Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Lixin from Jilin Province Dies as a Result of Torture; at Least Twenty-five Practitioners Have Died from Torture in Jilin City
2004-09-04Mr Wang Lixin was detained on November 27, 2000 for photocopying Falun Gong truth-clarification materials and died on December 5, 2000, within a short period of only seven to eight days. According to an the autopsy report, Mr. Wang's ribs were broken and his chest was black and blue from clotted blood. His is clearly an abnormal death. In June 2001, Mr. Wang's father filed a lawsuit at the Jilin City Intermediate Court against the Jilin Police Department and asked for compensation of 200,000 yuan. It was rejected. During the period of filing the lawsuits, his family spent over 500,000 yuan, and was almost bankrupt.
What Caused the Death of Mr. Wang Dayuan, a 36 year old College Teacher?
2004-09-04Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Dayuan, 36, was a college lecturer. In October 2002, police searched his home and arrested him. He refused to give up his belief. As a result, he was kept under indefinite detention. In 2003, Wang Dayuan, a well liked young man, was sentenced to eight years in prison. On April 3 2004, he could not stand the tortures any longer and agreed to write a statement renouncing Falun Gong. Suffering such spiritual torment at his renunciation he tore up the statement the next day. On April 5, Wang Dayuan was struggling to stay alive after being brutally tortured and died around lunch time after another round of frenzied beating.
Hubei Gongan County Primary School Teacher Tortured in Mental Hospital
2004-09-04Ms. Zhang Lieju is a teacher at a primary school in Hubei Province. Because she is steadfast in practising Falun Gong, she was often persecuted by "610 Office" personnel, police and some former workplace cadres. Many times she was on the verge of death. She was taken forcibly to mental hospitals and injected with drugs that damage the central nervous system. She became disabled, yet the depraved people claim that they cured her!
Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labor Practices Inside Chinese Labor Camps Part V
2004-09-03The use of slave labour in China's forced labour camps and detention centres is a well-known phenomena. People are forced, through threats, violence and even torture, to work long and painful hours, often surviving with little food or sleep each day. This series of reports exposes these slave labour practices and also details how goods produced there are sold in western societies.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Qi Jianchao from Hebei Province Dies As A Result of Torture
2004-09-03Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Qi Jianchao from Baoding City, Hebei Province had suffered under the persecution for a long time. He was detained at the Baoding Forced Labour Camp for long term for torture. He suffered all kinds of savage torture, including "tying the ropes." Being confined in a solitary compartment was another form of torment, as well as "riding an airplane, carrying a sword in the back, cuffed and hung, beaten up and burned by a cigarette. After his release, people from the "610 Office" kept following, watching and harassing him. His body and mind never recovered from the damage, and he died on July 30, 2004.
Mr. Liu Zaixiang from Heilongjiang Province Was Tortured to Death in 2003
2004-09-03Dafa practitioner Liu Zaixiang from Heilongjiang Province, was tortured to death in Suihua Labour Camp, Heilongjiang Province in October 2003. Officials from the labour camp claimed that he died of "sudden heart failure." No more details are available yet.
Kaifeng City Practitioner Li Xiaocui Describes the Persecution She Experienced
2004-09-03I'm Li Xiaocui, a female Falun Dafa practitioner from Henan Province. Because I was determined in Falun Dafa, the authorities sentenced me to three years of forced labour. Over four years of brutal torture has caused both my feet and legs to become chronically numb, swollen, and painful. Although I was not killed by the abuses, I am disabled and unable to work. My husband, terrified by my arrest and detention, died three years ago due to mental anguish. Now I only have a lonely daughter at home, who is suffering from the harm inflicted on our family.
Jilin Municipal Public Security Bureau Uses Perverse Methods to Torture Falun Gong Practitioners (Illustrations)
2004-09-03Torture method: Police officers use a plastic bag to cover a practitioner's head which makes the practitioner unable to breathe and feel dizzy. They then tie the practitioner's hands behind his back with one hand over the shoulder and the other one against the lower back. The police apply a great deal of force to pull the two hands toward one another and handcuff the two hands together. This torture generates extreme pain for the practitioner.
A Practitioner in China Demonstrates Some of the Tortures Frequently Used on Practitioners in Detention
2004-09-02The torturers at the forced labour camps often bind detained Falun Gong practitioners to a ladder, forcing them to "sit parallel on the ladder" for extended periods of time. Not having access to a ladder, we demonstrated the torture using a board instead. The perpetrators seal practitioners' mouths with tape to muffle their agonising cries.
The Torture and Cruelty Suffered by Lu Caixia and her Family
2004-09-02Since July 20, 1999, the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong by the Jiang Zemin regime, her family has suffered a great deal. Her brother was choked to death during force feeding torture. Her younger sisters were sentenced to prison and forced labour camp. Her son was cruelly tortured to the brink of death. Ms. Lu was dismissed from her job at the school and was detained many times. The following is the story of Ms. Lu and her family.
Abducted and Persecuted - The Story of Two Practitioners from Guangzhou
2004-09-02In May 2004, the "610 Office" in Tianhe, a district of Guangzhou City, abducted two Falun Dafa practitioners named Chen Chunli and Gao Dandi. The apartment that they rented in Dongpu Tianhong Garden of the Tianhe district in Guangzhou City was searched. The police confiscated their computer, laptop, cash and other property.
Slave-Like Conditions in Shizishan Forced Labour Camp, Wuhan City
2004-09-02When I was jailed in the Shizishan Forced Labour Camp in Wuhan City, I personally experienced its slave-like conditions. In that camp, the imprisoned practitioners suffer physical and mental torture, economic exploitation, and personal humiliation. Of the four squadrons in the camp, the second and third each jailed several hundred Falun Gong practitioners. Camp authorities forced the prisoners to make tinfoil sheets by hand, which is harmful to one's health. The finished products are for overseas markets.
Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labor Practices Inside Chinese Labor Camps Part IV
2004-09-01The use of slave labour in China's forced labour camps and detention centres is a well-known phenomena. People are forced, through threats, violence and even torture, to work long and painful hours, often surviving with little food or sleep each day. This series of reports exposes these slave labour practices and also details how goods produced there are sold in western societies.
How I Was Tortured by Government Officers in Shibu Town of Shandong Province
2004-09-01Gong Zhiqiang whipped me cruelly on my body and head with an electric wire. Blood permeated my underwear. My face and neck were drenched in blood. I looked badly mangled. He did not stop until his pager rang. After that, Wei Tiankui asked me to crawl on the ground. He whipped me on my body and feet with my belt until the belt was shredded. I was not able to lie down to sleep for three nights and my underwear couldn't be removed because all the blood caused it to stick to my body.
Death Quota at Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp Enables Authorities to Abuse Dafa Practitioners without Fear of Punishment
2004-09-01It is said that Guanshanzi Forced Labour Camp is a quarry located in Changtu County. As soon as the practitioners were sent there, their heads were covered with a quilt and they were beaten with a big stick until they fainted. Then high-pressure water tubes were inserted into their anuses and they were tortured until they became ill with vomiting and diarrhoea.