Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Wang Shupei Persecuted by "610 Office" Staff to the Verge of Death in a Zhaoyuan City Brainwashing Centre
2004-05-04Dafa practitioner Wang Shupei, is a 46 year old woman living in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province. On February 25, 2004, Wang Shupei approached the Linglong Brainwashing Programme to explain the facts of the persecution of Falun Dafa to the director there, Ms. Song Shuqin, hoping that she would stop ordering persecution against Dafa Practitioners. Song Shuqin not only didn't listen to Wang, but also asked some guards to detain her in the brainwashing centre, and they also subjected Wang to brainwashing using force in order to get her to renounce her belief in Falun Dafa. This began a round of torture until she had to be admitted to a hospital for emergency treatment. She is currently on the verge of death.
Barbaric Acts at a Tianjin City Women's Forced Labour Camp
2004-05-04Because she steadfastly practised Falun Gong, over 50 year old Ms. Yan Shujun, was abducted by the Tianjin City Public Security Bureau in November 2000. Then she was unjustly sentenced to two and half years of forced labour. In the labour camp she was subjected to shocking with electric batons. Then guards confined Ms. Yan to a 1.6 ft x 1 ft x 5 ft wooden cage where the 5-foot-7-inch tall Ms. Yan was forced into a partially-crouched position, for 8 days. Afterwards she had significant muscular and skeletal problems.
The Suffering of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Haiqing in a Liaoning Province Forced Labour Camp
2004-05-04Mr. Wang Haiqing used to live in Fuxing City, Liaoning Province. Imprisoned in a labour camp the police threatened, "If anyone refuses to accept brainwashing, we'll push him out of a fourth floor window and tell the public he committed suicide." Undergoing these perpetual tortures, Mr. Wang's physical condition worsened, his arms and legs ceased to function, and his vision deteriorated. His distressed family requested that Mr Wang be released on medical grounds. Yet the camp refused claiming that after medical testing he had recovered. How could a patient who had almost lost the use of his eyes (as verified by hospital tests) and his limbs recover his health in a forced labour camp within several days?
The Repulsive Criminal Acts of Jilin Province Policeman Xu Shaobin
2004-05-04Ms. Zhu Lin was sentenced to re-education through forced labour for her belief in Falun Dafa. During her detention in the Nong'an Detention Centre in July 2003, she was cruelly tortured by policeman Xu Shaobin and many others. Ms. Zhu was burned from her breasts down to her lower abdominal area with cigarettes. The burn marks looked frightful. The following day, Xu unremorsefully and shamelessly went up to Ms. Zhu and asked her, "Do you hate me or not?"
After Her Daughter Chen Ying Was Killed, Ms. Chen Xiuling Was Kidnapped and Tortured in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp
2004-05-03"My name is Chen Xiuling, and I am 54 years old. I was a marketing director in Heilongjiang Province. My daughter Chen Ying, who is listed as the first among practitioners who were killed during the persecution, used to practise Falun Dafa with me. She was a good child. I was also arrested and sentenced to three years at Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp. Now I am still suffering a lot. Because of the persecution, I now have many illnesses all over my body."
Non-practitioner: My Sister Died as a Result of Persecution - In Memory of My Sister Li Xuelian on the 100th Day after Her Death
2004-05-03"It has been one hundred days since my sister died. Apart from the sorrow, I am full of indignation. My family members have been ruined or have died. However, those torturers, those guards, and those plunderers are communist party members, government functionaries, and officials. They claim Falun Gong practitioners are disturbing the public order, but my sister's case tells me that Jiang Zemin and his followers are genuinely jeopardizing the public order and destroying this country."
Additional Information About the Torture and Death of Shandong Province Dafa Practitioner Sun Xiucai
2004-05-03Ms. Sun Xiucai, aged 50, was a resident of Shandong Province. In December 2000, local police tortured Sun Xiucai after she was reported by a local villager and arrested for distributing truth-clarifying materials. Ms. Sun's wounds would not heal and she died less than one month later from the serious injuries sustained during the torture.
Dafa Practitioners Are Brutally Tortured at Tianjin City's Jianxin Forced Labour Camp
2004-05-03The Jianxin Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin City has been systematically persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, using extremely brutal, inhumane means. If practitioners refuse to write the "Three Statements" the guards threaten: "If you do not change your mind, what awaits you is only death, and your death will be counted as a natural death." Jiang Zemin and his followers refer to the brutal process of forcing people to give up their thoughts and belief as "transformation." This is the appalling truth of the so-called "transformation" we have witnessed.
