Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Details of Mr. Ji Yongshi's Persecution by the Mengyin County Police
2008-10-18Mr. Ji Yongshi, 37, went to Beijing in 2000 to appeal for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong. He was arrested by police and sentenced to three years of forced labour. In August 2008 he was arrested again. Due to Mr. Ji's refusal to cooperate with the police, Qi Zhaohai and three other police officers punched and kicked him. Then one of them twisted his arm behind his back and pulled it up. Another policeman grabbed his hair and banged his head against the wall, causing his head to bleed severely and his face to turn purple. Mr. Ji's upper torso was covered with bruises and wounds. His father, Mr. Ji Liping, tried to approach the police but was unable to help stop the violence.
The Impact of the Persecution on Self-Employed People from Longkou City in Shandong Province
2008-10-18On the evening of July 5th, 2008, 30 police officers from the Domestic Security Brigade in Longkou City in Shandong Province arrested Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Guo Weidong and Ms. Luan Kefen, a married couple. They have been detained at Zhangjiagou Detention Centre to this day and are undergoing torture. Both are self-employed and in the retail business and since their arrest couldn't carry on with their family business. Ms. Luan's mother was terrified after her daughter was arrested and ended up being hospitalized, which further added to the stress on Luan's family.
Ms. He Xianggu Still Detained in a Mental Hospital
2008-10-18Falun Gong practitioner Ms. He Xianggu has been detained in Hunan Provincial Brain Hospital (the provincial mental hospital) since July 2008. She was sent there by her employer, Hunan Women and Children's Hospital. Hospital officials have been evasive about her case, and she is still in detention. She was detained in a special ward and watched around the clock by two designated persons who were each paid 1,800 yuan per month. Ms. He Xianggu was sent to a mental hospital twice before by her employer. She was injected with drugs that damage the brain and nervous system.
Ms. Cheng Yanshuang and Her Young Daughter Forced into Homelessness
2008-10-18On July 29th, 2008, police broke into the home of Ms. Cheng Yanshuang, a Falun Gong practitioner in Yin'gezhuang Village. They pried open the gate to her yard and the door to her house and then ransacked the whole house. At that time, Ms. Cheng's husband and son were not at home. The police took away Ms. Cheng, her four-year-old daughter, 1000 yuan in cash and valuables. The mother and daughter were sent to a brainwashing class. On the morning of July 30th, Ms. Cheng Yanshuang and her daughter managed to walk away from the brainwashing class. They were forced to become homeless and destitute in order to avoid being arrested at home again.
Eleven Practitioners Sentenced to Prison in Sichuan Province
2008-10-17On October 10th, 2008, the Wuhou District Court in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province held the second part of an open trial to sentence eleven Falun Gong practitioners, including Ms. Zhong Fangqiong. The families of the practitioners were blocked from entering the courtroom. Ms. Zhong was sentenced to seven years in prison, Mr. Liu Jia and Ms. Mao Kun each to five and a half years, Mr. Jiang Zonglin and Mr. Liu Bangcheng (72 years old) each to five years, Mr. Zhu Renbin, Mr. Ding Zeyang (retired professor from Sichuan University), and Ms. Jiang Hongyuan each to four years, Ms. Mao Qi, Ms. Qin Min and Ms. Che Shikun each to three years. Practitioners shouted "Falun Gong is good" when they exited the court. The guards beat them after dragging them out to avoid being video recorded by cameras.
Atrocities at Erdaopeng Brainwashing Centre in the Jianghan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
2008-10-17In October 2007, practitioner Ms. Liu Yuejing, over 60, was distributing informational materials that explained the truth about Falun Gong when the police arrested her and took her to Erdaopeng Brainwashing Centre. She was inhumanly tortured. She was forced to stand during the daytime inside a circle drawn with a piece chalk. Outside the circle were slogans that slandered Falun Gong. The guards pasted slanderous notes on her clothes and beat her if she removed them. She wasn't allowed to sleep at night. The guards once broke Ms. Liu's finger when she tried to take down the slanderous slogans. She almost fainted from the pain, but the guards still didn't release her. The torture was unbearable.
The Persecution Faced by Ms. Zhang Xiangling in Yongnian County, Hebei Province
2008-10-17Ms. Zhang Xiangling is a Falun Gong practitioner. Around 10:00 pm on August 19th, 2008, agents from the Domestic Security Guard and seven or eight policemen from the Fudong Police Substation broke into the home Ms. Zhang was renting. They did so without any warrant and ransacked her home. They later detained her at the Handan City Detention Centre, where she remains to this day. The persecution brought Ms. Zhang's family great pain as well.
