Other News, Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • New Chief of Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp Applied Pressure to Intensify the Persecution

    Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City is one of the principal camps where the Chinese Communist Party persecutes Falun Gong practitioners. For a long time practitioners have been subjected to inhumane tortures in this camp. Particularly when the new warden, Zheng Yunfeng, arrived, he used "restructuring" as an excuse to apply pressure to all the guards to make them intensify the persecution of practitioners. When the new warden arrived, the forced labour hours were extended, and inmates must now work from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Those that refuse to work or are unable to finish their quotas are labelled "not-reformed" and their jail terms are extended. Practitioners are prohibited from talking arbitrarily or moving about, and they are only allowed to use the toilet at designated times.
  • Mr. Liu Yizhi and Ms. Bai Hongzhen in Prison Since October

    On the morning of August 6th, 2008, practitioners Mr. Liu Yizhi and Ms. Bai Hongzhen were tried in the Xunyang District Court in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. When their family members arrived at the court hearing, they were searched. The trial lasted less than an hour, and the families heard no news of a verdict until November 1st. Mr. Liu phoned home to inform his family that he had been secretly sentenced to two years in prison. Ms. Bai was sentenced to five years.
  • Mr. Jin Lilin Serving Seven-Year Sentence--Wife Passed Away after Struggling Alone for Years

    On the morning of December 22nd, 2008, the wife of Mr. Jin Jilin, a resident of Jinjiaya Village, Yuzhong County, Lanzhou City in Gansu Province, passed away after struggling alone for years, trying to raise their family. The children were severely traumatized by their mother's death, and with the grandmother lying sick in bed, the children have no one to turn to. Those who know the family's situation are moved to tears. In September 2000, police ransacked Mr. Jin's home and arrested him. He was later sentenced to one year of forced labour. In May 2002, he was arrested and detained by police and sentenced to ten years in prison.
  • Recounting the Persecution at No. 2 Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province

    The guards at Shandong Province No. 2 Women's Forced Labour Camp used different methods to persecute practitioners. Some were physically punished by being forced to stand facing a wall from day to night. They were not allowed to move or sleep in order to overtire their minds and bodies. Some guards took advantage of practitioners' kindness to lie to them. Because the practitioners were frightened, they mistook the guards' words and persecutory acts as beneficial to them. Some guards used family, social relations, the threat of divorce or getting fired from a job, and other means to pressure practitioners to make the wrong decision. The guards also used people who had been "transformed" to deceive practitioners with deviated logic.
  • Well-known Oil Painter and Falun Gong Practitioner Fan Yiming Still Detained in Beijing

    The well-known oil painter, Falun Gong practitioner Fan Yiming is still being detained in Beijing. In August 2008, he was arrested and sent to the Beijing Labour Camp Dispatch Division. According to practitioners who have been held there, this facility is notorious for the police atrocities that take place there. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used the excuse of getting ready for the Olympics to conduct mass arrests of Falun Gong practitioners throughout 2008 and Fan Yiming was arrested in this round of persecution.
  • Elderly Rice Specialist Mr. Yu Liangbin from Heilongjiang Agriculture Science Institute Brutally Beaten in Daqing Prison

    Mr. Yu Liangbin is over 70 years old and is a steadfast Falun Gong practitioner. He was arrested in October 2006 in Suihua City, Helongjiang Province. Mr. Yu Liangbin was sentenced to three years in jail in 2007 and is currently in Daqing Prison. Prison authorities have turned down all requests for family visits, using the excuse that Mr. Yu refuses to give up his belief in Falun Gong. In October 2008, he wrote an appeal letter to the provincial procurator's house, but the letter was intercepted by the division head, Li Weinan. Li Weinan was very annoyed after reading the appeal letter. In a fit of anger and for revenge, he viciously hit Mr. Yu in the face with such force that he actually broke many of Mr. Yu's teeth.
  • Facts about the Persecution of Ms. Ji Yunzhi in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

