Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
40 Dafa Practitioners Go Into Shock by Being Chained Together and Suspended from Ceiling in Baimacheng Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-19For the last few years, to make Falun Gong practitioners give up their belief in "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance," the Baimacheng Forced Labour Camp formed a special team, made up of officers from the Military Force, Special Branch and inmates, to carry out the persecution work. They have used a variety of techniques to severely punish the practitioners. In June 2002, another special team called the "Will Breaker" was formed for the same purpose. Their strategy was to break the will of practitioners.
Vicious Treatment of Female Dafa Practitioner by Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-19Ms Xu Yanxiang is now being brutally tortured in the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province. Her back and legs were severely burned by electric batons causing severe damage all the way to the layer of her muscle tissue. Even so, the police officers in the Gaoyang Labour Camp are still continuing this brutal persecution. They did not allow her to go to sleep for five days.
Female Doctor Practitioner Injected with Toxic Drugs in Huaihua City Mental Hospital
2003-09-18Each day they would inject her with 100 ml of Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride, and made her ingest unknown drugs for as long as half a year. As a result Ms. Huang suffered from oedema and had difficulty walking. Now she is still being persecuted in the mental hospital.
Additional Information on the Murder of Mr. Xi Zhimin At the Xinhua Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-18In order to cover up their crime, the police hypocritically sent the seven family members to an expensive hotel and restaurant, and closely "accompanied" them around the clock. At 9 that evening, police from the labour camp, labour camp subdivision and judicial bureau began a negotiation with the family members.
Threat From a Lawless Official, "The Party Has Plenty of Means At Its Disposal - We Could Say That You Went Insane from the Practice."
2003-09-18The official then said, "Let me tell you, if you are not going to write the letter, the Party has plenty of means at its disposal! The accident you had last winter where your motorcycle hit another person can be put on TV, and we could say that you went insane from practising Falun Gong and you were riding the motorcycle and purposely running over people."
Reduced to a Skeleton, Dafa Practitioner Dies form Torture at Mianyang Xinhua Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-17Mr. Zhang Xiaohong (also called Zhang Zhaohong), was a resident of Nanbu County, Sichuan Province, and was only 29 years old when he died. Because he clarified the truth of Dafa to people, he was illegally detained at the Mianyang Xinhua Forced Labour Camp and suffered endless torture. Because of the tortures, his weight dropped from over 60 kg to approximately 32 kg.
"Impact Torture" the likely Cause of Practitioner Ms. Zhao Dewen's Death at Tianjin City Banqiao Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-17While attempting to change her clothing, they discovered that blood was trickling out of a gaping wound under Zhao's armpit, that her back was black and blue, and that she was bleeding from her vagina. The police are known to use a most vile and evil method of torture: Four people lift the victim up by their limbs and then throw them down to the ground with great force. This "Impact Torture" regularly causes severe internal injuries and death.
Female Dafa Practitioner Hunger Strikes in Dabai Prison to Protest the Persecution
2003-09-17When sentenced, Sun was in such bad shape that she could not even sit up. She lay on a blanket and was lifted up with the help of others. Her voice was very weak. She was extremely skinny and only weighted about 66 lbs. On August 21, 2003 Sun Linghua was not able to walk, and was too weak to speak. She was taken to Dabei Prison in Shenyang City in an ambulance.
Additional Evidence of Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhao Yingqi Being Tortured to Death in Tangshan City (Photos)
2003-09-16The camp police told the public that Mr. Zhao died of "natural causes." But we can see that Zhao Yingqi's skull was collapsed, and there was missing flesh in his right rib area; there were two dark bruises on both sides of his hip area and the bruises extended to his back and neck. His eyes were open at his death, and his hands and nails were dark blue. On December 30, 2002, his was very thin in his abdomen area; later his body was injected with water so that he showed some "plumpness."
Case of "Blocking Traffic" in Panzhihua City
2003-09-16When the police vehicle arrived, the police used a camcorder to record the chaotic situation. The clothes of practitioner Zeng Jianjun were torn to pieces and he was pushed into the river. That day, the unlawful officers coordinated with many people, including the police, government officials and staff members from both Miyi County and Panzhihua City. They trapped the practitioners on the main road and then started the arrests.
Exposing the Lies Published About Practitioner Xu Chuanli in the "Laiwu Daily"
2003-09-16The false report stated: "The factory management and concerned organizations treated the task of the educational transformation (Editor's note: a euphemism for "brainwashing") of Xu Chuanli as their top priority political mission. They persuaded Xu patiently and with earnest words." In fact, this was a blatant violation of a citizen's freedom of belief.
The Persecution of Associate Forecasting Engineer Mr. Zhang Xuan in Huludao City's Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-16This is my experience in the forced labour camp. The police trampled laws openly, deprived my freedom, damaged my health, and broke apart my family. My father's eye disease got worse after the stress placed upon him because of my situation, and he now needs an operation.
Fearful of their Crimes Being Exposed, Panjin Police Cover up Practitioner Dafa Practitioner's Cause of Death
2003-09-15On July 12, 2003, Liu Dejun was tortured to death because he practised Falun Gong. Afterwards, many versions of the cause of his death circulated. Some said he died in the enforced-education school; others said he died in the Panjin City Detention Centre; some even claimed that he died in his home. Further reports all indicated that these stories originated from the mouths of the police.
Detained Dafa Practitioners Secretly Transferred to Different Prisons
2003-09-15Because Jiang Zemin, the chief criminal in the persecution of Falun Gong, was recently charged in lawsuits from several countries, and because Clearwisdom.net continues to expose the persecution that the nine practitioners have received, the corrupt officials hurriedly transferred some of the practitioners to different places.
Crimes Committed by Police at the Shanghai Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-15Police officer Xiang once commented at a meeting, "If any Falun Gong practitioners who gave up practising against their will want to come back to Dafa, the labour camp will strengthen persecutions measures to stop them."...The torture Dafa practitioner Mr. Hu Linggen suffered made his lower leg swell as big as his thigh. He has cigarettes burns on his neck and a hole in his forehead.