Other News, Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Ms. Wang Xiuxiang and Ms. Zhang Zhihui in Shandong Province Die Unjustly Under Persecution

    Two women Falun Dafa practitioners died due to persecution in Shandong Province: Ms Wang Xiuxiang from Weifang City was threatened and terrorised by town government officials and passed away on October 16th, 2000. Ms Zhang Zhihui ifrom Zhucheng City was often detained and persecuted due to her cultivation in Falun Gong. She experienced tremendous physical and mental suffering. She was not released until she was tortured to the extent where she started to vomit blood. She passed away on October 21st, 2005.
  • Mr. Luo Guang's Family Endures Hardship Because of the Persecution

    Mr. Luo Guang and his wife Ms. Song Xiaohui were arrested and sent to a forced labour camp because they practise Falun Dafa. They have endured severe financial strain and were forced into homelessness several times. Their daughter has been separated from them since she was nine years old and is now being cared for by someone else.
  • Recent Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Ziyang City

    In mid-September of 2005, many government branches and police departments worked together and created a new wave of terror through TV, radios and newspapers. The public is encouraged to "report to authorities." Friends and relatives getting together may be called an "illegal gathering." The street committees, work units and village offices are forced to hang up a black sign reading, "Cracking Down on False Religion Office." On the night of September 28th, the whole police force in the city were assembled, and they started large-scale arrests.
  • Partial Account of Illegal Persecution at the Xindian Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shanxi Province

    The work in this camp included producing cigarette lighters. The Chinese Communist Party's police certainly enjoyed the profits. The practitioners, old or young had to get up as early as 5:00 a.m. and finally were permitted to sleep at midnight. Each day had a quota to be met, which the guards assigned at will and inevitably increased. If an inmate did not finish, the perpetrators would subtract points, extend her term, or even subject her to excruciating pain. After a while, many of their finger joints became swollen, distorted and curved. The most seriously hurt became disabled.
  • Police Refuse to Release Critically Ill Ms Qu Xiuqin

    Last May, police officers from Inner Mongolia arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Qu Xiuqin. Since then she has been imprisoned in the Pingzhuang Detention Centre. Qu Xiuqin fell ill recently. The hospital diagnosis revealed uterine cancer, but the detention centre officials still refuse to release her. Qu Xiuqin's daughter is only 13 years old. When the police monitored the family's activities, they didn't even spare the young girl. How could a young mind withstand such pressure?
  • My Mother Was Forced to Become Homeless to Avoid Further Persecution

    When my mother was in exile, she again went to Beijing to petition against the suppression of Dafa. Once again she was subjected to torture. The police threatened another practitioner, who was from the Xinjiang Autonomous Region and over 50 years old, saying that if she would not reveal her name, they would beat and kick my mum. When the practitioner still didn't give her name, the police began to use coarser methods. They attempted to demoralise my mum by stripping off her clothes in front of the other practitioner. They even threatened to rape her.
  • Additional Facts About Ms Yin Ling, A Falun Dafa Practitioner from Heilongjiang Province Who Died in the Persecution

    According to the description of witnesses, Ms Yin Ling went on a hunger strike to protest persecution in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp, but she was further abused and tortured by being force-fed. Some time later her nose, oesophagus and stomach could not withstand the piercing of the tubes. The persecutors force-fed her with corn porridge or rice porridge laced with a high concentration of salt. Each time Yin Ling would be tortured over one hour. It was not until she was in critical condition that the forced labour camp officials ordered her family on November 13th, 2002 to take her home. She passed away on December 11th.
  • Nine Falun Dafa Practitioners from Hebei, Henan, Jiangxi and Sichuan Provinces Died from Persecution

    Ms. Zhou Xiaoling was 53 years old. In October 1999 she went to Beijing three times to appeal for Dafa. She was abducted by police and was sent to the Nanchang Women's Forced Labour Camp in Jiangxi Province to be further persecuted. She held a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was sent to a hospital isolation room, where she was brutally force-fed through a rubber tube for over a month. Her blood pressure shot up to 280, and she was at the brink of death, when she was released. The local 610 Office agents often harassed and threatened her in the middle of the night. She passed away on March 28th, 2003.
  • Ms. Qi Lanying Tortured to Death - Others Die Due to Persecution in Hebei Province