    In 2001, Ms. Ji Yunzhi was tortured in the Tumuji Women's Forced Labour Camp until she became disabled. As a "security precaution" during the 2008 Olympics, she was arrested and taken to a forced labour camp, where she was nearly tortured to death. When she went on a hunger strike without water to protest her treatment, the guards brutally force-fed her until she choked. She was taken to hospital. Hospital Department Chair Li Qifang threatened Ms. Ji, "We have many other methods to force-feed you, including nose tubes and jaw openers. If you die here, your family will never know how you died."
  • Police Repeatedly Arrest 60-Year-Old Mr. Zhang Shixiang from Jianyang City, Sichuan Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Shixiang is more than 60 years old. Over the past few years, he has been jailed many times and forced to become homeless in order to avoid further persecution. On November 4th, 2008, more than ten policemen from the National Security Group of Jianyang City arrested him. He is currently detained in the Jianyang City Detention Centre.
  • Ms. Xu Chunmei Dies as a Result of Persecution in Heilongjiang Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu Chunmei, 55, went out to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and police detained her in the Anda City Detention Centre. Ms. Xu became very weak, and started to pass blood in her urine. She endured extreme mental pressure and physical mistreatment. On July 25th, 2008, Ms. Xu was released, but was fined 10,000 yuan. The Anda City Detention Centre kept calling her to come in and report her situation. She was very worried of being brutally mistreated again. She developed blood in her urine, and her heart, lungs, and kidneys were all failing. She died on December 7th, 2008.
  • Cruel Torture in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp: Brainwashing with "Stew the Eagle" and Electric Shocking in Water Dungeon

    Mr. Zou Songtao was tortured to death in Wangcun Labour Camp through shocking him with a dozen high voltage electric batons. In the beginning of 2001, guards in Shandong Province labour camps deprived practitioners their right to sleep unless they accepted the brainwashing. They call the method "Stew the Eagles". Under such cruel brainwashing, some practitioners could not bear the sleepiness, turned away from Falun Gong, became collaborators, and in turn, started brainwashing other firm practitioners. Guards also locked practitioners in a water dungeon around the clock and ran a low electricity current in the water to shock them.
  • Guards in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp Cruelly Tortured Me

    To try to force me to give up cultivating Falun Gong, the guards used all sorts of torture means. I remained handcuffed 24 hours per day for 141 days, until December 2000. I was detained in a 40-square-foot cell with a coffin-shaped bed. I was cuffed onto the metal gate and forced to stand holding the gate for 79 days. They did not allow me to sleep for the first ten days. If I closed my eyes, the guards would punch me, beat me, or curse me. By the tenth day, I could not bear such inhuman torture. I requested that they let me sleep during the night. Just because I dared to raise such a request, more than a dozen guards, each holding an electric baton, shocked me for the whole morning.
  • Recent Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Deyang Prison, Sichuan Province

    Here are some specific methods of brutality used in Deyang Prison: Beating the hands with bamboo strips, mouth beaten with bamboo flake, sealing the mouth with tape, binding hands with cloth strips, choking of the neck, pinching legs, burning hands with cigarette butts, beating the face with broom handle and plastic shoe, beating the soles of the feet with broom handle, covering the head with the practitioner's trousers, covering the practitioner's head with an inmate's trousers, beating with fists. In July, there were three inmates who beat the practitioners on 25 occasions.
  • Older Practitioners Ms. Jiang Xianyi and Mr. Wang Peiming Died under Persecution in Guangdong Province

    Ms. Jiang Xianyi, 58, was arrested while distributing leaflets informing people about the persecution of Falun Gong and detained in Tongle Village Detention Centre. She went on hunger strike to protest, was injured severely by force-feeding, which resulted in her having difficulty eating, and she could not stop coughing. She refused to accept the brainwashing, and was then sentenced to three years of forced labour at Sahnshui Women's Labour Camp. In August 2008, Ms. Jiang Xianyi was emaciated, weighing only about 70 pounds, and coughing non-stop and so the labour camp released her. Less then six months after returning home, she was take to the hospital on December 31st, 2008, and died on January 2nd, 2009.
  • Judges in Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City Trample on Justice

    Ms. Cheng Zhengping, a Falun Gong practitioner, was secretly tried and sentenced to prison. On November 16th, her youngest daughter and lawyer Li Subin went to the court for a second time to ask for the sentencing document, and showed Judge Ren Yuan and Chief Judge Ma the Chinese Constitution. The two judges conferred, but refused to show them the sentencing document. Lawyer Li insisted, and Judge Ren said, "I'm not going to show you the paper. Who knows if you are a real lawyer or not? Where is the proof?" Li was visibly upset and said, "How can officers of the court act like this? How can you possibly be judges?"
  • Mr. Wang Xinchun Again Arrested and Tortured for 72 Hours After Being Crippled from Persecution (Graphic Photo)

    On December 8th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Xinchun was arrested by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) again. Mr. Wang lost his feet and became crippled from the last time he was arrested. The police tortured Mr. Wang for 72 hours, and his face was deformed and his wrist was injured in four places. After Mr. Wang was released home, the police closely monitored him around the clock, disrupting his family life. Wang Xinchun was arrested in July 2005, April 2006, December 2006 and March 2008. He was cruelly beaten and tortured each time.