating lasted over 20 minutes. The Prison Director and Prison Doctor witnessed the beating, plus many guards were right outside the metal bars. Not a single person tried to stop such brutality. For the next two weeks, Mr. Xiong Jiwei's body was covered with bruises, and he experienced extreme pain whenever he coughed.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mrs. Chen Jianhua Tortured to Death - Ningbo City Police Propose a 300,000 Yuan Settlement in Exchange for the Chen Family's Silence
2006-01-06The police illegally arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Mrs. Chen Jianhua on May 20th, 2005, when she was distributing materials exposing the persecution. Mrs. Chen was savagely tortured in detention and died. On August 20th, the police told her family to claim her body. The authorities proposed to pay her family, represented by her husband, 300,000 yuan in exchange for their silence regarding Chen Jianhua's death.
Four Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Being Brutally Force-fed in Detention
2006-01-06There are many persecution cases indicating that the force-feeding of Falun Gong practitioners in forced labour camps takes place not out of humanity, but rather is intended as one of the most brutal methods of torturing those who hold hunger strikes. With this method, a thick and dirty tube, without lubrication, is inserted repeatedly into a practitioner, first through one nostril many times, then taken out and inserted into the other nostril. During this process, the tube is intentionally pulled out and pushed back down to intensify the torture. These actions cause the hunger striker to experience nausea, a choking sensation, violent coughing, and also excruciating pain.
Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Shandong, Hebei, Hunan, and Jiangsu Provinces Die as a Result of the Persecution
2006-01-0658-year-old Ms. Yu Caihua experienced her illnesses being cured since she practised Falun Dafa. Since July 20th, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Dafa, the party members in the town prohibited her from practising and often harassed her. Her husband was frightened by the party's ever-changing political movements and also stopped her from practising. He beat her until his hands hurt. Ms. Yu was forced to rent other land to farm. The farmers recall that they repeatedly saw several persons arresting Ms. Yu while she was working the land. Since Ms. Yu suffered for so long from the terror and persecution, in 2001 her health deteriorated, and she died soon thereafter.
Practitioner Mrs. Fu Guiying Dies From Persecution After Her 18-year-old Daughter Passes Away
2006-01-06Falun Dafa practitioner Mrs. Fu Guiying and her family in Inner Mongolia, persisted in practising Dafa and were often persecuted. She and her husband were arrested and held at a labour camp. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary forced their young daughter, Zhang Yichao, to write a weekly statement at school to cut off her relationship with her parents. She was ousted from school and had to work to provide for herself. She passed away on April 6th, 2005. Due to long-term persecution her mother, Ms. Fu Guiying, died on December 17th, 2005.