Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Prison Authorities Force Yuan Qingjiang's Body to Be Cremated Out of Fear of Public Exposure
2005-08-17It has been confirmed that Falun Dafa practitioner Yuan Qingjiang, who was tortured and killed at the Daqing Prison, had already passed away on July 23rd when he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. After Yuan Qingjiang was persecuted to death, the prison staff purposely sent his corpse to the hospital for an "emergency rescue treatment," but what really happened was revealed by the doctor. Afraid of having their crimes exposed, the Daqing Prison staff forced his family members to sign their names for the cremation, threatening that if they refused, they would be charged with hindrance of public duties, and even be extorted several tens of thousands of yuan for medical expenses.
Doctor of Internal Medicine in Jiamusi City Suffers Persecution after Exposing the Deception about the “Tiananmen Self-Immolation” Incident in Class
2005-08-16Mr. Sang Chuan, 35 years of age and a graduate student, is a doctor of internal medicine. On March 23rd 2005, he was lecturing on tracheotomy in an extended education class. He discussed the fallacies of the staged "Tiananmen Self-Immolation" incident and exposed the fact that the former head and still highly active and powerful figure of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin and his regime framed and slandered Falun Gong. Students who have been deceived by the Chinese Communist Party propaganda reported him to the authorities of the university. On July 12th 2005, an illegal trial was secretly held, and he was sentenced to 3-7 years of imprisonment.
Shiling Prison Cruelly Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioner Fu Hongwei
2005-08-16Mr. Fu Hongwei was persecuted in Shiling Prison. He refused to follow any of the requirements of the perpetrators such as wearing prison uniforms and reciting the prison rules. He began to protest against the persecution by going on a hunger strike. Although his family members requested many times to see him, the authorities in the prison did not let them visit while Mr. Fu Hongwei was detained in the prison from 2003 to July 2005. When eventually they were allowed to see him, his face was severely swollen.
Yushu City Police Officers Tortured Me for Eight Hours to Force Me to Reveal the Whereabouts of My Mobile Phone
2005-08-16The police had me sit on an iron chair and cuffed my hands behind my back. While interrogating me, they continued to beat me in an attempt to find out what I had been doing and the whereabouts of my mobile phone. When I didn't tell them anything, they stepped on a chain to tighten the handcuffs, causing them to cut into my wrists. This caused my left hand to be numb for more than two months. They used the handle of a pickaxe to hit my shins for more than 30 minutes. They also used it to smash my toes. They forced my left arm to go over my shoulder and my right arm behind my back and tied my hands together. They then inserted 6 or 7 Coke bottles between my arms and my body, making my arms feel like they were being split open.
Lives at Risk in the Daqing Prison
2005-08-16The following persecution facts are from the letters sent by practitioners who are unjustly imprisoned in the Daqing City Hongweixing Prison. The practitioners have broken through several layers of the information blockade and their letters have gone through several hands. Due to the strict monitoring in the prison and the varying abilities of practitioners to express themselves in writing, the details and the extent of the persecution disclosed here do not quite reflect the reality. They are only the tip of the iceberg. This article does, however, show a glimpse of the darkness and horror in the Daqing Prison.
More Information about Young Wang Boru: A Tragically Short Childhood
2005-08-15Wang Boru is 16 years old, a teenager and only child, who was loved by his parents. Tragically, after July 20th 1999, six years ago, his childhood was over. Boru clearly remembers the day after he turned 10 years old. His parents had disappeared and the home was empty. The adults told him that his parent had been arrested at midnight.
Prestigious University Student Suffers a Mental Collapse Due to Persecution, Employee Imprisoned in Shandong Province
2005-08-15Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Zhimei was enrolled in the Chemical Engineering Department of Tsinghua University in 1997. In 2001, she was unjustly sentenced to 12 years in prison and has since suffered a mental collapse due to the relentless persecution. She is now being held in the Women's Prison of Shandong Province. Another practitioner, Mr. Wu Xiangwan, was sentenced to 8 years in prison in May 2004. Currently, he is being persecuted in a prison in Shandong Province.
Information about Six Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioners from Hebei, Liaoning and Shandong Provinces and from Tianjin City Who Died Due to the Persecution
2005-08-1566 year old Ms. Chen Guiying was from Sananzi Village, Weifang City, Shandong Province. She started practising Falun Dafa in 1996, and she benefited a great deal in both body and mind. Her husband was also a practitioner. After July 20th 1999, when Jiang's regime started persecuting Falun Gong, Ms. Chen watched her practitioner relatives, her sister-in-law, nephew and niece, being arrested again and again. Meanwhile she also worried about her two daughters, who were also practitioners, being persecuted. She lived in constant fear. In February 2004, Ms. Chen Guiying's health quickly deteriorated, and she passed away on June 25th. Two days later, her husband also passed away.
