Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Tangshan Labour Camp Persecutes Zhao Huanzhen: Forced Sitting For Several Months Results in Severe Open Sores
2003-10-26After 4 months of abuse, Mr. Zhao became very weak and he needed two people to support him when he walked. He developed open sores around his rectum and he lost all feeling in his legs, indicating nerve damage. In early September, he could no longer urinate or defecate properly. He was unable to eat for 20 days and was in critical condition. On September 30, the guards requested medical treatment for him and quickly sent him back home.
Evil Deeds in Jiutai Forced Labour Camp -- Drilling Holes In Flesh With Plastic Pipes and Applying Salt & Pepper to Wounds
2003-10-25They shocked the practitioners with electric batons, burnt them with cigarettes, and drilled into their flesh in the underarms, thighs, and other soft areas of the body with the jagged edges of plastic pipes 6 centimeters in diameter. They then used toothbrushes to smear toothpaste, pepper, salt, and other substances onto the flesh. They also drilled into the chests of Mr. Liu Qinghua and Mr. Huang Yuedong, who remained firm in their beliefs despite the brutal and agonising torture.
Disabled Dafa Practitioner Receives Frenzied Beating in Jiutai Forced Labour Camp
2003-10-25On the morning of May 12th 2003, Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Xiangzuo who was illegally detained in the fourth major team of Jiutai Labour Camp, worked a little slower due to a physical handicap. As a result, policeman Li Xiaofei beat him in a frenzy until he was covered with blood and could no longer walk. When practitioner Jiang Jianfeng questioned the policeman about the beating, he was also beaten until he was no longer able to walk.
Brutal Torture Cases in Dalian Forced Labour Camp: Severe Sexual Abuse and Force-Feedings
2003-10-25If practitioners collapsed, the guards would bring pen and paper and ask the practitioners to write a so-called "promise letter" to give up Dafa. Some practitioners wrote the letter against their own will under such pressure. But once they realized what they had done, they wrote another letter to declare the previous letter null and void. The guards shouted that if the practitioners didn't write the "promise letter", they would remain in that bent-over position. That led to one practitioner's death and another being seriously injured.
Evidence for the Lawsuit Against Jiang: Dafa Practitioner's Experience in Beijing Forced Labour Camp (Part 3)
2003-10-25At Xinan Forced Labour Camp, these practitioners were imprisoned with a group of juveniles. These juveniles were between thirteen and eighteen years old. The police forced these juveniles to monitor the practitioners. They also separated the six practitioners and would not allow them to communicate or meet with each other. One time, a boy helped to pass a note between the practitioners and was caught by the police. The boy was shocked with an electric baton.
Pengzhou City "610 Office" Orders, "If They Die, Just Send Them For Cremation"
2003-10-25At the same time they beat practitioners and yelled, "This is your own statement. You wanted to die yourself, and you placed your fingerprints on the paper by yourself. If you die, it has nothing to do with our office, the government, or the hospital!" and quickly left. With them was a wicked woman who said, "You people can just go and die! Starving yourselves is the most painful way. You people can just slowly kill yourselves!"
Huge Psychological Pressure and Tremendous Physical Pain Sustained in Detention Pushes Ezhou City Dafa Practitioner to His Death
2003-10-24When Zhang Jiaying was sent home, his wife could not recognize him, other than from his voice. He could not take care of himself and could only crawl on the floor with support of his hands. She was utterly distressed at the deterioration of his condition. A good and once healthy man reduced to a state of disability
Delayed News: Jilin Province Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Zhuang Xincheng Tortured to Death for Possessing Falun Gong Books and Materials
2003-10-24However, until now, the report on Zhuang Xincheng's death has been kept at the police station and was never delivered to his family. A hole in his skull had caused suspicion among his family and friends. Until now, the official cause of Zhuang Xincheng's death is still under investigation.
The Abuse, Torment and Humiliation Suffered by Female Dafa Practitioner At Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp
2003-10-24These incidents are the exact manifestation of Jiang Zemin's policy of "defame their reputation, bankrupt them financially, destroy them physically" in his persecution of Falun Gong. Such deep pain is unimaginable, unless one personally experiences it. One will remember this for the rest of one's life.
A Jilin Province College Student's Testimony: "Police Tortured Me by Drilling Into My Leg Muscles With A Specially Cut Plastic Pipe, Exposing the Bone"
2003-10-24One day later, to extort the sources of the truth-clarification materials out of me, they moved me out of the detention centre to torture me. They also threatened to douse me in petrol and light me on fire, threatening to fabricate a charge against Falun Gong by saying that I committed self-immolation.
Delayed Report: Practitioner Mao Yanping Beaten to Death in Taiyuan City
2003-10-23Thirty-two-year-old Hou Lijun is a security guard at the Taiyuan City Industrial and Commercial Bank. He was arrested by policemen Yang Zhigang and Li Jingfeng from the police squad in October 2002 when he was printing truth-clarifying materials. A policeman in the Wanbolin Police Station confirmed Hou Lijun's detention. He said nobody was allowed to visit Hou. "We never allow anyone to visit the detainee in such cases. It doesn't matter who you call."
Practitioner Mr. Hua Haiyu Tortured in Daqing City Detention Centre Then Thrown Out to Die
2003-10-23After Hua Haiyu's death, some officials from the Materials and Equipment Company coerced his wife Piao Yufan to write a "guarantee statement"* to give up Dafa practice. Piao Yufan refused, so her work unit didn't allow her son and daughter-in-law to work. Piao Yufan was forced to leave home. As the result of the persecution, her son and daughter-in-law divorced. They had been caretakers for their grandmother, Piao Yufan's mother, who is in her 80's. She is now left uncared for. A family is now broken and destitute.
After Two Years of Struggle and Torment Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Chuanping Sadly Dies
2003-10-23Ms. Li Chuanping recently died, never recovering from the injuries sustained from torture in police captivity. The villainous Jiang Zemin group has broken and destroyed another happy family. A husband lost his wife and a son lost his mother. This is only the tip of an iceberg of the crimes the Jiang group has committed against Dafa practitioners.
Shock of Secret Trial: Dafa Practitioner Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison
2003-10-23He was recently "tried" again, this time in secret, and was sentenced to an outrageous sentence of 12 years in prison. All because the Jiang Zemin regime has outlawed a practice which has tremendous benefits to body, mind and spirit and follows Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance
Fourth Shanghai Dafa Practitioner to Die as a Result of Inhuman Torture
2003-10-22Li Weihong's mother and sister are both Falun Gong practitioners and both have also suffered harsh persecution. Her sister Li Weiling has been illegally sentenced to an eight-year prison term and is detained in Songjiang District Female Prison, Shanghai. Her 68-year-old mother was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labour and fortunately was recently released from the labour camp, not without severe toll to her health.