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Singapore Judge Confused by Illogical Case
2005-06-01Why do I claim that the judge's mind is muddled? Judges and lawyers, as experts on the law, are appointed guardians of the law and have to clearly understand and follow the laws. They should always base their actions on the fundamental principles of the law. After all, people enact the laws, which make them somewhat imperfect. Conflicting classification among various articles of law is unavoidable. I suggest that even articles within some laws are often the inverse of human beings' conscious intent.
Witness Account in the UN from a Falun Gong Practitioner Who Suffered Persecution in China
2005-06-01Almost all the police I met verbally attacked or physically punished Falun Gong practitioners at will. They shouted at us all day long and would push practitioners outside to stand still for long hours if they felt like depriving someone of sleep. Could this kind of conduct be called "legal and civilised management" as stated in the Chinese government report?
New Practitioner in America: My Experience Quitting Smoking
2005-06-01I had smoked for more than 10 years and could not give it up. But the day after I came back from the Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference, I found that cigarettes no longer smelled good to me. I decided then to quit smoking. Smoking is not good for anyone, let alone for a Falun Dafa practitioner. It took me more than 10 days to quit entirely. During the process, I only had the desire of smoking on the third and fourth days. Quitting was not a big deal for me.
Former Drug Trafficker Lives a Dignified Life After Practising Falun Dafa (Part 2)
2005-05-31A few months later I was arrested for dealing drugs. I was placed in prison where there were several Falun Gong practitioners, including Xiaoqing, A-lian, and Tingting. We talked when we had time and they told me what Falun Gong really was. The founder of Falun Gong, Teacher Li, taught them how to be good people, to be considerate of others and not be selfish. I had a very deep impression, "These people are so nice. Why do people become so nice after they learn Falun Gong?"
High School Student: Pressure Will Not Change My Righteous Thoughts
2005-05-31I told them that the self-immolation in Tiananmen Square was staged, that the authorities made it up to deceive people. I said that they have persecuted so many people to death! My mother and all the practitioners who practised "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" are the best people in the world. My classmates asked me why not sue those people who persecuted my mother. I told them I wanted to, but most of the evidence was hidden from me; there were no tapes, no records, and the hospital diagnosed her with cancer on purpose, in order to cover up the criminal acts.
The Function of the Chinese Communist Party Culture in the Persecution of Falun Gong - Part 2
2005-05-30Inventions and new discoveries are, by definition, things that people did not previously understand or did not have before. What we consider as true today might be proved wrong tomorrow. The scientific way of thinking and attitude should be open-minded, yet the CCP culture's way of thinking is only in terms of political struggle; its attitude is attack. In particular, it uses the accusation of "superstition" as a weapon to torture people.
A Party Secretary at a City Labour Bureau Resigns from the Chinese Communist Party
2005-05-30I have a classmate who is a party secretary at a city labour bureau. I called her from overseas to greet her during the Chinese New Year. After exchanging greetings, I talked to her about Falun Dafa and how it had spread overseas and was now practised in over 50 countries. I also told her about The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. I told her so much. She knew I was speaking the truth and she accepted what I had to say.
The Chinese Communist Party Has Manipulated and Deceived Me My Entire Life
2005-05-29People in China have been brainwashed since a young age. As a child, this wicked party was the only thing we knew. We could only say it was good. We needed to express our gratitude even when we didn't have enough to fill our stomachs.
A Man Quickly Recovers from a Deadly Car Accident After Repenting for His Wrongdoing
2005-05-29As soon as my daughter heard that I had had a stroke, she hurried to my home and told me that I must repent first and silently recite to myself, "Falun Dafa is good." I repented in my heart and repeatedly recited, "Falun Dafa is good." I recovered from the stroke the following day. It was truly miraculous.
Cultivation Story of Young Falun Gong Practitioner Yuwei
2005-05-29One time, before Yuwei graduated from junior high school, he was playing at the play field and injured his right hand. It was very painful. Right after that, he had a Chemistry exam; he took the test while bearing a lot of pain. The exam had a question that defamed Teacher and Falun Dafa. At first, Yuwei crossed out this question; but after thinking about it, he answered it without any hesitation: "My Teacher is not like that. Falun Gong is good. It's not like what the Government talks about. I am a practitioner and I know the truth about Falun Gong!"
The Function of the CCP Culture in the Persecution of Falun Gong - Part 1
2005-05-28The CCP has destroyed traditional Chinese culture, a culture based on the course of nature and human relations and ethics. The CCP has completely distorted human thinking with its oppressive propaganda and brainwashing over a long period of time. The propaganda has permeated people's way of thinking, culture and ideology with "CCP culture," which is characterised by "deception-wickedness-violence."
After Reading the Nine Commentaries and Understanding the Truth, a County Official Starts to Protect Practitioners
2005-05-28Later the police again went to Xiao Ming's home trying to arrest him. After hearing the news, his workplace leaders and the county official mentioned above again came to his rescue and successfully stopped the police from taking him away. Practitioners and the people who understand the truth were all amazed by the power of the Nine Commentaries.
Stories of Deterring People from Committing Crimes against Falun Gong: “People Outside of China Know What I Have Done! I Will Never Do Any Bad Thing Anymore!”
2005-05-28One day, he received a phone call from South Korea. Afterwards he sat staring at nothing with wide eyes for a long time. After a long while, he asked his family member to call a Falun Gong practitioner, and said to the practitioner, “Your teacher is really miraculous! People outside of China know exactly what I have done to Falun Gong practitioners! I will never do any bad things anymore! I will never do any bad things anymore!”
From Changchun to the World - Witnessing the Glory of Falun Gong
2005-05-27As of this time, Falun Gong books have been translated into over thirty languages and spread to over seventy countries and areas. The practise has gained more than 1,300 awards, over 100 supporting bills, and more than 1,000 supporting dear-colleague letters from government, officials and organisations. Falun Gong has achieved this remarkable recognition in just thirteen years.
Indonesian Authorities: Do Not Go Down in History as an Accomplice to the CCP
2005-05-27On May 6th, 2005, Indonesian practitioners called on the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) to stop the cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. They stood in the broad space across the street from Jakarta's Chinese Embassy. With two banners, they held a peaceful and reasonable appeal for about 15 minutes. During the appeal, the atmosphere was tranquil and calm. They did not speak loudly or shout any slogans. At the end of the activity, when all the practitioners had walked 20-30 meters away, a group of policemen suddenly chased them down and carried practitioners in yellow T-shirts to the police car.