Mr. You Quanming and Ms. Xiao Danfeng Sentenced in Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province
2008-10-17Not long after the Olympics ended, Falun Gong practitioner You Quanming and his wife, Ms. Xiao Danfeng were sentenced to three and five years respectively. They were taken to Kunming, though the exact location is unknown. Their daughter, You Xuechun, wanted to visit them during her summer vacation but authorities denied her request. They have both been previously persecuted for appealing for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong.
Ms. Zhang Chunhe in Serious Condition, but Police in Zengcheng City, Guangdong Province Still Intend to Send Her to Prison
2008-10-16Ms. Zhang Chunhe has been detained in the Zengcheng Detention Centre for two months. Although the authorities are well aware that Ms. Zhang has a life-threatening illness and is in serious condition, they refuse to release her and have filed charges against her. The physical exam in the detention centre showed that Ms. Zhang Chunhe had tumours and her body was swollen with oedema. She was in such bad condition that six people had to carry her to the detention cell. Ms. Zhang's family has made repeated requests for her release. The agents from the 610 Office continue to reject their requests. Furthermore, the agents threatened to arrest her family.
Wang Naifang from Fushun City Severely Tortured
2008-10-16At 10:30 p.m. on June 28th, 2008, over ten local police officers from the Qingyuan County Police Station were dispatched in two vehicles. Under the guise of an inspection of the labour dormitory, the police broke into Falun Gong practitioner Wang Naifang's residence and arrested him and his son. On June 29th, police beat Wang Naifang until his spine and right leg were injured. Now, Mr. Wang has lower back pain and has difficulty moving his right leg. On July 31st, the injury to the spine was confirmed with a CT scan at the Third Hospital of Fushun City.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Officials Ignore Disease Outbreaks, Concentrate Instead on Persecuting Falun Gong
2008-10-16Recently serious epidemics have spread in Qian'an City, Hebei Province. Hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) is one of them. At least one child in a village has died. As of now, neither the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government officials nor the schoolteachers are taking any action of prevention or filing any reports about the epidemic. In the face of such serious epidemic situations, the CCP officials ignore people's lives while continuing to spare no effort in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, who are kind people. On September 24th, police broke through the steel security door of practitioner Ms. Liang Xiulan's home and intruded inside. Four policemen arrested her and forcefully took her away to a detention centre.
A 35-year-old Woman in Precarious Health After Only Five Days in Detention
2008-10-16On July 19th, 2008 police arrested practitioner Ms. Cui Junfang, her daughter, and her mother because they practise Falun Gong. During the five days Ms. Cui was in detention, she lost a tremendous amount of weight. Only after her family paid the police 5000 yuan was she released and allowed to return home on July 24th -- looking gaunt and skeletal after suffering so much abuse.
Details of the Persecution of Mr. Zhao Shifeng and Mr. Huang Tiebo in Heilongjiang Province
2008-10-15Mr. Zhao Shifeng, 36, was sentenced to five years of imprisonment and is currently being held in Daqing Prison. In detention police inhumanly tortured Mr. Zhao. Four or five of them punched and kicked him and then used electric batons to shock him. Several officers held Mr. Zhao to the floor and forcibly pulled his legs in opposite directions, injuring him to the point where he is now unable to stand up. After the repeated torture, Mr. Zhao had difficulty moving, had a dull look in his eyes, his mouth watered, his nose kept running, and his clothes were soaked in sweat. They didn't stop torturing him until he no longer reacted when they shocked his face and burned his eyes with cigarette butts. They then carried him to a sofa and handcuffed him to a radiator.
A 68-Year-Old Woman Is Detained, Tortured, and Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
2008-10-15Ms. Tang Liwen, a 68-year old practitioner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, was arrested by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel nine months ago. Her health and mental state have been devastated. A few days ago, she was sentenced to seven years in prison and taken to the Hohhot City Women's Prison on September 26th, 2008. Ms. Tang was brutally tortured during the nine months she was in jail. The guards used various torture methods to try to obtain the password to her computer. They made her carry a large board on her back and handcuffed her to a steel pipe so that she couldn't stand or sit. She had to keep her back bent for many days. She was denied food. The guards force-fed her with a concentrated salt water solution and unknown substances.
Ms. Ding Zhenfang Tortured; Prison Authorities Keep Her Family from Seeing Her
2008-10-15Ms. Ding Zhenfang was transferred from the Yaojia Detention Centre in Dalian City, Liaoning Province, on July 9th, 2008, but her family was not informed of her whereabouts. They made phone calls to ask where she is, but the authorities in the detention centre replied that they did not know. Ms. Ding's older and younger sisters took a train to Shenyang Women's Prison on September 24th. Guards Li and Zhang met with Ms. Ding's sisters and said that she had not cooperated with them and had never registered her family members' names. Therefore, even though Ms. Ding's sisters showed their IDs, they could not prove that they were her family members and were therefore not allowed to see her.