Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
To Cover Up the Rape and Persecution of Ms. Wei Xingyan, Chongqing City's "610 Office" Illegally Abducts 40 More Dafa Practitioners
2003-07-04Those who persecuted Ms. Wei were terribly fearful of their crimes being discovered and tried hard to cover up the facts. Meanwhile, the guilty parties became even more evil and escalated their persecution of other practitioners and truth-clarifying materials sites. Recently more and more practitioners have been abducted.
A Concealed Crime: Investigation Report on the Vicious Rape and Persecution of a 28-Year-Old Graduate Student by police
2003-07-04On the evening of May 13, in a room at the detention centre, the police ordered two female inmates to strip off all of Wei's clothes. She cried out, "You have no right to treat me this way!" Then, a uniformed policeman entered, pushed Wei to the ground and raped her in front of the two other inmates. Wei Xingyan sternly warned the policeman, "I have noted your police badge number. You won't get away with this." After the assault, Wei started a hunger strike to protest. The police conducted force-feedings, injuring her trachea and oesophagus, which left her unable to speak.
Bloody Wounds Covered Dafa Practitioner's Entire Body Making Him Unrecognisable Even To His Wife
2003-07-04Facing Wang Baoxian, her husband for twenty years, she could not recognise him at all and could not believe her eyes! Wang Baoxian caught his wife's hand but could not speak. His distraught wife said, "Follow me back home!" He nodded. That night, his wife used a couple rolls of paper towels to clean the blood and wounds that covered Wang Baoxian's entire body, yet it was not enough.
Henan Province Family Ruthlessly Persecuted for Practising Falun Gong
2003-07-04To avoid further persecution, he stayed away from home from then on. His family was poor in the first place. His children were persecuted one after another because they also practised Falun Gong. Mr. Hao was forced to work at odd jobs in order to survive. After staying at a number of places, he settled on a farm in Inner Mongolia, and died in Karichu Village, Yili Township of Inner Mongolia.
Tragic Death Of Dafa Practitioner After Two Years of Torture in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2003-07-03In this horrific environment of the labour camp, he developed scabies all over his body and he could not take care of himself. He was later diagnosed with "adhesive pleural membrane" and was sent to the Wanjia Hospital [a forced labour camp hospital]. It was actually another round of persecution. In the hospital, the police forced him to squat on the floor while they poured water on him.
Further Details About Murder of Ms. Zhu Yinfang in Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp
2003-07-03Afterwards, the guards were afraid that their crimes would be exposed, so they threatened Zhu's family and workplace not to raise any complaints. Zhu's husband and daughter were not even allowed to see her body before it was hastily cremated. The police also sent out spies to monitor Zhu's family's home and telephone to make sure they did not try to seek justice for her murder.
The "610 Office" Headquarters Issues Command: Kill Dafa Practitioners at Will
2003-07-03It was reported that the "610 Office" headquarters in China issued a new rule to its nationwide affiliated "610 Offices" in early April of 2003. The new rule stated: In dealing with Falun Gong practitioners who are distributing Falun Gong materials or having a gathering, the "610 Office" members can shoot these practitioners without firing warning shots first if they resist arrest.
Relentless Persecution of Female Dafa Practitioner in Shijiazhang City
2003-07-03The officers forced her husband to the ground, beat and kicked him and hit him on the head. At first they used a broom handle, and later a mop handle. Then they poured cold water down his neck. The police yelled hysterically while the beating was going on, "We'll beat you until you don't know where you are. You wouldn't even know who beat you! If you end up dead, nobody would know who beat you to death."
Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp Orders Cause Dafa Practitioner to be Beaten to Death but Policeman Not Held Responsible for Murder
2003-07-02The four criminals who participated in the beating were all convicted and given sentences ranging from 7 to 20 years. The worst part is that policeman Gao Ke of the training team, who directly ordered the criminals to beat up the practitioners, has still not been charged for his part in directing the criminals to beat Sun Shizhong to death.
Inner Mongolia Police Wantonly Ransack Falun Dafa Practitioners Homes Forcing Them to Become Homeless
2003-07-02Policemen Song Xiaoyun and Gao, along with the Neighbourhood Committee Director, broke into the home of Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Hanxiang (inside the Zhongfa Cereal and Oil Store) on the afternoon of June 12, 2003, without a search warrant. They searched her body and ransacked her home. Two other practitioners managed to escape. Practitioner Lü Hengyou and his child were arrested while shopping at the store, and have not been heard from since.
Innocent Mudanjiang City Practitioner Once Again Sentenced to Forced Labour
2003-07-02One day, there was a "reform meeting." Li Qiliang firmly refused to go there, so he was carried to the site by force. When he was resisting the persecution and shouting, "Dafa is good," the inhuman guards choked his throat and covered his mouth, and carried him out of the meeting place to beat him further. Just because he refused to give up his belief and did not compromise, the guards claimed that he had a mental disease and sent him to a mental hospital
Brother and Sister Tortured to Death: Entire Family Subjected to Unimaginable Suffering in Heilongjiang Province
2003-07-01Jia Dongmei and her sister Jia Qiumei spent four Chinese New Years away from home. Her nine-year-old son lost his mother, and Ren Xingqin forever lost her beloved daughter. Jia Dongmei's mother and sister went to the police department to ask for justice. They demanded the release of Jia Yongcun, Jia Dongmei's eldest brother. The indifferent head of the police department said the provincial government made the rules, so Jia Yongcun could not be released.
Dafa Practitioner's Body Broken Due to Torture in Laixi Prison and Passed Away
2003-07-01Policeman Shen Tao of the Laixi City National Security Section, together with members of the Yuanshang Town Police Station, took Shi Hongjie from his home. The police also searched his house and confiscated many items he owned, including all of his Falun Dafa books and literature. Shi Hongjie was locked in an iron cage for a day and a night by the officers of the Yuanshang Police Station. Then, he was sent to Laixi Prison. Policeman Shen Tao took all the money from Shi's pockets.
Shihezi Forced Labour Camp Causes Wrongful Death of Dafa Practitioner
2003-07-01Yet another tragic death due to unjust and senseless persecution. Again the Jiang regime sentences innocent practitioners to unimaginable suffering, incarcerated in environments unfit for humans, treated worse than animals, solely for practising Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance.
Horrors of Tianjin's Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp
2003-07-01At that time my legs, chest, and hands were infected, but the camp still forced us to perform slave labour. Camp police arranged for me to pack chopsticks into paper envelopes or make vegetarian shish kebabs. In the food processing plant, many detained practitioners got scabies, and some even had yellowish pus oozing out of the blisters on their fingers. Without the use of gloves, the pus contaminated the food and the chopsticks.