Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Details of How Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Hongde Was Persecuted to Death
2005-08-24Due to mental pressure Wang Hongde's situation in Daqing City's Hongweixing Prison worsened each day. He had a hard time breathing, and had whole-body oedema. Mr. Wang was at the brink of death as a result of being tortured in prison. He was eventually sent to hospital in heavy handcuffs and shackles. However, due to the abrupt cessation of treatment, several recurrences of the illness, and not getting immediate treatment, he lost his chance to be treated and died on May 14th 2005.
Shanghai Practitioner Wu Aizhong and Others Facing Illegal Imprisonment
2005-08-24The couple proclaimed their innocence before the court's public prosecutor. They declared that they printed Falun Gong flyers with the purpose of letting people know the truth about Falun Gong. The court ruled that both of them had violated the illegal ban on Falun Gong, and said that making Falun Gong materials carries a sentence of 7 - 10 years in prison. The court appointed defence lawyer openly admitted that he could only submit a guilty plea. The verdict is not yet known.
Resisting Brainwashing, Female Scientist Li Guiqin Had Two Front Teeth Knocked Out
2005-08-24Heilongjiang Province Agricultural Science Institute scientist Ms. Li Guiqin was unlawfully detained at Jiamusi Labour Camp. During her detention, the guards persecuted her using a very brutal torture whereby one hand is pulled over the shoulder to the back, the other hand is twisted behind the back near the waist, and two hands are handcuffed. On one occasion, guards beat her, knocking out two front teeth and then laughed at her.
Ms. Kong Fanrong Tortured to Death in 2003, Her Family Still Suffering Persecution
2005-08-23Ms. Kong Fanrong and her family have been suffering persecution from since 1999. On May 11th 2003, Kong Fanrong died due to torture she received in detention. Her husband was arrested in March 2005. By the time he returned home, he was nearly dead from torture. Their daughter was arrested at the end of July.
Mr. Zeng Hongfu from Sichuan Province Went Blind, Then Passed Away in 2004 As a Result of Persecution
2005-08-23Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zeng Hongfu was persecuted repeatedly, causing him to develop diabetes. The police tried to force him to renounce Falun Dafa but he refused. Later, Zeng Hongfu went blind, but the officials still kept him under 24-hour surveillance. Under such enormous pressure and stress, Mr. Zeng's health deteriorated and he died in July 2004.
A Blind Grandmother Is Tortured and Forced into Homelessness
2005-08-23Ms. Lu Haizheng is a blind grandmother living in Fushun City, Liaoning Province. On June 27th 2005 police broke into Ms Lu's house and arrested her. While at her residence, they stole many of Ms. Lu's personal belongings. Led by policeman Zhao, the perpetrators tortured and mercilessly beat Ms. Lu. They tried to force her to reveal the source of the leaflets exposing the persecution that were being distributed in the area. Ms. Lu was then forced into the brainwashing class. She was sent home and had no other choice but to flee their home, leaving her injured husband without care.
Information on Seven Elderly Falun Gong Practitioners Who Died as a Result of the Persecution
2005-08-2359-year-old Mr. Hu Mingxiang of Sichuan Province, was diagnosed with cancer before 1997. Soon after he started to practise Falun Gong, the cancer disappeared. After the Chinese Communist Party began to persecute Falun Gong, he was put on the "blacklist" because he had been in charge of a Falun Dafa site producing leaflets exposing the persecution for the local area. The local police confiscated his property and a lot of the materials. Because of the persecution, Mr. Hu suffered a relapse of the cancer and died.
Mr. Wang Dianren's Life is in Danger as He Suffers Persecution
2005-08-22Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Dianren went to see his grandchildren at his daughter's home on February 5th 2005. The officers from the local police station abducted him and took him to the police station soon after he came to the house. They tortured and shocked him with electric batons. His pubic area was injured and he could not urinate properly. The police stripped his clothes off and pushed him outside. After exposing him to the cold weather for hours, they poured hot water on his back followed by cold water for a long period. He was shivering due to the severe injury.
