Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

2017 European Fa Conference | 2016 European Fa Conference | 2015 European Fa Conference | 2014 European Fa Conference | 2013 European Fa Conference | 2022 European Fa Conference | 2023 European Fa Conference | Local Fa-conference

  • Truth or Fiction? Judge the Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation for Yourself

    For some people, it is difficult to believe that the Tiananmen Square self-immolation was a staged event designed to deceive people, because they cannot imagine that a government and the police could do such a shameful and deceptive act. But one thing is clear and every one has seen it on TV, that is, the plastic Sprite bottle that contained gasoline remained intact between Wang Jindong's legs during the entire process. I ask everyone who still thinks the self-immolation is reality to try an experiment. Try and melt a similar size plastic bottle and see how long it will take.
  • Hate Propaganda, Psychological Control and Societal Discrimination - Plaintiffs and Witnesses Discuss the Consequences of Les Presses Chinoises's Slander

    "This propaganda consists of nothing more than groundless fabrications. Our upper level management distributed this slanderous propaganda to us on a daily basis, as our work assignment. If we did not follow the orders, we would lose our jobs; but if we followed these orders, we would have to betray our conscience by lying to the general public. Each day I struggled between my conscience and economic reality. I often had nightmares in which assassins were chasing me. I was determined not to sell out my conscience or speak against my heart..."
  • Some Thoughts about Selflessness

    One day when I was working in a kindergarten, another teacher was busy writing notices to the parents before the classes ended. Since I did not have anything to do, I decided to sweep the floor. Since sweeping the floor was actually the responsibility of this teacher, what I decided to do would make others feel it was a compassionate action. When I was sweeping the floor, I started realizing that the mind-set that led to the decision was not pure.
  • German District Government Apologises to Falun Dafa Practitioners

    During Jiang Zemin's state visit to Germany in April 2002, German police interfered with Falun Gong practitioners' peaceful demonstrations under pressure imposed by the Chinese government. Several cases of infringement of the basic human rights of Falun Gong practitioners occurred. The Ministry of Internal Affairs in Berlin has expressed apologies to Falun Gong regarding this matter.
  • With Compassion, Hurrying to Explain the Facts With Our Media (European Fa Conference 2003, Berlin)

    For a long time I had felt that the best way to clarify the truth and save people was to do it directly face to face through passing out materials, collecting signatures etc. I would even think working with websites, radio and TV was a waste of time. But now after I have gained a deeper understanding I have totally changed my view. Through being a part of the Radio program “Falun Gong time” ( A weekly program transmitted in Sweden) it has been a process for me to really get an understanding of how important and precious our Dafa media is.
  • Some Thoughts On Clarifying The Truth To Overseas Chinese 

    I feel the prevailing viewpoint that fellow practitioners hold about secret agents is still confined to the attitudes of everyday people such as “wickedness”, “injustice”, and “defence”. There is no intention of saving them at all. The best way to improve an environment is to improve ourselves. While some people say the society is a big dye-vat, we should ask ourselves why, after such a long time, we still fail to dye those secret agents with the beautiful colors of truthfulness, benevolence and forbearance.
  • Defamatory Propaganda Causes Immeasurable Harm to Society

    Even after Les Presses Chinoises was sued in 2002 and ordered to stop its defamation, it continued to carry full-length articles from mainland China that demonized Falun Gong. Then, two questions still exist; what kind of role has Les Presses Chinoises played in defaming Falun Gong, and what harm has it brought to the plaintiffs? With these questions in mind, local reporters from a Falun Dafa website ( interviewed 5 plaintiffs from three families, including Yao Qing, Zhang Menghua, Wang Gongshi, Mao Fengying, and Ye Tonggui.
  • Opening Speech for the 2003 European Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in Berlin

    In Year 2001, the Gothenburg Fa Conference marked the beginning of the practice of holding two pan-European Fa Conferences per year, i.e., after the Geneva Fahui in the Spring, a further one is held in the summer or autumn of the same year. In 2002 we were in Copenhagen, this year we gather in Berlin.
  • The Basic Requirements of News Writing (Part 1)

    If one does not seriously consider one's readership before writing an article, the article will reflect this, and as a result, the article might not be understandable to all readers. There might be some words for practitioners, some words targeting everyday people, and some targeting those misguided people who persecute us. Consequently, the article may not have the greatest effect because it doesn't focus on one type of reader.
  • Genuinely Looking at Myself, Taking Steady Steps in The Final Part of My Path of Cultivation

    The state of slow progress or standstill is not like that of huge tribulations on the surface, but by constantly doing Dafa work, through constant successes and achievements, gradually, unknowingly I developed a feeling that I was playing an important and decisive role. Eventually I felt I was the centre of things, everybody else was a supporting role. Then I had a sense of self-satisfaction; therefore I wasn’t so strict with myself. However, all of these weren’t real. It was just my thoughts. I also felt I had given up everything; because of this I regarded studying Fa as finishing a chore. As I felt that I had nearly reached my peak of cultivation, naturally and gradually my heart wasn’t so pure. When I was reading the Fa, I didn’t have the heart of assimilating to the Fa or searching for my defects; this became the behaviour to prove that I was diligent. Therefore, the principles of Fa would certainly not be revealed. Thus, in return this made me feel that I had reached my peak. The quality of studying Fa was getting worse and worse. While I was studying Fa, I felt sleepy and tired. Eventually, I couldn’t guarantee the quantity.
  • My Experience of over One Year’s Cultivation and Practice of Falun Dafa

    After returning home I started to read the book and was deeply attracted. Master Li expounds the profound and boundless principles of Qi Gong. Falun Dafa is the great Fa of universe which cultivates Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. I thought that I had found the truth and meaning of my life. The original improper mindset in coming to only learn the five sets of exercises for securing my asylum application was gone. I decided to join the cultivation practice.
  • Placing Falun Dafa Leaflets in Every Public Library in Ireland

    I immediately became aware that this was the Fa working. We then considered the idea that the leaflets could be spread throughout Ireland, and if we were diligent in our cultivation and maintained a state of righteousness and righteous thinking, then everything would fall into place. It was obvious that a system of library distribution was up and running in each Irish county and it was wide open to be tapped into.
  • Returning to the Group

    To do these things well you must, have all sentient beings in mind and have a heart of compassion, so when things are not going well in your cultivation, and you need to get back on track, you think whether I reach consummation or not is not the major concern, it is that I am here to save sentient beings and I must do these three things well in order to fulfil what I am supposed to do and not have the selfish thought of, I must reach consummation. So all the things that are supposed to be done will follow on automatically without thinking about it.
  • Looking at the Change in the Name of the 610 Office

    The renaming of the 610 Office will not have any effect on the exposing of its crimes to the world. It remains the same organisation, responsible for the same crimes. Whichever name it is given, Falun Gong practitioners can use either at will – if we wish to use 610 Office we shall. If we wish to use the new name, “Purge the Evil Cult Office” then this is nothing for us to be frightened of. It is an opportunity to talk about and expose even more clearly how the propaganda campaign and slander of Falun Gong are an integral part of Jiang’s persecution.
  • The Chinese Public's Evaluation of the Chinese Police

    "I really hate those police the most, and truly admire Falun Gong. How dare the police prosecute Falun Gong? Why don't the police dare to prosecute the gangsters' community? This is because Falun Gong teaches 'Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance', and they are easy to bully. They do not dare to prosecute the gangsters' community because some of them are involved with the gangsters' community. Wait until I get authority. I'll send all of these abusing thugs to jail!"