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A Westerner's Experience of Practising Falun Dafa
2005-09-22I began to wonder how the founder of the practice knew so much about so many things and gradually the realisation came to me of the greatness of this Master and the principles taught in Falun Dafa. I experienced no sudden conversion. Rather the truth came to me like a beautiful dawn on a spring morning. I will not give you any specific account of my attachments eliminated or my improvement in health but what I will say is that I only realised the changes in me by reflecting retrospectively on my progress after some time.
A Section Director of a Provincial Police Department Comments, "The 610 Office Should Be Dissolved"
2005-09-22After a Falun Dafa practitioner clarified the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution at a gathering of classmates, one of his classmates, a department director of a provincial police department, stood up and said, "The 610 Office1 should be dissolved. They don't do anything good but treat groups of the elderly, children, and women very viciously. It is so wrong for them do so. Mr. Wang in our office also practises Falun Gong. He is a very good person. I am not against Falun Gong."
More and More Voices Are Coming from China, Yearning to Learn Falun Dafa
2005-09-22"Now I really respect you and want to learn Falun Gong. There are many people who want to learn but are scared because of the interference from the government. I wanted to learn, but no one dared to teach me. I was very happy to see your message today and to have the chance to meet you. I hope I can quickly obtain your help and support."
Open Letter to Hu Jintao from the US Calls for Release of Relatives Imprisoned for Practising Falun Gong
2005-09-21When Chinese President Hu Jintao visited the United States, thirty Chinese people in the US, including Ms. Yeong-Ching Foo, the fiancé of American citizen Charles Li, jointly wrote an open letter to Hu Jintao requesting the immediate release of their relatives in China who are imprisoned by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for practising Falun Gong.
People in China Come to See the Truth About Falun Gong and the Persecution
2005-09-21One day in June, I was taking a driver's license test. In the testing centre there was a woman who seemed very nervous. After getting in the car she did not do well on the test, so she was given another chance to make it up. Just then, a man standing next to her said loudly, "You need have self-confidence, very strong self-confidence, just like those Falun Gong people. They have the unshakable conviction that they will definitely succeed. If you can try to be just like Falun Gong, you definitely won't have any problem." Hearing the man say this made me feel really happy.
My Understanding of the Perceptual and the Rational
2005-09-20During this process, when the practitioner kept righteous thoughts, and with the help of fellow practitioners who also sent forth righteous thoughts to help him, his physical well-being returned very quickly. When his feelings of gratitude emerged, his physical health situation grew even worse than previously. When he later came to understand what was happening, he saw that he needed to get rid of his deeply rooted feeling of gratitude to progress in his cultivation. In the following, I will share with you my understanding of what is perceptual and what is rational.
Safeguarding the Dignity of Falun Dafa When Associating with "Outstanding Figures" in Society
2005-09-20My use of the phrase "outstanding figures" does not carry any complimentary or derogatory meanings. I use the phrase to refer to those who have a relatively strong influence in the society, including those who have a strong sense of justice. During Falun Dafa practitioners' efforts to let more people learn about the practise and the persecution, we are bound to make contact with these people. When we associate with them, we should base our views on the Fa1, and always use these principles to guide our words and actions. Only by doing so can we achieve the effect of letting people learn the truth about the practice and the persecution.
A Practitioner in India: "Some Insights Gained During Cultivation"
2005-09-20A practitioner recently mentioned to me that he is pressed for time and feels drained at the end of the day, and has regrets for not being able to do any Fa1 study. I realised something from this. Aren't we all slaves of time, programmed by the physical clock that tells us the time of day or night and what to do--it is time for lunch or dinner, or time to go to bed?
Fun with Tang Dynasty Poetry: “The Bitter Coldness in the Households of the Farming Villages”
2005-09-20By making a comparison between the farmers’ miserable life with that of the wealthy people, Bai Juyi also criticised those wealthy but depraved people. A lot of people with kindness and the spirit of justice are capable of writing commentaries, but there are few people who will reflect on their own life style or blame themselves for not being able to improve the farmers’ life like Bai Juyi did. His lofty morality is precisely what makes Bai Juyi a great poet in the Chinese history.
Thoughts on Bo Xilai's Name Being Removed from the List to Visit Canada
2005-09-19On August 26th, Falun Gong practitioners from Canada appealed to the Canadian government to ban Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai, who has been charged for crimes against humanity for his involvement in the persecution of Falun Gong, from entering Canada. On September 7th, one day before Hu Jintao's visit to Canada, acclaimed Ottawa human rights attorney Lawrence Greenspan submitted a lawsuit to the Ontario High Court, charging Bo Xilai with the crime of torture and requesting that Bo compensate the plaintiffs for the damages.
Forsake Darkness and Come into the Light -- on Hu Jintao's Visit to North America
2005-09-19At Hu Jintao's visit to the U.S. and Canada, we, the Falun Dafa practitioners in Liaoning Province, give him the following advice: "History is endowing you with an opportunity to choose your future. We hope you can make the final choice between good and evil. The opportunities and time are limited. Hu Jintao, if you can awaken, if you cherish this opportunity and make the right decision, it will be the biggest blessing for yourself and for the Chinese people. This is the only way to save yourself. We hope Hu Jintao can think of the greater picture, forsake darkness and come into the light..."
How I Came to Know Falun Dafa
2005-09-18I came to know Falun Dafa in May of 2001 in Orlando Florida. I'm originally from New York City. When I arrived in Florida it was with goals and dreams of a better life and much anxiety for change. I experienced a lot growing up in New York, both good and bad, but until I moved to Florida I never thought I'd find some real goals to achieve that would make my life take on a new meaning. It is Falun Dafa that gave my life new meaning.
What Messages Do Falun Gong Practitioners Wish to Send to Hu Jintao
2005-09-18Hu Jintao is visiting North America for the first time since he became the head of the Chinese Communist Party. Wherever he appears, people can see, on site or through the media, a group of Falun Gong practitioners dressed in yellow and holding banners in their hands. They are delivering a message of protest in a unique and peaceful manner. What message do the Falun Gong practitioners wish to deliver to Hu Jintao, and what do they really want?
Recovering from Leukaemia Thanks to Falun Dafa
2005-09-17After hearing this, my husband went to the side and cried by himself. During the third round of chemotherapy, I went to the Second Hospital to visit my son, accompanied by my three sisters. On the way I told myself that regardless what condition my son was in, I would not cry in front of him. After I saw my son in this painful condition lying on the hospital bed, I pretended that I was happy to see him, while my heart bled. I could not let my son see my heartbroken face. My three sisters could not stand to watch and so they left the room to cry outside.
Stop Being a Slave to Life
2005-09-17Being alive is a precious thing. Cultivators, however, are not satisfied with modern science’s explanation of what happens at the end of one’s life. They constantly explore the meaning of life while being alive, searching arduously on an endless road. It can be said that cultivators have seen through life and death, but they also treasure life. Unlike most people, cultivators have gained a double life. At the worst, their lives have gained another meaning and, therefore, they have nothing to lose. The worst thing that could happen to them happens to all other human beings anyway – death. What’s different is that they have gotten something to hope for.