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  • Declarations of Withdrawal from the Chinese Communist Party Appear in Many Places in Jilin City - Part 2

    One statement read, "I am a judge, and I joined CCP in the 1980's. The CCP's officials commit all sorts of wrongdoings and are very unpopular. After reading the Nine Commentaries on Communist Party by The Epoch Times, I am clear that the root of all crimes is the CCP. I declare my resignation from the CCP and all its evil organisations."
  • The Epoch Times: Former Chinese Special Agent Discloses 3-Year Spy Plan

    Hao Fengjun, a former special agent for China's Public Security Bureau who is currently applying for political asylum in Australia, disclosed in the Channel 9 special "Behind Chinese Walls", that Japan contains a high concentration of undercover Chinese agents from the 6-10 Office. Along with the US, Canada, and Australia it is the focus of a concentrated spy network aimed directly at monitoring those who practise Falun Gong.
  • The Institute on Religion & Democracy Calls on the U.S. Government to Stop Appeasement of Chinese Communist Party

    On the 21st of July, 2005, in front of the Capitol Hill, Washington DC, more than a thousand Falun Gong practitioners held a grand rally to protest against the persecution of Falun Gong over the past six years. Ms. Faith J.H. McDonnell, Director of Religious Liberty Programs of the Institute on Religion & Democracy condemned the persecution of Falun Gong at the rally.
  • My Daughter's Path of Cultivating in Falun Gong During this Special Period of Time

    At first, my daughter only spoke to strangers about Falun Gong so as to let them learn the truth, but now she also talks about Falun Gong to her classmates. She even makes use of the QQ on-line chat program in Internet cafés to talk about Falun Gong to people on the net. She sends ancient prophecies to people on the Internet, and slowly starts to talk more and more about Falun Gong and how the persecution is absolutely wrong, as well as answering questions that are posed to her. One day, she came back and told me, "Mom, today I talked to a Communist Party member, and she told me that she is no longer against Falun Dafa."
  • A Moment That Changed My Life

    When I was young, my mother often said, "Turning round is something not to be traded even for a thousand of pieces of gold." She told me to remember to turn round when I go out, in case that I might forget something; to turn round when I walk on the street, in case that I might miss something; if I do something wrong, I should courageously admit it; if I fall, I should pick myself up; remembering to regularly turn round to assess the things and people around me, because that is the most precious thing to have in life.
  • Who is Obstructing the Implementation of China's Laws?

    A German scholar, Rudolf von Jhering, said in his novel, The Struggle for Law, that people without rights are no different than domestic animals, and that Roman slaves were traded as domestic animals. The Chinese people have been treated just like Jhering said. Chinese people are not granted any fundamental human rights. But, what is most regretful, the majority of the Chinese people no longer resist it and have become helpless. They choose to silently endure, approve of such treatment and tolerate it.
  • Jubilee Campaign: The Day Is Coming when Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance Will Win out over Tyranny

    On the 21st of July, 2005, in front of the Capital Hill, Washington DC, more than a thousand Falun Gong practitioners held a grand rally to protest against the persecution of Falun Gong. Representative from Jubilee Campaign, Mr. Robert S. Turner, pointed out, "Chinese government hates and fears those who practise truthfulness, compassion and tolerance because they possess none of these characteristics themselves."
  • The Epoch Times: Persecution of Falun Gong Continues, Chinese People More Cynical

    Ms. Cai Yongmei continued to say that, although she is not a follower of Falun Gong, Chinese citizens should have their freedom of belief. Moreover, the government does not have a right to judge what is righteous and what is evil. Only the people can choose for themselves what to believe in. The persecution and crackdown of Falun Gong simply exposes the truth that China does not have freedom of belief.
  • Falun Dafa in Tangshan City Before the Persecution

    Before the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999, Falun Dafa was very popular in Tangshan City. Nearly every park and square had a practice site. Since the persecution started, about 40 Falun Gong practitioners from Tangshan have died as a result of persecution.
  • A Ray of Light in a Dark Corner

    Falun Gong practitioners' compassionate words, action and righteous field quickly changed and rectified everything, moving things in a compassionate direction, helping those detainees feel that they had found some friends in this strange and terrible environment, someone to care about them and someone who will really listen to what they have to say. They started to complain about the abusive treatment of towards practitioners and felt indignant about practitioners' bitter experiences. They also felt regret for their own crimes.
  • Four Cases of Persecutors of Falun Gong Practitioners Receiving Karmic Retribution in China

    For several years, under the instigation of the Village Security Head Zhang Fengchun, local villager Chen Fuquan from Bainiu Village, Zhangzi Town, Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province had gone everywhere tearing down Falun Dafa banners or covering them up with paint. Some practitioners spoke to him so as to try and let him learn the truth. They warned him, "By doing this, you might meet with retribution." But Chen didn't listen to them at all, and instead, he said, "I do not believe you. The village government pays me. I would rather do it." As a consequence, in May of 2005, he had a cerebral hemorrhage and died.
  • A Chinese Lady's Experience of Coming to Practise Falun Gong in Austria

    After reading Zhuan Falun quietly from beginning to end, I suddenly felt I was in another world. Many questions I had always held, for which I could not find the answers were suddenly lying right before me. I finally understood that the fundamental principles of this cosmos are Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance). They are the highest attainment of the law of the Universe and the most fundamental law. These principles, Zhen, Shan, Ren are the criteria by which the cosmos judges good and bad. I came to see that to understand what is good and what is bad you just have to use these principles as a guide.
  • Falun Dafa Saved My Life from Alcohol Addiction

    Over the last 45 years I have been an alcoholic, in order to stop me from drinking, my family members begged me; my friends tried their best to persuade me; my superior at work harshly criticised me; I repeatedly made resolutions to stop drinking when I was sober. None of this helped, and I continued to drink. People who knew me used to say, "If he can stop drinking, then I can stop eating." I was so dependent on alcohol that nothing could help me. Alcohol was a demon that I couldn't get rid of. It haunted me for most of my life been something that I couldn't shake no matter what.
  • My Father Escapes a Serious Car Accident Unhurt

    At that moment, I was profoundly happy for him because my aunts and uncles all know that our family practises Falun Gong and they know that it is good. When we get together each year, we always talk about Falun Gong with them, but they never wanted to learn it. After my dad's incident, my uncles were all shocked and said, "Falun Gong is truly amazing."
  • Banners Reading "Falun Dafa is Good" Appear in a Busy Area of Daqing City, China

    On July 21st, 2005, as a way of further trying to help stop the persecution against Falun Dafa in China, Falun Gong practitioners in Daqing City of Heilongjiang Province in China hung banners in a busy area of the city and on a residential building. The banners reading "Falun Dafa is Good" looked even more eye-catching after heavy rainfall from the night before.