Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Life of Falun Dafa Practitioner Tian Xiaofei in Grave Danger After Several Months of Torturous Forced-Feeding
2004-01-11His health is deteriorating from the torturous forced-feedings he endures four or five times each day. He has now become so emaciated that when his family came to visit him, he required the assistance of several people in order to walk. To cover up their crimes of torture, the prison administration now refuses all visitors, and has said they will not allow him any medical parole for treatment of his internal injuries until all of his internal organs are totally malfunctioning.
The Ongoing Brutal Persecution of Mother and Daughter From Handan City
2004-01-11Du Likun is now in custody and her mother Yang Fenglian is in a life-threatening situation due to the torture she is enduring at the brainwashing centre. It seems ironic that Jiang Zemin should declare this time to be China's best period for human rights ever, when a mother and her teenage daughter are being deprived of the basic rights of freedom and safety.
Chengdu City Factory Dismisses Worker to Force Him to Divorces His Falun Gong Practitioner Wife
2004-01-11They asked for my husband to come to the factory for a conference and announced that he was not allowed to come to work. They told him that he could not come back to work until he was divorced. They further told him that I would no longer be allowed to live in Factory 5701 after the divorce and if anyone found me in the factory, my husband would be charged with providing shelter for a criminal. Thus, so my husband and son could avoid "guilt by association," we were divorced, and a happy, harmonious family was broken apart.
How Liu Chengjun Was Tortured to Death in Jilin Prison (Photo)
2004-01-10Liu Chengjun, a 32-year-old man from Nongan County, Jilin Province, was one of the people in Changchun and Songyuan who broadcast programmes over China's state-run airwaves exposing the systematic cover-up of atrocities against Falun Gong practitioners arrested for tapping into cable TV networks, for which he was arrested. He was sentenced to 19 years in Jilin Prison. Liu was severely tortured in the prison and died at 4:30 in the morning of December 26, 2003.
Seventy-Year-Old Lady Passes Away in Sichuan Province Due to Long-Term Torture
2004-01-10While in detention, Liao was monitored around the clock. Every month she was forced to turn in 300 yuan in the name of so-called "food expenses," another 300 yuan in the name of an "administration fee" and "utility fee." Moreover, she had to pay 900 yuan to cover the so-called "room and board" for those who monitored her. With a small pension of 800 yuan per month, Liao was under tremendous financial burden.
New Facts Regarding Mr. Lu Bingshen's Death in Daqing Forced Labour Camp
2004-01-10New inside information reveals that Mr. Lu was sent to Daqing City People's Hospital on October 20th and died on October 21st. Mr. Lu's eyes were dilated and he was in a deep coma upon admission to the hospital. His ECG showed severe arrhythmia. Mr. Lu's legs were swollen with two blisters on the right coax joint and another on the sole of his foot. This is consistent with the intial report which stated that Mr. Lu was confined to an iron chair and electrically shocked at the forced labor camp.
Police at Chaoyang City Labour Camp Brutally Shock and Beat Dafa Practitioners
2004-01-10At Xidayingzi Beishan, Chaoyang City, there was a new building constructed at a cost of 3.7 million Yuan called the "Comprehensive Education and Reform Building," which is actually a brainwashing centre where the labour camp chiefs Yu Wanchi, JinYucheng, Cheng Hetian (assistant), and special division chief Qi Yongshun commit countless crimes....On October 22 and 23, 2003, police along with four prisoners took turns torturing and shocking practitioners with the excuse that they needed to "test the effectiveness of the new electric batons."
65-year-old Chengdu City Senior Engineer, Ms. Gu Chuanying, Dies as a Result of Torture
2004-01-09On May 23, 2003, perpetrators from Jianshelu Police Station abducted innocent 65 year old Dafa practitioner Ms. Gu Chuanying, from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province and sent her to the Chengdu City No. 1 Detention Centre. They tortured her mercilessly there, which led to her death of heart failure six months later. On July 11, 2003, the authorities in the detention centre told her family to take her home. She suffered for many months before her untimely death.
Two Dafa Practitioners Persecuted to Death and Others Disabled in the Jiaozhou City Brainwashing Class
2004-01-09Wang Qiang also incites hatred...Just like this, Wang Qiang utilised this type of vicious means to both mentally and physically torture practitioners. He deceived the family members of the practitioners in the brainwashing class, resulting in the break-up of many families. Wang Qiang also spread this torture method to neighbouring counties and cities. People said, "After I heard what Wang Qiang said about Falun Gong, I would unknowingly have hatred toward Falun Gong."
Additional Information on the Shameful Torture of Fushun City Dafa Practitioner
2004-01-09Yu suffered from a severe cerebral concussion and then he suffered mental breakdown as a result of being so horrifically tortured. In order to escape responsibility for Yu's physical and mental injuries, Qu Xiufeng, the detention centre chief, created a lie to cover his shameful crime by telling people, "Yu is a good person, we also treat him quite well. It's a pity that he went insane after practising Falun Gong and banged his own head against the heater." After committing such awful crimes against Falun Gong practitioners, the authorities shamelessly fabricate lies to cover up the truth of their involvement.
Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp Brutally Tortures Ms. Wan Shuying
2004-01-09On March 5, 2003, Division Leader Hong Wei brought Ms. Wan to a big room and forced her to write "Five Statements," which is a series of statements to further renouncing belief in Falun Dafa and even attempting to force her to write defamatory statements regarding her belief....Prison guard Hong Wei then came in and unlocked her handcuffs and ferociously said to her, "You could not bear it even if you were tough and strong."
Yu Guizhen Dies After Complete Mental Collapse Caused By Drug Torture
2004-01-08For refusing to renounce her belief in Falun Gong, 55-year-old female Falun Gong practitioner Yu Guizhen from Chengguan Town, Pingdu City, Shandong Province was sent to a mental hospital against her will. Officials from the local "610 Office" are responsible. Mental hospital staff injected her with drugs that (when improperly administered) destroy the central nervous system, which lead to psychosis and death.
59-Year-Old Sichuan Province Woman, Chen Guijun, Tortured to Death by Police (Photo)
2004-01-08Chen Guijun was a 59-year-old lady who lived in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province...Chen's family of five all practise Falun Gong and all her family members have been subjected to persecution to various degrees. In 2001, her husband Zhu Yu was arrested and detained in the Xinhua Labour Camp in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province. During his detention he was persecuted so badly that he almost lost his vision in both eyes.
Witness to the Crimes Committed at the Hebei Provincial Brainwashing Centre
2004-01-08Never believe the words that attack Dafa on the fabricated apology letters as shown on TV. They have deceived many people into believing that former Dafa practitioners are very regretful. But no one knows of the cruel reality behind each of the letters. Those words were written under extreme mental and physical torture and when one was forced to act against one's own will.
Severe Persecution Threatens The Lives of Three Hunan Province Dafa Practitioners
2004-01-08A so-called doctor punched and kicked her until her forehead was bruised and swollen and she eventually fell unconcious. She only awoke after being administered oxygen and emergency treatment. Her teeth were loose and her body was covered with bruises and swollen. She is very ill, vomitting and discharging blood as a result of being tortured by authorities and doctors.