Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Bogus Confessions Extorted Through Torture and Imprisonment by Police
2003-06-24He was tortured until he lost consciousness and his life was in danger. Han confessed under this horrific persecution and at the edge of unconsciousness. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He is currently jailed at Dengta Prison. In addition, when Han was arrested in Beijing, he had 1,700 Yuan cash and a mobile phone on him which were taken by the police. The car Han had purchased with a fellow practitioner Han Kai, with an estimated value of 70,000 Yuan, was unjustly confiscated by Sun Lizhong (Head of Political Security Office) and Yang Dongsheng (clerk).
Court Forces a Divorce, Tearing Apart a Falun Dafa Practitioner's Family
2003-06-24Some officials then tried to pressure him to divorce me. I did not consent, but the judge said, "I'll rule in favour of a divorce if you continue to practise Falun Gong!" I responded that nowhere in the constitution does it say that practising Falun Gong is grounds for a divorce. The court refused my appeal and said they were informed that they must rule in favour of divorce if someone practises Falun Gong. Because of the unjust persecution of Falun Gong our happy family was torn apart and my son and I suffered a great deal.
Xiangcheng City Police Use A Tragic Murder to Slander Falun Gong
2003-06-24After looking at the scene a police officer asked: "Did your eldest son practise Falun Gong?" Liu Zhixin replied: "My eldest son has never practised any Qigong". The police said: "Just claim that he did practise, otherwise we won't take care of your family's case". Liu Zhixin said: "Regardless of whether you take care of it or not, I just cannot tell lies to mislead people". But in order to deceive people and slander Falun Gong, police still spread the lie that "Liu Zhixin's eldest son became psychotic and killed people because of practising Falun Gong".
Three Days of Agonising Pain After Release from Detention, Chengdu City Woman Dafa Practitioner Passes Away
2003-06-23After her term expired in the afternoon of April 22, "610 Office" personnel sent her to the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre, where she was brutally beaten and tortured. When seeing that Liu was on verge of death, the greedy thugs extorted 1,000 Yuan from her family before they released her. On May 23, the wife of a local Party secretary and two other people picked her up. She was barefoot, her whole body ached and her head was swollen. Her chest was black and blue, and her stomach was swollen. She was a pitiful sight.
Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp Responsible for the Death of Lady Practitioner
2003-06-23This female practitioner risked her life to tell people the facts about Falun Gong and the unjust persecution. She felt it was her moral duty to expose the lies and propaganda that the wicked Jiang regime has disseminated to the unsuspecting Chinese public, corrupting them against Falun Gong. Sadly, she lost her life as a result of this courageous act.
In Memory of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yin Ling
2003-06-23Whenever I heard the guards turn on a loudspeaker to the unbearable maximum volume, I knew they were persecuting her by force-feeding. For quite a long time it had been impossible to put a tube to force-feed her because of the injuries in her nose, oesophagus and stomach, so the thugs cuffed her on a bed and let some people pull her hair and pinch her nose and cheek so that they could pour highly salted rice soup into her mouth. Every time they "fed" her that way for more than an hour.
Vile Acts against Guangdong Province Female Practitioner Doctor
2003-06-23After learning of her tragedy, her sister, who lives in the United States, came to China to see her. At first, the labour camp did not allow her sister to see her. Later they changed their mind and allowed the visit. After her sister returned to the U.S., she wrote to the labour camp, warning them that she would expose their crimes to the international community if they continued persecuting her sister. Afterwards, the labour camp lessened their persecution a little bit, but Su Mei's current situation is not clear.
Sudden Death of Three Falun Gong Practitioners in the Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City (Photo)
2003-06-22Her family members saw the shocking bruises on her body and the big bump on her head from severe beating and demanded that the department concerned and the labour camp provide explanations for her death, but all their requests were stalled with vague answers. Consequently, Guan Ge's body was hastily cremated without any proper procedure.
Chongqing University Removed and Changed Specific Information in Its Website To Conceal Rape Case
2003-06-22In order to conceal a very depraved case of a female postgraduate student being raped by the policeman in public, Chongqing University went so far as to delete the speciality of "High-voltage Transmission Power" from its website and then claimed that there was no such a student. The university has really gone too far by taking these actions.
Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp Maim Falun Gong Practitioners and Torture them to Death
2003-06-22The camp conducted a frenzied persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. Miserable cries from practitioners and the sound of electric shocks were heard throughout the camp all day long. The camp's Director Meng, Management Section Chief, Zheng Hailing, Education Team Instructor Gao Ke, Logistics Section Chief Lin, secretary Zhao Jiusheng, Police Team Leader Zhao Fengshan, Guo Yiping and Tang Bo were all malicious and used cruel methods to torture practitioners.
Dafa Practitioners Father and Son Subjected to Unwarranted Persecution in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
2003-06-22During the brainwash sessions, the police forced them to read literature that slandered Dafa and forced them to practise another type of Qigong. They also compelled them to follow the orders "from above" to slander Falun Gong, and put them under duress to get the practitioners to write the "Guarantee Letter," "Letter of Regret," saying that they will give up practising Falun Gong. Since the two men refused to co-operate with the evildoers, they, together with several other practitioners, were sent to a detention centre and imprisoned with common criminal offenders.
Exposing the Murder of Dafa Practitioner Wang Kemin by Daqing City Police (photos)
2003-06-21The police used all sorts of torture on him for six nights and days. Wang Kemin's body was severely injured, but through his righteous belief in Master and Dafa, he recovered. The deputy chief of Sa District Security Team said, "If Wang Kemin goes on a hunger strike this time, we will kill him. If he runs away, we will shoot to kill." In the end, through the help of other practitioners and his righteous belief and righteous thoughts, Wang Kemin again successfully escaped.
University Lecturers in Heilongjiang Province Are Subjected to Scandalous Ill-Treatment for Practising Falun Gong
2003-06-21On April 27, 2002, he was arrested again by people from Jixi's "610 Office" for solely downloading articles from the Minghui net (a Chinese Falun Dafa website). Currently, he is being incarcerated at the Jixi Forced Labour Camp without a trial. According to inside sources, Wei Xiaodong suffers from TB brought on by the severe persecution. He is extremely thin and weak, and has also lost almost all his hair. The labour camp did not allow proper treatment, and the university callously fired him.
Atrocities Committed at the Yinmahe Labour Camp
2003-06-21Practitioner Jiang Guilin from Jilin Province had a heartbeat of 260 beats per minute, but the authorities still refused to release him, and still forced him to do hard labour. It was learned that recently six Dafa practitioners attempted to escape while performing labour, but they didn't succeed. After they were caught and sent back, their sentences were extended, and they received barbaric electric shock torture.
Shahekou District Court Secretly Deciding On Sentences for Dafa Practitioners Before Sham Trial
2003-06-21We hear that the Shahekou District Court of Dalian City is secretly planning an illegal trial for Qu Bin and Wang Dawei. We have heard that their sentences have already been decided. Although their family members can hire lawyers, the lawyer is only allowed to enter a guilty plea. All the evidence is fabricated, and the police have forced the practitioners to sign confessions under the cruelest torture. The court will hand down a decision of "guilty" based upon these coerced confessions.