Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Breaking Out of the "Metal Cage" of Long-Term Illness Karma

    As a matter of fact, lots of issues are emerging because of our own attachments. One day, when I looked in the mirror, I found that my face was very yellow. I immediately thought it was because of my liver malfunction and blood circulation being congested. Wasn't this all following mind-intent? When encountering illness tribulations, the first thing we should do is to negate it, and the second thing is to look inward and pay attention to every single thought.
  • Commentary: Looking at the Importance of Withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party from the Perspective of the Revocation of Ex-Nazis' American Citizenship

    On the surface, they have already escaped the control of the CCP's tyranny, so is it really necessary for them to announce their withdrawal from the CCP? During my conversation with the elderly gentleman, we talked about some real stories that happened in the United States. I told him about an American citizen over 80 years old who had his American citizenship revoked because he had been a Nazi several decades earlier. That elderly man listened and nodded, and seemed to understand that quitting CCP is far from being a mere formality.
  • Young Practitioners Also Have to do the Three Things Well

    My name is Katarina. I’m seven years old and I am from Switzerland. I have been practising Falun Gong for five years. The founder of Falun Gong, Master Li, always emphasises that we have to do the three things well every time. Firstly to study the Falun Gong teachings well, secondly to send forth righteous thoughts, and thirdly to let the worlds people know the truth. Today I want to tell everyone how I fulfil these responsibilities.
  • Purge the Attachment of Fear; Teacher Is Always Watching Over Us

    While I was unconscious, I felt that I was going to hell, but I immediately thought, "I must not die! My son is only one year old." Next, I remembered that I was a Falun Gong practitioner and Teacher was watching over me. Then I regained consciousness and started thinking, "What is the use of making a lot of money? I almost lost my life." After this accident, I began to treasure Falun Gong and started studying the Fa seriously.
  • A Credit Union Director and a Persecuted Practitioner's Family Member Learn the Truth

    The credit union director was deeply touched and thanked the practitioner whole-heartedly. The practitioner said, "Do not thank me, you should thank Falun Dafa. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner, and it is Falun Dafa that teaches me to be honest." The director immediately said gratefully, "Thank you Falun Dafa! Thank you Falun Dafa! In the past I only believed what was said on China Central TV (CCTV), and I said bad things about Falun Gong. I was mistaken. I'll never believe a word from that deceitful CCTV again. After all, Falun Dafa really is good!"
  • Former Leukaemia Patient Sends his Thanks to Falun Gong Founder

    Over a period of fifteen days, the oedema that had inflicted my entire body gradually vanished, and the hard lumps on my liver reduced. My health improved daily, and I no longer needed the aid of another person to walk. I went to the hospital to take a blood test. The test results showed that my reading was almost normal. My family members witnessed these incredible changes with surprise. They said that it was a miracle! My personal experience has added to the testament of Falun Dafa's power.
  • The Increased Number of Sites for Producing Factual Information on Falun Dafa Is Having an Amazing Impact in China

    For example, in one organisation who have to directly report to the provincial government most employees, except for top ranking officials, have withdrawn from the Party and the Youth League. In a suburban village of a city, Falun Gong practitioners have each taken on a section where they will focus there efforts on letting the people their know the truth about Falun Gong. After villagers became aware of the truth, over 1,200 people wrote renunciations quitting the Party, the Youth League or the Young Pioneers.
  • An Appeal to Rescue 17 Orphans in China Whose Lives Are at Risk

    June 1st is International Children's Day, when children around the world are celebrating their own holiday. On this very day and under the same heaven, however, an unbelievable tragedy is happening to a large group of children in China, which boasts a glorious history of over 5000 years.
  • Kindhearted Villagers Rebuke Officials for Planning to Arrest a Falun Gong Practitioner

    "What's wrong with practising exercises and keeping fit? We will hold you responsible if anything happens to him." The officials were shamed into anger, "If we can't take him away today, we're going to call in county officials to handle this. Then we'll see what you do!" The villagers, who knew the truth of the persecution, solemnly told the officials, "If you dare to call in the county authorities, we're going to gather a hundred thousand residents in neighbouring townships to settle the case with you in the county."
  • Recalling the Days When Teacher Li, the Founder of Falun Gong, was Introducing Falun Dafa to the Public

    I had cultivated hard for many years even though I still didn't understand the Buddha Law, which I wanted to know better. Moreover, I truly saw that the temple didn't have a pure environment. After practising Falun Dafa, I then understood the universal laws and the universal characteristic of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," which is the highest Buddha Law. Today I still hold on to several copper Buddha statues, because they were the ones that Teacher himself consecrated at my request. Here is how it happened.
  • A Witness to How the Chinese Communist Parties Courts Treat Falun Gong Practitioners

    Savagery has truly reached an extreme. Even in everyday social interactions, not to mention a solemn courtroom, an educated man should always treat ladies in a kind and civil manner befitting polite society. Here, however, a court judge who was supposed to serve as an example of righteousness and dignity had flown into a rage and ejected a lady, a reasonable lady and legal defender, simply for looking him in the eye. Where is the justice in that?
  • Public Statements of Resignations from the Chinese Communist Party Make an Impact on Western Mainstream Media

    With the publication of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party by the Epoch Times we can see people awakening to the true nature of the CCP. Upon their realisation to this many people have taken it upon themselves to resign from the CCP. Unfortunately, the Western media have been silent on the issue for a long period of time.
  • The Chinese Communist Party Culture's Mind Control

    The Chinese nation has a long history and deep cultural roots. However, it seems that in recent decades, the Chinese people have lost the ability to analyse and think as individuals. Whenever the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)) says something, the people not only follow automatically, but also exaggerate it even beyond what the CCP says. This kind of mind control has become typical for the Chinese people, and created a distorted experience--the "CCP culture."
  • I Recovered from Nervous System Damage and a Crushed Humerus in Just Seventeen Days

    In 2005, I fell ten feet out of a tree that I was working in and severely injured my head and right shoulder. However, I told myself that I am a Falun Dafa practitioner and I should be strong, so I picked myself up from the ground with great effort and walked several miles back to my house. Many passersby saw blood oozing from my ears, and I also felt some blood flowing down my throat. At that time, I could not hear clearly and I did not remember anything after that.
  • A Helpful Web Master

    He suggests that we should publish an appeal letter, with a sample letter to senators. He said many people want to send letters to their senators to help, but they are limited by their English skills, and they don't know how to write the letter. If we have a sample letter, they can just sign it and mail it out. This would provide an easy way for people to help.