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  • Belgium: The Vice-President of the European Parliament is Gravely Concerned about the Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners

    June 26th was International Anti-Torture Day. During a rally with the theme “Torture Is Terrorist Action” organised by Amnesty International, Vice President of the European Parliament Mr Edward McMillan-Scott gave a speech. He said, "We know that torture in China is widespread and this must stop.”
  • Nordic Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held in Gothenburg, Sweden

    On June 29th 2008, the Nordic Falun Dafa cultivation experience sharing conference was held at Goteborg, Sweden. Practitioners from Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, as well as Germany, Latvia, Poland shared their experiences and of practising cultivation and raising awareness of the persecution.
  • United Kingdom: Practitioners March in London to Expose the CCP's Lies and Deceit

    On the afternoon of June 21st, 2008, Falun Gong practitioners in England held an activity in central London, strongly protesting the attacks on Falun Gong practitioners and volunteers at the Service Center for Quitting the CCP in Flushing, New York.
  • Taiwan’s Ambassador to France Urges Eutelsat to Restore Satellite Signal

    Mr. Lai said, “For money, Eutelsat aided this corrupted tyranny to suppress Chinese people’s freedom. By doing so, Eutelsat devalued itself. Only by telling the truth can ordinary Chinese citizens become les numb. We need the media that dare speak the truth. Please restore the broadcast as soon as possible so that the truth can be spread across China.”
  • Finland: Practitioners in Finland Gather at the Chinese Embassy in Helsinki and Condemn the CCP’s Violence in Flushing

    In front of the Chinese Embassy, the practitioners put up banners and placed display panels. They also repeatedly played a transcript of the recorded telephone investigation by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), over which Consul General Mr. Peng Keyu of the Chinese Consulate General in New York confessed that he orchestrated and stirred up the incident against Falun Gong in Flushing, New York.
  • Germany: Practitioners Take Part in Grand Festival Parade in Frankfurt

    On June 21st 2008, Falun Gong practitioners took part in the Multicultural Festival in Frankfurt. The audience attending the festive appreciated the beauty of traditional Chinese culture but also learned about the on-going brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist regime in China.
  • United Kingdom: Raising Awareness about Falun Gong and the Persecution During the Glasgow Art Festival

    Glasgow Art Festival is held every year and on this occasion Falun Gong practitioners in Scotland took the opportunity to hold an activity to tell people what Falun Gong is and how the Chinese Communist Party cruelly persecutes kind Falun Gong practitioners in China. As the Art Festival got lively, many people accepted leaflets and signed the petition.
  • Belgium: Friends Appeal for the Rescue of Falun Gong Practitioner Xu Na

    In March this year, Belgian Marianne Lefebvre learned that her good friend Beijing Falun Gong practitioner Yu Zhou had been killed and his wife had been illegally detained. Marianne has been appealing to all sectors to rescue her Chinese sister Xu Na and she has launched a petition that has received more than 900 signatures of support. Belgium's Green party senator (Juliette Boulet) has addressed Xu Na’s case in Parliament and wrote a letter to the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs for help to get unconditional release of Xu Na and to ensure her safety.
  • United Kingdom: Practitioners Take Part in Cornwall's Golowan Festival

    Falun Gong practioners from all over Britain were in the west Cornish town of Penzance this Saturday to participate in Mazey Day, the central event of the ancient Golowan festival. Practitioners performed a lion dance and Chinese waist-drumming, alongside schools from Penzance and the surrounding areas.
  • Germany: European Divine Land Marching Band Performs in Heidelberg

    On June 22nd, 2008, magnificent music resounded in front of Heidelburg castle. Members of the band range from teenagers to seventy-year-olds. They came from various nations, speaking an assortment of languages. But they all share a common wish – to communicate the beauty of Falun Gong to listeners through music.
  • France: Seminar on China's Human Rights held in Paris

    On the night of June 5th, 2008, a human rights seminar was held in the (Fontenay-sous-Bois) in the Paris region of Val de Marne. A number of the city's Green Party members and the French representatives of Chinese organisations as well as individuals attended and spoke. Tang Hanlong, head of the French Falun Gong Association, was also invited to speak about Falun Gong and the nine years of persecution Falun Gong has suffered in China since 1999.
  • Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners in Stockholm Raise Awareness of the Persecution

    On June 22nd, 2008, Swedish Falun Gong practitioners went to Vasa Museet, a place of interest in Stockholm, to practise the Falun Gong exercises together and raise awareness about Falun Gong and the persecution among local people and tourists from all over the world. A special Issue of the “Epoch Times” newspaper was well received by Chinese tourists.
  • France: Practitioners Raise Awareness about Falun Gong in Lille

    On June 14th, 2008, in Lille, Falun Gong practitioners held activities in the centre of Brunswick Square in Place Richebé. Practitioners displayed eye-catching banners and information posters depicting the cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, and also performed a demonstration of Falun Gong exercises. A large number of people stood and paid their respects.
  • France: Support for the Thirty Eight Million Withdrawals from the CCP

    On June 14th, 2008, the French "Quitting the CCP Centre" held an activity to support the thirty eight million Chinese people who have quit the Chinese Communist Party. The activity took place in the Paris No. 13 region where a lot of Chinese people live, and exposed the deceiving propaganda of the CCP. They appealed for more of the Chinese people to quit the evil party as soon as possible.
  • Slovakia: Raising Awareness about Falun Gong in the city of Samorin

    On June 21st in Samorin, a city in middle Slovakia, a petition campaign for human rights of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted by the communist regime took place. The people were at first shy and asked practitioners, "What is Falun Gong?" A middle aged man said after signing the petition, "Everybody should be free to believe in what he chooses, nobody should restrain him."