    On March 24th, 2005, 51-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Qi Lanying was arrested when posting banners exposing the persecution, and was tortured in the County Detention Centre until her life was in danger. Police kept going to her house to harass her and tried to extort money. She died in November 2005. Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Yu Bo and Mr. Dong Jingxiang also died under persecution.
  • 51-Year-Old Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yang Xiaowen from Hebei Province Dies from Persecution

    Due to long-term harassment and persecution by government agents, Ms. Yang Xiaowen was seriously injured both mentally and physically. In the spring of 2005, after suffering harassment by agents once again, she developed symptoms of a serious brain hemorrhage. She could not speak, her arms and legs were paralysed, and she could not take care of herself. Ms. Yang's husband was also sentenced to the forced labour camp because he steadfastly cultivated in Dafa. Ms. Yang's 20-year-old son was also beaten and maimed by police officers from the Shenzhou Police Department because he persisted in cultivating Dafa. After suffering huge mental and physical agony, Ms. Yang Xiaowen passed away on August 2nd, 2005.
  • Police Put a Bag over Practitioner Ms. Huang Min's Head during Her Unjust Arrest

    Ms. Huang Min is a Falun Gong practitioner from Chengdu, Sichuan Province. She was arrested by the local police. They put a bag over her head and took her to Xinjin Forced Brainwashing Centre where she was subjected to cruel torture. When she refused to talk, they pulled on her hands, causing her excruciating pain. A policeman even slapped her and poured water on her face. After she was detained there for over a month, the police ordered her family to pick her up because she was at death's door. Nevertheless, the police continue to monitor and follow her.
  • More Information on the Persecution and Death of Zhu Xianghe from Jiangsu Province

    Mr. Zhu Xianghe was a 63-year-old practitioner. In April 2005, he was arrested and taken to Sutang Brainwashing Centre, where he was beaten to death. A witness said that Zhu's fingers and toes were completely black. His eyes and internal organs were harvested, and it was gruesome to watch. Zhu Xianghe's son went to the police station to question them, "My father was healthy when you arrested him. If he was sick, why didn't you call us? Why didn't you let him get treatment? And why did you wait until he died to call us? I think you beat my father to death. I am going to sue you."
  • Peeling Off the Hypocritical Mask of the Hebei Province Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp

    The Hebei Province Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp is advertised as a civilised place, but actually, it is an evil den where Falun Gong practitioners are brutally persecuted. Besides brainwashing practitioners, the labour camp also uses them as cheap labour. Practitioners are forced to work every day to make money for the labour camp. In the middle of June 2005, Zhang Chunlan was sent to a carpet factory to work despite feeling ill. She was poisoned by rubber fumes and became very ill. Guard Wei Hongli dragged her downstairs to force her to work. She was released only after she fainted and fell to the floor.
  • Details of the Activities of a Brainwashing Centre in Sichuan Province (Photo)

    In June 2005, officials from the 610 Office in Guang'an City, Sichuan Province set up another brainwashing centre. On two separate occasions, practitioner Ms. Wang Shiying has been beaten, forced to stand alone in the corner near the door, and punished with food deprivation. In an attempt to force Ms. Wang to abandon Falun Gong, eight men beat her, kicked her in the abdomen and private parts, and viciously whipped her head and back with a leather belt until the belt broke. After they tortured her in this way, they sent Ms. Wang to the Guang'an Mental Hospital for further persecution.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner's Family Member Dies Due to the Terror of the Persecution

    Mr. Gao Shijie's wife, son, and daughter-in-law all started practising Falun Dafa in 1994. His family life became very peaceful, and that benefited Mr. Gao Shijie a great deal, even though he himself didn't practise. After the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Gao lived under huge pressure and terror. He was forced by the authorities to pay illegal fines, and was pressured to make sure his family members stopped practising Falun Dafa. He said he trembled every time he heard the doorbell or the phone ring. Under the terror of the persecution, Mr. Gao Shijie died on August 2nd, 2005.