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France: Paris Public Welfare Event Invites Falun Dafa Practitioners to Demonstrate Exercises
2002-12-17French practitioners were invited to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises at the Telethon Public Welfare event. The organisers from the city government strongly supported the activity and it helped many people see the true nature of the Jiang regime's persecution in China.
Letter to European Representative for Hong Kong on Article 23
2002-12-16'I feel sorry to know that you are representing the Hong Kong Government to lobby all MEPs to support the legislation of Article 23 in HK...I think that everyone in the world must be responsible for maintaining the basic human rights and the moral standard of human society, and be responsible for their conscience.'
Finland: International Human Rights day in Front of the Houses of Parliament
2002-12-15This was a very successful event. Many people learnt the truth about the Jiang regimes persecution and their hearts were touched when they found out that people are being tortured, raped and killed because they want to improve their health and moral standards by practising Falun Dafa.
Sweden: Falun Gong TV Program Broadcasts on Stockholm Channel
2002-12-15Practitioners hope that by showing these television programs, they can help more people to recognise the horrific human rights abuses occurring against Falun Gong practitioners in China today. If all people in the world can stand up and condemn the Jiang regimes brutal terror tactics against innocent Chinese people, then this persecution will no longer be able to continue.
UK: Demonstrating the Dafa Exercises in Harlow Town Centre
2002-12-15The practitioners spoke to the owner of a Chinese herbal medicine shop who had a lot of negative ideas about Falun Dafa. They realised that this is because the man has been affected by the government-controlled media in China, which is used to slander Dafa and spread lies to conceal Jiang Zemins horrific crimes against humanity. After the practitioners told this man the facts, he changed his initial misconceptions and in the end agreed that human rights in China is in a terrible situation.
The Main News (Germany): The Main News: A Picture of the Peaceful Journey
2002-12-15On December 4,2002, The Main News (Germany) reported that a photo exhibition held in Veitshchheim attracted many peoples attention to Falun Gong, a traditional Chinese meditation practice. They also reported that it raised awareness of the persecution of Falun Gong in China, which has already caused the murder of over 500 innocent practitioners.
Video: World Human Rights Day in London
2002-12-15 -
Lithuania: Falun Gong Practitioners Spread and Appeal for Dafa in the 5th International Science Conference of Spiritual Healing
2002-12-13When we demonstrated the 5 sets of exercises on the stage, the audience was moved by the practitioners calm and compassionate field. Everyone who was there testified that there was indeed a strong energy field at that time. Later, some of the visitors asked for some information from us, and discussed with us the possibility of holding Falun Gong introduction meetings in other areas.
Poland: Peaceful Appeal in Front of Chinese Embassy in Warsaw
2002-12-13The appealers wanted to tell people about the brutal persecution of Dafa practitioners in China and how over 70 million innocent people face torture, incarceration and even death because they want to live by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance.
UK: Clarifying the Truth to Amnesty Internationals Branch in Glasgow University
2002-12-13I especially paid attention to the student from Mainland China. I gave him some Chinese-version VCDs and newspapers. He told me that he was from Beijing and both of his parents are government officials. When asking him to mail the VCDs to his parents, he said that they have understood the real situation of Falun Gong. He also said that his mother once told him about the situation Chinas past President Liu Shaoqi encountered in the time of the Great Cultural Revolution.
UK: Practitioners attend an Open Day at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
2002-12-12On 10th December 2002, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office held an Open Day to mark International Human Rights Day. A small group of Falun Gong practitioners visited the Open Day in order to raise the awareness of the persecution of Falun Gong in China and to thank MPs in the Foreign Office for all their ongoing support and hard work in raising the issue of human rights abuses against Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Poland: Practitioners Participate in Human Rights Film Festival
2002-12-12From 6th to 8th of December in Warsaw, Poland, practitioners from the Ukraine, Sweden, USA and Poland took part in various activities. We held several peaceful appeals at the Chinese embassy, distributed materials in downtown Warsaw and manned an information booth during the International Human Rights Film Festival hosted by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.
Introducing Falun Dafa in Monaco - Part 2 (photo)
2002-12-12On November 30, Falun Gong practitioners from Switzerland, Italy, Germany and France introduced Dafa to the passersby at Albert I Pier. A major newspaper sent a reporter to cover the event and published a positive article about Falun Gong the next day. Many people got to learn the truth about Jiang Zemin's ruthless persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
UK: International Human Rights Day in London
2002-12-11The practitioners paraded through London city centre and headed towards Chinatown. They carried banners and handed out materials telling people that over 500 innocent practitioners have died at the hands of Jiang's regime whilst millions have been tortured, beaten, brainwashed and illegally imprisoned for being good people.
Sweden: International Human Rights Day in Gothenburg
2002-12-11On this freezing cold December evening, Dafa practitioners gathered in the heart of Gothenburg city to tell people about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.T hey wanted everyone in the city to know that Jiangs regime have killed hundreds of innocent Chinese practitioners just because they want to be good people.