Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
A Victim of Torture in China Exposes the Darkness of a Forced Labour Camp (Photos)
2004-09-12The following is an account in Ms. Dong's own words about her horrifying experience at the Longshan Forced Labour Camp. The regime tries to block this information from reaching governments and people overseas, and even the general Chinese population is unaware of the extent of the persecution because of the controlled media. For this reason, Ms. Dong had some pictures taken of herself to demonstrate the torture methods used on her while incarcerated, which would serve as a record for history. However, the torture that the victim actually suffered cannot fully be appreciated from these photographs.
Persecution and Brainwashing Lead to the Tragic Death of a PhD Student from Southwest Petroleum College
2004-09-12Ms Duan Qiuzhe was an excellent Ph.D. student, both academically and morally, from the Southwest Petroleum College. After July 20, 1999, because she appealed for Falun Gong, she was dismissed from her studies. In the end, Duan Qiuzhe gave up her belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." She turned against Dafa and harmed practitioners in exchange for being permitted to continue to study in college. Shortly after returning to college, she contracted liver disease and later passed away. She was yet another victim of the vicious persecution that seeks to destroy one's inner being and beliefs.
Slave Labour at Detention Centre in Jiangxi Province (Illustration)
2004-09-12A Detention Centre in Jiangxi Province force the detainees to make Christmas lights. The police compete with each other. They get bonuses based on the output of the detainees under their supervision. They force the detainees to work day and night until 1:00am or 2:00am on average, and even until 4:00am occasionally. The detainees start working at 5:30 am the next day.
Beijing Special Collection II: University Student Expelled for His Practice of Falun Gong Exposes the Persecution He Faced in Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2004-09-11Mr. Gong Chengxi, 25, was a former undergraduate student in his senior year, majoring in Administration and Management at the Changping College of the Beijing Politics and Law University. He was from Urumqi, Xinjiang Province. He had been an outstanding student at school who excelled both in academics and personal conduct. He was elected the student association president and the class leader. The school expelled him after the persecution started.
Death of Hebei Province Dafa Practitioner Mr. Ma Changbin in 2001 and Arrest of His Wife
2004-09-11Mr. Ma Changbin, 57 years old, was a retired worker who lived in Tangshan City, Hebei Province. He was illegally incarcerated in October 2000, and was released in February 2001. During the incarceration he was physically tortured and mentally tormented. Medical intervention failed to cure him and he died in May 2001. In May 2004, people from the "610 Office" arrested Ma Changbin's wife, Xu Ruilan, from home and sent her to the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp without following any legal proceedings.
59 year old Dafa Practitioner Mr. Fei Yinshan Dies From Mental Trauma under the Persecution
2004-09-11Dafa practitioner Mr. Fei Yinshan from Huangmei County, Hubei Province distributed truth clarification materials in the local area and was harassed by police. Fei Yinshan had congenital heart disease. He had a relapse precipitated by constant harassment and fright from the authorities, and died. After his death, Fei Yinshan's wife and mother cried and said, "The police station killed my Yinshan!"
25 Torture Methods Jiang Zemin's Criminal Regime Uses to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-09-11Hung up: There are two forms in this torture: (1) Normal Hanging Up: One is hung by a rope that is tied to the ceiling, with both feet off the ground. Those who have suffered from this kind of torture will feel numbness in their arms for several years. If tortured to a more severe extent, both arms will become crippled. (2) Being Hung up with Hands behind the Back: With both hands twisted behind the back and feet off the ground, one is hung with a rope. The pain is intense, and when used for prolonged periods of time, this torture may cause death.
Ministry of Public Security Plots Large-scale Secret Arrests of Practitioners
2004-09-11It has been learned that since July 20, the Ministry of Public Security has been plotting a new plan to mass-arrest Falun Gong practitioners nationwide. The arrests, however, are intended to be done in secret without publicizing the events as usual. In Anshan City, Liaoning Province, local authorities have been following practitioners, and have conducted secret arrests of anyone who practises Falun Gong. So far, over thirty practitioners have been arrested.
Shanxi Prison Claim Mr Liu Zhibin Dies from "Heart Attack" Yet Family Witness Torture Wounds On Body
2004-09-10Mr. Liu Zhibin, 50 years old, was a small business owner in Shanxi Province. He had been detained many times for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. In July 2002 he was sentenced to four years in prison and died in Shanxi Provincial Prison on July 20, 2004. His family was notified that he had died of a heart attack. But when his family saw his body, they found it covered with wounds. Handcuff marks were clearly visible on his wrists, as were many scars from electric batons and wounds from cruel beatings. In the end, prison officials tried to pay his family off with a sum of money.
Police in Henan Province Abort a 9-Month Foetus
2004-09-10Falun Dafa practitioner Song Zhenling from Henan Province and his wife Wang Guijin are both in their 30's. They have both been detained and tortured badly. When Ms Wang was pregnant, police inhumanely pressed down on her belly, forcing her 9 month old foetus to abort and killing the baby in the process. Ms. Wang was put under 24 hour a day monitoring by 4 policemen.
A Letter of Appeal for Zhou Mofang from His Wife
2004-09-10"My name is Mei Bilin; I am a teacher at the Forestry Technical College in Yunnan Province (formerly the Yunnan Forestry School). My husband Zhou Mofang is a Falun Dafa practitioner. On October 30 2002, he was abducted by plainclothes police officers from Guandu District. Later he was secretly sentenced to five years in jail, and he is now detained at the Yunnan Province No. 1 Prison."
Dafa Practitioner Mr Fu Jishun Dies After Police Raid on Home in Shanxi Province
2004-09-09Mr Fu Jishun, aged 63, was a retired employee of the Lingqiu County engineering team in Datong City. In 2000, he went to appeal for Falun Gong in Beijing, was arrested and sentenced to labour reeducation and held in a detention centre. When he was released he was repeatedly harrased and intimidated by police and his home was looted, because he continued to speak out for Falun Dafa. On April 24, 2004, police went to his home. He was found unconscious the next day and passed away on April 25. .
Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp Deprives Falun Gong Practitioners of Their Basic Human Rights (Photo)
2004-09-09The labour camp has a rule stating, "Each team has to go to the toilet together at night." If someone felt unwell and could not get up to accompany the group, the rest would not be allowed to go to the toilet either. Once at night, several practitioners had a fever caused by the persecution and could not get up. Even so, guard Zhang Xiaodan refused to let us use the toilet. The practitioner who needed to go to the toilet had to stand outside the toilet and wait. The ninth team guard made a rule for people to get up at 4:00 a.m. to go to the toilet together.
Practitioner Cheng Fengxiang Suffers the Torture of "Hammering Bamboo Sticks under the Fingernails"
2004-09-09Because of his involvement in tapping into a local cable TV station to broadcast a Dafa truth-clarifying video practitioner Cheng Fengxiang was arrested on January 28, 2004. The officials used torture on the practitioner during the interrogation. To find out the location of the specific electronic device, the head of the criminal police squadron tortured Cheng Fengxiang with "Hammering Bamboo Sticks under the Fingernails", which shocked even many police officers who witnessed the process.
The Appeal Letter of Ms. Wei Jianyu, a Lecturer at Fujian Institute of Technology
2004-09-09"I have never broken any laws, but because I have been practising Falun Gong and persisting in my belief in the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," I was detained illegally, my home was ransacked, and I was sentenced to prison and tortured. I have been living in a nightmare without having done anything wrong. Now I am filing a complaint about the persecution to the related departments. I appeal to your conscience and ask for an investigation so that a judgment in justice can be made."