Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Disabled Man Who Lost Sight in Both Eyes Due to Persecution Wants to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice
2003-09-30My healthy body became very weak and I eventually lost my sight in both eyes. Due to my disability it was extremely difficult for me. However, when the "sensitive" days came, the policemen still came to my house often to harass me and brought great mental stress to my family members and me. During these four years, the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners conducted by Jiang Zemin's regime has been brutal. I'm accusing Jiang's political gang of inhuman persecution against Falun Dafa and Falun Dafa practitioners and I want to bring them to justice.
Inside Story: Shandong Elderly Female Falun Gong Practitioner Viciously Beaten to Death
2003-09-29They used isolation, intimidation, and lies to force her to abandon Dafa. The intense pressure drove her into total silence. For a long time, she spoke no words and showed no emotion. She ate little or nothing at all. She couldn't sleep at night. Sometimes she cried. Apparently, the forced brainwashing caused great mental trauma to Yu Lianchun.
Supplementary Information Regarding Zhang Changming Violently Tortured to Death in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-29Middle group leader Yang Jiantao who was on duty, and guard Liu Dian dragged Zhang Changming violently to the office. They handcuffed him to the heater and beat him terribly. It was very likely that he was beaten to death, rather than passing away after he was sent home on March 2. After he was beaten, he was sent to the hospital on March 1. The jail police lied to the Falun Gong practitioners detained by saying, "Zhang Changming was bailed out for his sickness." After their show of lies, there was a drastic shuffling around among policemen and guards.
Attempted Suffocation of Dafa Practitioners at Detention Centre in Jilin Province
2003-09-29The police arrested the couple Mr. Zhang Xiushan and Ms. Li Zhengfang, and left two of their parents both over 70 years old with the couple's five-year-old girl at home alone. Their living conditions are extremely difficult.
Retired Lady Teacher from the Beijing Medical School Is Tortured to Death
2003-09-28On the day when Wu was sent to the forced labour camp, she was tortured by vicious police officers because she refused to cooperate. Her lower back was badly hurt after police officers struck her there repeatedly with their elbows. She could not even stand up and was in a pitiful state. Ten days later, Wu died from the horrific torture. Her husband, Yang Zhanming, is still being detained at the forced labour camp.
On the Verge of Death from Torture, Stony Hearted Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp Still Refuses to Release Female Dafa Practitioner
2003-09-28Qiu Yuxia is so weak that she cannot care for herself. She has to be fed by others and carried to the toilet. The heartless camp policewoman, Chen Chunmei, still insists that Ms. Qiu is only pretending, and ordered her to go to work as usual. Since Ms. Qiu can't move, Chen orders four people to carry her to the garage and leave her lying there, and carry her back at night when they finish work. Qiu Yuxia's life is in grave danger.
Eyewitness Account of Persecution in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, and An Unforgettable Lesson Learned
2003-09-28In front of the new practitioners, the policemen put on an air of being very friendly and considerate. They used polite words to persuade practitioners to give up the practice of Falun Gong. They used both vicious and manipulative methods, feigning kindness, toward determined practitioners. They fully exploited those who cooperated and gave up their practice. When the newly detained practitioners gave in to them, the police and collaborators sent them to brainwash the determined practitioners.
Women Dafa Practitioners Tortured to Disability in No. 8 Women's Labour Camp,Guizhou Province
2003-09-28In order to fill the "Transformation Quota" 100%, both the men's centre and the women's centre of the No. 8 Labour Camp in Guizhou province formed "assault groups" which specifically terrorize Falun Dafa practitioners. The members of these groups are for the most part made up of drug users, prostitutes, etc. Under the police's instigation, and in order to decrease their own terms, these hired thugs used extremely indecent and impudent means to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The private parts of female Falun Dafa practitioners, including Xu Xueying, were lacerated by the hired persecutors and made to bleed and fester.
List of Wicked Persecutors at the Hefei City Public Security Bureau
2003-09-28Crime #1: police bring along floppy disks containing Dafa material, and seek opportunities to load the floppy onto practioners' computers. If there is none, the next step is to leave it in their homes, then use it as "evidence " to illegally seize the practitioners.
Rampant Torture Leads to Painful Death of Guizhou Province Dafa Practitioner
2003-09-27After long-term torture, Yang Yi could not even eat, yet the detention centre refused to release him. They did not send him to the hospital until November 15, 2001. At that time poor Yang Yi was reduced to skin and bones, he could not eat anything, and threw up whatever was fed to him, whether it was water or food. He sadly died that afternoon as a result of the torture.
Exposing the Horrible Crimes Against Practitioners at the Harbin Taiping Drug Rehabilitation Centre
2003-09-27The chief, Li Quanming, would walk toward the rooms and tell the inmates: "You can not beat them; instead, you should take care of them." Then he would ask the inmates to go outside and tell them a different story: "Beat them to death, using all your power. They will not be transformed if the beating is not strong enough." With this kind of pressure and luring rewards, the inmates were carefree when it came to torturing practitioners.
"Strait Jackets" used As Torture Instruments in Chinese Labour Camps
2003-09-27In April, the central "610" Office and the Chinese Justice Department held an onsite meeting in Hebei Province to begin an intensified mass conversion project with the code name "Spring Thunder."...During the meeting, the officials affirmed the use of the conversion, strait jackets for the entire Chinese labour camp system, and they were to be introduced in both Hebei and Sanxi Labour Camps.
Despicable Tactics Used In Baiyin City Brainwashing Centre
2003-09-27The evildoers in this the centre force practitioners to read materials that defame Dafa and to view Video CDs that slander Dafa in attempts to brainwash them. They force Dafa practitioners to memorize the content of defamatory posters on the wall. If the Dafa practitioners refuse to co-operate, they threaten that "they would use extreme measures.
Relentless Persecution Ruins the Lives of Zang Yinyun and His Family Members
2003-09-26In August 2002, policemen took him back from the labour camp and tried to send him to jail, torturing him in various ways to try to get him to incriminate himself...His wife, who is pregnant, has to take care of their child, who is in primary school, and their ageing parents. The policemen often go to harass and abuse them solely because the whole family practises Falun Gong.
Brutal Crimes Committed by Draconian Female Chief Team Officer in the Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp
2003-09-26Ms Zhang Xiaofang, the chief officer of the 7th Team in Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp, used very brutal and vicious means to torture Falun Gong practitioners. She has no sense of humanity and is utterly void of any conscience in her dealings with Dafa practitioners...One night, Zhang Xiaofang ordered a few police to drag Ms. Yang downstairs and tie her to a tree. Then Zhang started beating and swearing at her. The people in two buildings around the site were able to hear Yang's painful crying and Zhang Xiaofang's yelling.