Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis Thanks to Falun Gong

    I was stricken with the disease on several other occasions and the symptoms were rapidly worsening. At this point it was affecting my eyesight and my vision was getting poorer and poorer, I was having difficulty walking, and having muscle spasms all over my body causing pain and discomfort. There was blood in my stools, I was unable to digest my food and I was having allergic reactions to most of the foods that I would try to eat. My balance was being affected causing me to fall down when I tried to walk. I finally understood what the doctors were trying to tell me for so many years.
  • A Fortunate and Brave Drummer Plants Seeds of Truth in People's Hearts Around the World

    Sterling said to us with a smile, "It has been seven years, I have quit smoking, no longer take drugs or alcohol, and I am very healthy. But this is not all. Falun Gong has not only brought me great physical health, but what's more important is the change in my spirit. I'm now a happier person. I strongly believe in 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance'."
  • A Falun Gong Practitioners Husband Supports her Practise

    He said to my shyly: "I remember now. When I was transporting goods for a construction company today, I saw a pile of bamboo fencing in the field. So I put two of them into my truck, thinking that it would be convenient to use them to block two sides of the truck when I transported the goods again. As soon as I put them into the truck, my back started to ache and it's has been aching all day long. Upon your asking, I now understand that I should not have taken such petty gain unfairly. It was probably Master Li who was telling me not to do wrong."
  • Learning the Truth about Falun Dafa and It's Effects on Surviving a Potentially Fatal Accident

    After she arrived home, she continued to silently repeat, "Falun Dafa is good," and "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are good." Her external injuries - leg and shoulder - did not hurt. She only received two more days of intravenous drips and took some medicine to strengthen her bones. She was convinced by the magical power of Falun Dafa, and started to read Zhuan Falun. After half a month, she was able to move her leg and after 40 days she had basically fully recovered.
  • Because He Saved Many Lives, My Father was Able to Live for 20 Years Longer

    "After awhile, my father said, "I stole just one time, but I saved the lives of an entire village. There were more than 100 families, so the heavens increased my life by 20 years. Heaven is fair. Now, thinking back on those years during which people starved to death, it is truly chilling. In some villages, more than ten entire families died. In our village, nothing bad happened. If anyone came to our village, such as a villager's in-laws and their grandchildren, we provided meals and water for them. I never let anyone who came to our village die."
  • Factory Manager Asks His Staff to Protect Practitioners

    An official of a certain village in Zhoukou City, Henan Province had met with Falun Dafa practitioners a number of times, whom took the chance to tell him the truth about the practice. He had also read some material detailing the facts about Falun Dafa. Once a policeman came to the village to harass the practitioners and asked the village official to call the practitioners in for fingerprinting. The official replied: "Those practitioners are all good people. Why do you want to fingerprint them?" Thus the police left empty-handed.
  • Forced Labour in China: Testimony Presented to the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, June 22nd, 2005

    Since China's former president Jiang Zemin launched the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, according to incomplete statistics, more than 180 forced labour camps in China have directly participated in the persecution through illegal forced labour of over 200,000 Falun Gong practitioners. In addition to forced brainwashing and torture, China's labour camps also force a large number of Falun Gong practitioners to work as slave labourers.
  • Finding the Way After Years of Searching

    A complete cultivation system was in front of him. He was so excited that he grabbed Emily's hand, went to the bookstore, and bought the book Zhuan Falun. After he read the book, he participated in the nine-day workshop. Many of his classmates from the qigong class also followed Matt's footsteps and started to practise Falun Gong.
  • A Young Western Practitioner Travels to China with a Heartfelt Message for the Chinese People

    Sara's father learnt from the TV news that the Chinese government had banned a practice called Falun Gong, which combined exercises for health with moral teachings. He was immediately interested in learning more about Falun Gong and he thought to himself, "If the Chinese Communist regime says it is bad, then it must be good."
  • Cultivation Experiences of a Young Practitioner in China Who Once Suffered from Osteoporosis

    The high school entrance exam put huge pressure on me. When I read Falun Dafa books, however, I realised how happy and lucky I was to have learnt Falun Dafa and so all the pressure disappeared. My exam grades were high enough that I was accepted by a high school, although I had missed many classes because of my illness. I knew Falun Dafa endowed me with wisdom. My schoolteacher said, "Xinling, I knew you had done your best, but I didn't expect you to do so well. I was worried before that you wouldn't get into high school, but now I'm no longer worried." My family also considered it a huge blessing.
  • The Power of a Letter to Encourage Diligence

    Thinking about it really makes me feel ashamed. Master thinks of methods to let every disciple catch up. How can we let them fall? Thinking back on it now, every time I talked to him, inside I had already had some negative thoughts about him. I was not at all thinking 100% for his well-being, and thus this stopped me from showing him the power of a compassionate field. I also noted that I had allowed my competitive mentality to distract me from this purpose; there was always the thought of wanting to persuade others. This further weakened the purity of the energy field of our conversation.
  • Video Recordings of Practitioners Ren Shujie and Gao Rongrong's Personal Account of the Persecution they Suffered at the Longshan Forced Labour Camp

    Realplayer On-line – Low Resolution(10:18)Realplayer Download – Low Resolution(2.6Mb)
  • The Director of a Police Station in China Protects Falun Dafa Practitioners

    In July of 2005, a safety guard in an area in Sichuan province abducted three Falun Dafa practitioners who were then taken to the police station that controls that area. It happened to have a director on duty. He asked the safety guard, "What have they done?" The guard said: "They distributed Falun Gong flyers and the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in this area." The director said seriously, "They are not bad people, just let them go."
  • Witnesses to the Miracles of Falun Dafa Come to Practise One After Another

    In the middle of August, I started to practise Falun Dafa. After cultivating for two months, I again went to have a medical examination. A miracle happened. The doctor determined that not only had my cancer cells not proliferated, but also the tumour had become smaller than before. Even the doctor didn't dare to believe his own eyes. Falun Dafa is so miraculous. My personal experience allowed my relatives and friends to witness Falun Dafa's miraculous power. Some of them also started to practise after learning the truth.
  • People are Coming to See the Truth in China

    My husband works in a government position. One day a female official boasted, "My daughter and I are both Communist Party members." A coworker replied, "Don't you have a 'plan B' for yourself?" When I chat with people, I find that many people have broken the Internet blockade and know the truth about the persecution and related matters.