The Suffering of Children in the Persecution of Falun Gong (Part 1)
2004-05-03The principal told Qian's parents to come to the school. Her mother came that afternoon. The principal asked her to write a pledge letter to guarantee that Liu Qian would stop practicing Falun Gong. The mother refused. "Falun Dafa teaches people to be good. It also gets rid of illnesses and improves one's health. My child suffered from a deadly illness. She practices Falun Gong and that brought her a new life. What is wrong with that? Why do you force us to lie?"
Remembering Ms Zhao Jinhua, the First Falun Gong Practitioner Tortured to Death in Police Custody
2004-05-02Ms. Zhao Jinhua was 42 years old and lived in Shandong Province. Police officers arrested her on September 27, 1999 for practising Falun Gong. Just ten days later, on October 7, 1999, they had tortured her to death. Ms. Zhao Jinhua was the first Falun Gong practitioner tortured to death in China, and her case caused strong repercussions around the world. Since July 1999, the Zhaoyuan City Committee, the city's "610 Office" (1) and the police department have adhered to Jiang's secret directives of, "No need to apply the law when dealing with Falun Gong," and "death of Falun Gong practitioners from beating is nothing and shall be counted as suicide," and to cruelly persecute Falun Gong practitioners in Zhaoyuan City.
Ms. Du Yuqing from Sichuan Province Dies as a Result of Torture
2004-05-0240-year-old Ms. Du Yuqing was from Sichuan Province. The police arrested her and ransacked her home in 2003 because she clarified the facts of Falun Gong to the public. They also threatened her family, causing a great mental burden on her husband, who passed away not long after. Their son was left behind with no one to take care of him. While in detention, Ms. Du suffered inhumane beatings. In May 2003, seeing she was dying, the police released her. After several months of suffering, she passed away around February 24, 2004.
Ms. Yang Junping Suffers Life-Threatening Disease as a Result of Persecution and Passes Away
2004-05-02Dafa practitioner Yang Junping, in her 30s, was a resident of Inner Mongolia. Before practising Falun Gong she was further diagnosed with cancer. She recovered completely after learning Falun Gong. Because she persisted in practising Falun Gong, in December 2001 police arrested and persecuted Yang Junping, causing her to have a relapse. In August 2002, Yang Junping passed away as a result of the persecution.
Jiang's Regime Persecuted Our Family and Caused My Husband's Death
2004-05-02"I am 66 years old, and am a resident of Henan Province. Because I practise Falun Gong police arrested me several times and then harassed my family. While I was in detention, the policemen broke into my home numerous times and frightened my family members with brutal threats. Due to all of this stress my husband suffered a serious illness. Nonetheless, the policemen continued to break into my home to harass him, even though he was bedridden. He passed away not long after. My sons and daughters were also persecuted because of my persistence in practising Falun Dafa. They were told that they would therefore have trouble with their future promotions and suffer economic losses if they refused to cooperate with the police."
UK: Falun Gong Practitioner Xie Weiguo: Zhu Yongjie's Situation is Very Worrying
2004-05-01In the UK, Falun Gong practitioners have collected over twenty thousand signatures appealing for the release of Zhu Yongjie, Zhu Baolian, He Jian and other UK practitioners’ family and friends persecuted and detained in China. In China there are many other practitioners like Zhu Yongjie who are investigated by the Ministry of State Security. Their situations are of great concern. Only when more people stand up for the end of this persecution,can the situation fundamentally improve.
82-year-old Former Sichuan Province Doctor Mr. Yang Yongshou Dies from Mental and Physical Pressure
2004-05-01For firmly refusing to give up his faith in Falun Dafa, Senior Doctor Yang Yongshou from Nanchong City, Sichuan Province was troubled multiple times by the government's suppression of Falun Dafa. At the end of September 2002, perpetrators from the Yingshan County "610 Office" put Doctor Yang under close surveillance, and withheld his salary. They saw Dr. Yang become very weak, but he still refused to give up his faith. Then they stopped paying his living cost for two months. Under both mental and physical pressure, he died on December 10, 2003 in the hospital. No one took care of his body until three days after he died.