Ms. Xu Jingxian of Changsha City, Hunan Province Facing Illegal Court Trial - Her Non-Practitioner Husband and Son Sentenced to Labour Camp
2005-08-22Arrested four months ago by police, Dafa practitioner Ms. Xu Jingxian is now facing an illegal court trial just for exposing the persecution of Falun Dafa and telling people about the goodness of Falun Dafa. Her husband and son, who are not Falun Gong practitioners, were sent to a labour camp a few days ago. They were then sentenced to one year and three months and one year and six months respectively. The son is only about 20 years old. They had committed no crime except to believe that Falun Gong is good.
The Persecution Ms. Bian Weixiang Suffered for Years in Heilongjiang Province
2005-08-22Wanjia Forced Labour Camp is notorious for its darkness and evil. Practitioners have suffered from various tortures, which are beyond imagination. Almost every determined Falun Gong practitioner, including 56-year-old Ms. Bian Weixing, has suffered terrible torture. Some practitioners were forced to keep the squatting position for 27 consecutive days, hung up, tied on the "death bed," and had toothpicks hammered under their fingernails. Police kicked and beat them. They used electric batons to shock practitioners' faces, necks and all over their bodies.
Wanjia Labour Camp Guards Torture Practitioner Ms. Zhang Hong to Death (Photo)
2005-08-22In July 2004, because of her firm persistence in practising Falun Dafa, Ms. Zhang Hong was sentenced to the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City for the second time. Because she refused to write the "Three Statements" she was incarcerated in a solitary confinement room, which was dark, cold and damp. She was lying on a bare bed with her hands cuffed to the head of the bed and feet tied to the foot of the bed. Even in hot summer, people would shiver with cold in this room. This was the darkest room in the hell-like Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. Many practitioners were tortured to death or to disability there.
An Unforgettable Scene: A Woman Refusing to Renounce Her Faith Though Covered in Ice and Ruthlessly Beaten
2005-08-21"Coldness and an evil atmosphere covered Xinle, a small city located in the Shijiazhuang area, Hebei Province. The Xinle City police forced every Falun Gong practitioner to pour a basin of cold water onto a "snow pile." However, it seemed that a person had been buried in the snow pile. After the pouring, a policeman dragged a person out from the snow pile. After a little while, we came to realise that it was a woman.
Grandma in Her 90s Seeks Help to Free Her Granddaughter
2005-08-21Because she was a Falun Dafa practitioner Kong Fanrong was tortured to death in Shulan City Detention Centre on May 11th 2003. Her husband Bian Hongxiang (also a Falun Dafa practitioner), 93-year-old mother-in-law, and daughter Bian Lingyun as well as her in-laws have been continuously harassed and arrested by the police. Now that her granddaughter has been arrested, there is no one to take care of the 93-year-old grandmother.
Numerous Falun Gong Practitioners Became Disabled or Died from Torture at Division 1 of the Fushun City Police Department
2005-08-21Fushun City Police Department has a torture chamber in the basement. "Splitting the legs" and "hang-up" are the two most commonly used torture methods. "Splitting the legs" can result in excruciating pain and loss of function of the lower limbs; "hang-up" means the perpetrators force the practitioner's arms behind his/her back and hang him/her up by the twisted arms. This torture often causes permanent disability.
Practitioner Fu Lijun from Sichuan Province Unjustly Sentenced to Forced Labour Camp
2005-08-21Ms. Fu Lijun, a 32-year-old practitioner was arrested on June 5th while posting leaflets exposing the persecution in an area near Jianyang. She was sentenced to a forced labour camp without notifying her family and is now locked up at Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp. The family learned about her fate from other sources a few days after she was sentenced and locked up in the forced labour camp. The elder family members are overcome with grief, and the atmosphere in the house is gloomy and sad.