Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • 2 Year -Old Incarcerated with Practitioner Mother in Hellish Zhengzhou City “Special Prison"

    Normally, people are incarcerated because they have committed a crime or broken the law, but Falun Dafa practitioners are illegally detained for upholding Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, practising their exercises, and being good people...This "special prison" is also holding a two-year-old child in detention, which is completely against the law... He was kidnapped while shopping with his mother and had committed no crime.
  • Grieving 13 Year-Old Son of Practitioners Left Alone, as Father Tortured to Death and Mother Incarcerated Forced Labour Camp

    How can a so-called civilised society, employ thugs in positions of power to tear apart a normal, stable family, and torture to death a father, send a mother to a forced labour camp, break a 13 year-old son’s heart, leaving him alone at home to look after himself, and to bear the weight of unbearable grief on his own?
  • Practitioners Stabbed With Needles and Other Brutalities in Daqing Forced Labour Camp

    The associate head of Division One, aptly called himself a devil from hell!.. They did not let the practitioner sleep and poured icy water on his body. Outrageously, they poured 200 basins of water over him without stop in the morning and 200 basins in the evening, as well as torturing him with other means both day and night for as long as 10 days.
  • Chatou Female Forced Labour Camp Incites Collaborators to Torment Dafa Practitioners

    At present, over 40 Dafa practitioners are still being illegally detained at the Chatou Female Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province. Among these detained practitioners, some were only verbally informed of their two-year sentences of labour education (without receiving any legal documents). Even though their terms have expired, the labour camp is completely flouting the justice system and still won't release them.
  • Practitioner Song Xingguo Dies From Torture and Force-feeding

    During his illegal detention Song Xingguo had the courage and determination to go on hunger strike for a whole year to protest. Why did he deny himself his basic human needs? Because the Jiang regime had denied him every possible human right that he should have been entitled to, and wanted total control over his body, mind and spirit. So he used his hunger strike as a means to show the evil authorities that they could never control his heart or mind. Yet, for this, the enraged abusers murdered him.
  • Heartless Cruelty of Police and Prisoners in Changlinzi Labour Camp

    You may wonder, why do these criminals treat the practitioners this harshly? Because Deputy Director Shi Changjing told them that for every practitioner they forcefully "transform" [renounce Falun Gong], the abusers' sentence would be reduced by a certain number of days. Shi Changjing also told them to torture practitioners to the extreme.
  • One Practitioner's Story of Abuse and Torture in Harbin Prison

    They beat on my forehead with their palms and called it "confusing me" which left me unable to remember the things that had happened before…They relished the unbearable pain they were causing me! They said the government (police) instructed them to do so. They told me, "If you die, the government said all we have to do is to provide a death certificate."
  • Cruelty of Beijing Police Leaves a Dafa Practitioner Paralyzed

    The policemen there used a form of water torture and poured large quantities of ice-cold water on him over a long period of time, causing him to incur serious disabilities. His muscles atrophied, he had nerve damage, he became incontinent, and he lost his voice due to vocal cord strain. After even more torture, he lost his memory, became paralyzed, and couldn't take care of himself.
  • Dafa Practitioner Arrested For Revealing the Truth About Slanderous CCTV Propaganda Programme

    He was kidnapped by Chinese officials and taken to the so-called "Law Education and Training Centre" in Hebei Province. The centre is nothing but a brainwashing centre in disguise. The centre used every way in order to forcibly brainwash him. Wang suffered four months of severe mental torture and anguish.. He frightened and panicked the authorities by clearly and succinctly exposing the lies broadcast by the programme.
  • Pengzhou City "610 Office" Kidnaps and Ruthlessly Tortures Falun Gong Practitioners

    In the detention centre, Liu Bangxiu was tied up so that his arms and legs were outstretched and then force-fed through a tube. The malicious authorities left the tube in him for an extended period of time, which led to the walls of his intestines sticking together….Every day an intravenous infusion maintains his life. Such a waste of a good man!
  • Hellish Beijing "Law Education Centre" Torments Dafa Practitioners

    A female practitioner continued to practise Falun Gong after being kidnapped by the police and taken to the centre. Five or six policemen fiercely beat her up. Even the gate guards secretly admitted that those policemen were acting like beasts. She would not give up her belief in Falun Gong, so the police poured cold water on her in the freezing weather. At midnight, the police brutally tortured her and people often heard her horrible and painful screaming.
  • Inside Story of the Atrocities Committed at the Shizishan Drug Rehabilitation Centre and Shayang Labour Camp

    Later, the police made us watch propaganda videos defaming Dafa and tried to force us to write "thoughts after watching" articles to defame Dafa. Those who refused to write the articles were not allowed to sleep. When the policemen tried to force me to write one, I refused and said loudly, "The cultivation of Dafa is completely voluntary and is never forced, yet you try and force me to write articles that attack Dafa. Isn't it clear who is good and who is evil?"
  • Elderly Falun Gong Practitioner Tortured to Death by Yushu City Public Security Bureau

    Mr. Huang Baochen suffered various kinds of demeaning and painful torture in the labour camp. He was beaten by the criminal inmates and was not even allowed to drink water. He was also forced to sit on a very tiny stool for days. In early November 2002..Mr. Huang was brought into the room on a stretcher. He was unable to recognise anyone and his whole body was swollen. His health was in a desperate condition
  • Atrocities Committed Against Female Practitioners in Notorious Masanjia Labour Camp

    I cannot begin to describe the extent of the pain that we endured. At that time, three Falun Dafa practitioners were all viciously electrocuted with electric batons by three police officers for a long period of time. At the same time that they electrocuted Liu Fengmei, they also lashed her with steel wires.
  • Please Help Rescue My Younger Sister Tao Yuefen (Photo)

    According to convention, the sentence date normally starts from the date of detention. But on the written judgment, Yuefen's sentence is scheduled to commence one month after her detention. It is absurd and ridiculous. Only because of three flyers, one good person has to suffer a nineteen-month long prison sentence.