Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • People of Legend

    They'll try to force you to change your mind." I said: "Well, I am absolutely sure that I won't write the statements, and I strongly demand that I be released without any charges. I will definitely get out of this place." Ruan then said to me: "Let me tell you, if you don't write the three statements, it is impossible for you to be released without any charges. If you can really get out of here like that, you have to be some kind of legendary figure." I promised Ruan: "Mr. Ruan, please remember my words, Falun Dafa practitioners are indeed the stuff of legends!"
  • Prisoners' Hearts Change after Meeting a Falun Dafa Practitioner

    After practising for a period of time, the prisoners pain was alleviated by various degrees. Experiencing the huge changes in themselves, they were convinced by the miracle of Falun Dafa. Thereafter, they started to study the Falun Gong teachings and practise the exercises with the practitioner. Every day, they studied the Falun Gong teachings, practised the Falun Gong exercises and shared experiences together. The bad environment disappeared as well. The small cell became a peaceful and pure land for cultivation.
  • An Agent from the 610 Office Comes to His Senses and Begins Treating Falun Dafa Practitioners Kindly

    After coming to know the facts, the official criticised Jiang for depleting national resources to persecute Falun Gong while ruining many proper businesses. He expressed his innermost thoughts, "Supposing Jiang had not issued the order, why would we ever arrest Falun Dafa practitioners?"
  • Falun Dafa Benefits Peoples Health

    I demanded of myself that I strictly follow the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance" to improve my heart, and that I earnestly do well the three things that Teacher requested. As individuals, we gain without pursuit. Now I am full of energy and I can see clearly. My blood sugar is back to normal, and my eyes are getting better every day. I am, indeed, totally healthy.
  • Solemn Declarations from Those Who Have Learnt the Truth

    I was forced to sign my name when I attended an anti-Falun-Gong event. Even though I do not practise Falun Gong, I know Falun Gong is good. I have met many Falun Gong practitioners and have found their words and deeds different from what the media reports. I know that they are the best of citizens. I solemnly declare that what I said and did against Falun Gong before is invalid. I will take every opportunity to tell people that Falun Gong is great to make up for the mistake I made.
  • A Bolivian Man Starts to Practise Falun Dafa in Taiwan

    In speaking about the positive changes that occur in one's nature through practising Falun Gong, Daniel said that his general disposition and tolerance had improved tremendously. He said that he often lost his temper with his wife and children, but now he could talk things over with them in an amicable manner. He said he was longing to see his other family members and that they would be surprised to see the changes in him.
  • The Nine Commentaries, Informational Materials About Falun Dafa and Falun Dafa Books Should All Be Produced Simultaneously

    Some practitioners' families were persecuted by the CCP in its various political movements of the past. Their families were broken up and some family members were injured or killed by the CCP. Now they are persecuted by the CCP for cultivating Falun Dafa. So they tend to have sentiments similar to ordinary people's desires for revenge when they do things.
  • Relinquishing My Attachment to Lust

    Because I could not relinquish the attachment, and I could not study the Falun Gong teachings at all, I remained in this state for some time. Possibly because I remained in this state, and I could not enlighten to the truth of the matter for so long, Teacher arranged it so that I would see a paragraph in my roommate's book: "One came to hell and walked on a bridge. When the person looked down from the bridge, they found the water was red like blood. There were a lot of snakes in the river and also some men and women who were being bitten by the snakes. At that time someone else told the person that those men and women were people who had sinned by giving in to lust."
  • Company Party Secretary Successfully Rescues a Falun Dafa Practitioner

    After hearing about this incident, the Party secretary stayed in the detention centre the entire day, negotiating on behalf of this practitioner. He was able to have our colleague released due to his persistence. He also told the practitioner to keep his Falun Dafa books and materials in a safe place.
  • Patient with Terminal Illness Regains Health by Practising Falun Dafa

    During the day, I recited, "Falun Dafa is good, 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance' is good," and my whole body felt more comfortable. Before, I could hardly sleep at night, but that night I fell asleep quickly and slept very well. I only woke up when my wife called me. I felt that Falun Dafa is truly good. Teacher is good. "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" is good. I wanted to learn Falun Dafa and read Teacher's book.
  • After Depression Led to a Serious Drug Addiction, Falun Dafa Saved My Life

    My children witnessed how it did not take injections or medications for me to recover, and they were very impressed. My daughter wrote to me, "To tell you the truth, I did not believe in Falun Dafa at first, even though my aunt recovered from cancer because of it. Now that I see my dad's rebirth, I really believe in Falun Dafa. I am so grateful. It saved our whole family. It prevented four children who had lost their mother from losing their father. It saved us all."
  • Two 610 Directors in Huanggang City Die as Karmic Retribution for Their Evil Deeds

    Now 610 Office Deputy Director Song Minghui is in charge of the persecution, and he lives in fear all day long. People here are saying that they deserved their fates as the result of persecuting Falun Gong. Some say that good deeds are rewarded and bad ones punished because nobody can escape divine justice. Some Chinese Communist Party officials are also discussing it. They say, "It happened just like this. Is it only coincidence? These who work in 610 can't last long."
  • Historical Lessons from Two Statues

    What especially stand out are the dents on the statues' heads. The statues weren't cast with these dents. The dents are a result of people's anger towards the couple and repeated beating of these statues. Actually, these statues aren't even the original ones. The original statues had their heads broken a long time ago and had to be thrown away. This demonstrates how much hatred people have against the officials who abused their powers and fabricated false crimes to murder innocent people.
  • Refusing to Implement the CCP's Persecution Policy, a Chinese Consulate Official in Australia Seeks Political Asylum

    The Australian reported on June 4th, 2005 that Chen Yonglin (pronunciation), the consul for monitoring Falun Gong at the Chinese Communist Parties (CCP's) consulate-general in Sydney, refused to continue working for the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong and political dissidents, and sought political asylum from the Australian government.
  • Saving Sentient Beings with a Compassionate Heart

    To allow more precious Chinese people know about the truth, practitioners have covered the entire territory of Italy, from the Alps in the north to the Sicily in the south and from Venice and Bari on the coastline of the Adriatic Sea in the east to Naples on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in the west. Although practitioners spent most of their time on the road and had to endure severe weather and hardships, our hearts were filled with solidarity and happiness when people in the world understand the truth.