Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Slave Labour at Detention Centre in Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province (Illustration)
2004-09-01A Detention Centre in Jiangxi Province force the detainees to make Christmas lights. The police compete with each other. They get bonuses based on the output of the detainees under their supervision. They force the detainees to work day and night until 1:00am or 2:00am on average, and even until 4:00am occasionally. The detainees start working at 5:30 am the next day.
Former Manager of Chinese Construction Bank Chen Guanghui in Critical Condition Due to Abuse Received While in Police Custody
2004-09-01Mr. Chen Guanghui is 38 years old. After graduating from Nanjing University, he was appointed as the manager of Lianyungang Division of the Chinese Construction Bank and the vice director of the computer section. He was a diligent worker, well known throughout the bank and always willing to help others. Mr. Chen started practising Falun Gong in 1995. Since 1999, Chen Guanghui has been repeatedly subjected to persecution. On September 12, 2002, the Baixia District Court in Nanjing City illegally sentenced him to 8 years in jail.
Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labour Practices Inside Chinese Labour Camps Part III
2004-08-31The use of slave labour in China's forced labour camps and detention centres is a well-known phenomena. People are forced, through threats, violence and even torture, to work long and painful hours, often surviving with little food or sleep each day. This series of reports exposes these slave labour practices and also details how goods produced there are sold in western societies.
Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured and Killed for Their Belief in China's Universities and Colleges
2004-08-31Chen Zhili, currently member of State Council in charge of education, former Minister of Education used her special relationship with Jiang Zemin to promote the persecution of Falun Gong in the Chinese educational system. A least 61 faculty members at schools and students who were Falun Gong practitioners have died as a result of torture. Numerous professors and students were sentenced to prison and sent to forced labour camps and detention centres. At least 18 at Tsinghua University were sentenced to prison; at least 300 others were illegally detained, fired, expelled from school or directly sent to forced labour camps.
Personal Account of the Persecution of Yang Guiyuan, a Doctor at the Quartermaster University
2004-08-31"Then they forced my legs into the lotus sitting position, with one leg first on top of the other thigh and tied together, then pulled the other leg from underneath to the top of the first thigh. They pulled the straps up, while they pressed my legs down by stepping on them with their feet. They used so much force to pull my legs that my two legs were almost overlapping. It was very painful. Then they tied my legs tightly together. Finally, they used the last piece of strap left from the thigh to fasten my neck into a position that made my head bend toward my legs. Thus, my whole body was tied up into a ball."
Practitioner Ms. Cheng Qiaoyun Is Tortured to the Point of Mental Collapse
2004-08-31Ms. Cheng Qiaoyun, living at the No. 9 Oil Extraction Plant in Daqing City, was an employee of Jiulong Corporation.Officers in the Daqing City "610 Office", abducted Ms. Cheng and sent her ton a Brainwashing Class in Daqing. The authorities tortured Ms. Cheng repeatedly until she was close to death. After Ms. Cheng was sent to the hospital for several days of emergency treatment, they brought her back and continued to torture her. Forty days later, having suffered all kinds of mental and physical tortures, Ms. Cheng's mind became unclear. She would eat rice with sand in it, didn't say a single word, and didn't sleep the whole night.
Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labour Practices Inside Chinese Labour Camps Part II
2004-08-30The use of slave labour in China's forced labour camps and detention centres is a well-known phenomena. People are forced, through threats, violence and even torture, to work long and painful hours, often surviving with little food or sleep each day. This report exposes these slave labour practices and also details how goods produced there are sold in western societies.
Family Appeals for Investigation Following Death of Zhang Hong at Wanjia Labour Camp
2004-08-30On July 31, 2004, Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Hong from Harbin City was persecuted to death by Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province. The labour camp authorities demanded that Ms. Zhang's family cremate her body as soon as possible, but this demand was firmly refused. Ms. Zhang's family is now turning to the legal process with an appeal to investigate her death.
Ms. Wei Yaxia is Found Dead After Being Driven Out of Home
2004-08-30Following Ms. Wei Yaxia's release from Wanjia Labour Camp, policemen and police vehicles were stationed around her home. They applied pressure on her family members and threatened to fire her husband and to make her son unable to work. Ms. Wei had to leave home to avoid persecution. She hid in an empty house of a relative. On the evening of April 25 they heard someone knocking on the door of the room where Ms. Wei was hiding. On the morning of April 26, Ms. Wei was found dead outside of the building. The details of her death are still unknown.
Police Enjoy Watching Detainees Being Tortured in Huludao Labour Camp
2004-08-30Electric batons are the most frequently used torture instruments in Huludao Labour Camp. Some policemen found amusement in torturing detainees or watching detainees being tortured and suffering. Sometimes they used six to seven electric batons simultaneously on one practitioner. After they were done shocking the front side of a practitioner's body, they turned the body over and shocked the back of the body. Even women in their sixties and one eighteen-year-old unmarried girl were not spared.
Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labour Practices Inside Chinese Labour Camps Part I
2004-08-29The use of slave labour in China's forced labour camps and detention centres is a well-known phenomena. People are forced, through threats, violence and even torture, to work long and painful hours, often surviving with little food or sleep each day. This report exposes these slave labour practices and also details how many goods produced there are sold in western societies.
Dafa Practitioner Mr Han Liguo Tortured to Death in Shenyang City's No.2 Prison
2004-08-29Mr. Han Liguo was a practitioner from Lingyuan, Liaoning Province, and a worker in the Lingyuan Steel Company. In October 2001 he was illegally arrested and sentenced to six years for making Falun Gong materials. He was tortured to death on August 23, 2004. Details are awaiting investigation.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms Shan Yuqin from Heilongjiang Province Dies as a Result of Brutal Torture (Photo)
2004-08-29Ms. Shan Yuqin, 48, was a forty-eight year old Dafa practitioner from Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province. Because Shan Yuqin was frequently arrested and detained, her watermelon crop was left with no one to take care of it. As a result, her family did not have any income and led a very hard life. In 2001, Shan Yuqin was arrested and detained in Wanjia Labour Camp. Due to the long-term torture, her health became poorer and poorer. Half of her body was paralyzed and she couldn't take care of herself. Although she was eventually released, she remained bedridden. On August 20, 2004, she passed away.
Belated News - Dafa Practitioner Mr Cao Yang from Chongqing City Tortured to Death in 2002
2004-08-29In October 2000, Mr Cao Yang of Chongqing, was forcibly taken away and illegally sentenced to three years for his practice of Falun Gong. He was sent to Qianjiang for forced labour and inhumanly tortured. Each day he was monitored around the clock, deprived of sleep and the drug addicts beat him viciously. In May 2002 he was tortured to death. Afterwards the policemen did not allow his family members to see his body. They fabricated a story that he had committed suicide and hurriedly sent the body to be cremated.
Torture Method: Stomping (Illustration)
2004-08-28At around 8:00 p.m. on December 28, 2001, Ms. Cui Yaning from Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province was abducted by five policemen and sent to Ling'an Police Station in Jinzhou. After being body-searched, she was promptly beaten by the police. Several policemen then made her lie on the ground facing down and held her tightly. A strong policeman who was over 1.8 meters tall and weighed about 200 lbs then stepped on her back and stomped fiercely.