Government Plan to Investigate Corruption and Abuse of Power is Used as a Ruse to Lure Practitioners to Come Forward
2005-08-15There was an article in the Ying Bao Weekly Review in Hunan Province stating, "The open-door policy of the Public Security Bureau benefits the harmony of the society." After local Falun Dafa practitioners read these articles, they went to the local appeal office and reported the persecution and abuse they received over the past six years. Their purpose was to ask the officers and officials not to commit any more crimes and to not abuse the kind, law-abiding citizens who practise Falun Gong. To their great surprise, officials from the local appeal office, the police, and the town "610 Office" arrested, beat, searched and detained the practitioners right on the spot.
The Details of Mr Yuan Qingjiang's Death in Daqing Prison
2005-08-14Mr. Yuan Qingjiang was abducted on March 7th 2003, and was sentenced to prison. In prison he suffered severe persecution. He was forced to remain standing for 18 days without sleep and was brutally beaten, which caused excess fluid in his chest, difficulties in movement and loss of consciousness. Later he was brutally beaten again. As a result, he coughed up blood, and developed cirrhosis of the liver with ascites and severe emaciation. When his health was in a very dangerous condition, he was taken by the prison authorities to the prison hospital for so-called "treatment" which was, as the criminals put it, the same as being sentenced to death. Finally, Mr. Yuan Qingjiang died on July 23rd 2005.
I Got Out of the Jiamusi City Forced Labour Camp Alive after Suffering Extreme Torture
2005-08-14"I was imprisoned in the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp by the local police because I practise Falun Dafa. I suffered nearly two years of persecution in the labour camp. The guards there treated practitioners in a manner too cruel to describe. Guards handcuffed me in the "big back-cuffing" position [this is a very painful form of torture in which one arm is pulled down the back behind the head and the other hand is raised up from the lower back. The two hands are handcuffed together, causing unbearable pain]. I was handcuffed for two hours in this extremely painful position. I got out alive from the labour camp, but suffered extreme torture."
Many Falun Dafa Practitioners' Joints Are Dislocated by Multiple Torture Sessions in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp
2005-08-14Chaoyanggou Labour Camp used the following torture methods to force Falun Dafa practitioners to renounce the practice: pouring cold water on practitioners; pressing down on their legs with force; forcing the double lotus position and then throwing down practitioners to the ground after raising them up in the air; immobilising the legs and elbow joints with sticks and then using an electric baton to shock the arms, anus, and the whole body; using an electric baton to shock practitioners after pouring cold water onto their bodies; tying up the practitioners with rope and a stick, and then turning the sticks with force, making the rope cut into the flesh; handcuffing and then hanging up practitioners by the cuffs; and beating them with tool handles or other hard objects.
Xie Zhonggui from Guiyang City Arrested, 76-Year-Old Mother Injured By Police
2005-08-1476-year-old Ms Pi Yiming learned of her son's arrest and she went to the police station to reason with them but did not get any result. Six or seven policemen grabbed and twisted her arms and legs and beat her badly. They harshly stuffed her into a vehicle, causing this 76-year-old woman various injuries.
70-Year-Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Tortured to the Brink of Death in Hebei Province
2005-08-13Mr. Shi Zhimin is 70 years old. When the persecution of Falun Dafa began in 1999, Mr.Shi went to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa, giving his own personal testimonials. He was arrested more than ten times by the police and government agents, had his home ransacked, and was put in detention and sentenced to forced labour. In December of 2004, he was arrested by the local police and detained in a detention centre. Mr. Shi went on a hunger strike to protest this treatment and was then put in handcuffs round the clock. Once he was restrained on the "Dead Man's Bed" for three entire days. He lost so much weight that he looked emaciated and was unable to move on his own. He often would faint, could not talk and developed an enormous boil near his tailbone.
63-Year-Old Ms. Qin Qingfang Dies from Persecution at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-08-13In December 2000, Ms. Qin Qingfang, 63, was arrested for being persistent in her practice of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." Her husband witnessed her arrest and was so frightened that he suffered a stroke, losing the ability to speak and also becoming paralysed. With no one else to look after Ms. Qi's ageing father and her eight-year-old grandson, the authorities still sentenced Ms. Qi to three years of forced labour and was thus sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in September 2004 for three years of forced labour. On July 9th 2005, she died as a result of persecution