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Chairman of the German International Society for Human Rights: “The persecution of Falun Gong is surely one of the saddest chapters in the history of mankind”
2007-02-16"Since the beginning of this persecution in July 1999, based on our information, several hundred thousand arrests already had taken place – many thousands are being detained in forced labour camps, prisons and psychiatric institutes without legal procedures, merely because of their peaceful ideology. In these places, they are exposed to systematic torture. Currently over 3,000 known victims have died as a result of the tortures in these camps, the estimated number of unknown/unreported cases is not included."
United Kingdom: Activity in London Exposes the Atrocities of the Chinese Communist Regime
2007-02-15Practitioners talked to the public about the ongoing brutal persecution of Falun Gong. They also handed out flyers and collected petition signatures. After learning the truth, an English lady said: “How could they persecute you like this? What has the British government done? You should write to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and let them know about this persecution.”
Asian Branch of Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) Congratulates the Establishment of CIPFG-Europe
2007-02-15"Human dignity today is indivisible around the shrunken planet. All faith communities and other members of civil societies everywhere should be fully united on issues like the ones still facing Falun Gong practitioners across China. All governments of, by and for their citizens should be working much harder and effectively towards achieving a fully democratic world as early as possible in the new century."
Vice Chairman of European Parliament Sends Statement of Support on Establishment of European Branch of Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-02-14"The fact that Red China's corrupt army has its dirty fingers in every money-making pie is not news; nor is it news that they are the mechanism by which body parts are transacted. It is news that the army is involved in systematically murdering prisoners – especially Falun Gong – for their vital organs, and even takes parts from live prisoners. The world must shun Red China's Olympics and look forward to the imminent trial by the International Criminal Court of all those who have given genocidal orders."
Belgium: Practitioners Protest Against Singapore Government’s False Charges
2007-02-14Falun Gong practitioners in Belgium gathered in front of the Singapore Embassy to protest the Singapore government’s unreasonable trial of six practitioners on the charge of "assembly without a permit". They urgently called on the Singaporean authorities to drop the charges and not to help the Chinese communist regime persecute Falun Gong
Article from German Newspaper Chamer Zeitung: Film Series about China on World Human Rights Day
2007-02-14"In mid-November, human rights activist Min Teng-Schwägerl, resident of Cham, went to Prague to draw attention to this topic. Issuing a press release, she explained that she met with former Canadian Member of Parliament and secretary of state David Kilgour in the capital of the Czech Republic. Together with local human rights organisations, they were protesting against the removal of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners by the Communist Regime."
Germany: A Growing Number
2007-02-13Practitioners in Munich's Marienplatz Square campaigned to support 18 million people withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party, drawing the attention of locals and tourists alike. People read the posters that exposed the persecution of Falun Gong. They were shocked at what the CCP are doing, especially with regard to harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
President of Danish International Committee: “We owe it to the many millions of people who have suffered at the hands of this brutal regime to root out the evil perpetrators of these terrible crimes”
2007-02-13"I wish to add my support to the establishment of the Coalition to Investigate of the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG). It is vitally important that all nations outside China should join together in condemning the ruthless activities of the Chinese authorities towards Falun Gong, and that an investigation should be initiated to find out exactly what has happened in China’s labour camps and prisons over the last seven years since the persecution began, especially regarding the source of the harvesting of human organs for transplant."
Geneva Government Adviser Supports Mission into China to Investigate Persecution Against Falun Gong
2007-02-13"I hereby give my full support to the principle of sending a mission of inquiry to China concerning the crimes of which practitioners of the Falun Gong spiritual movement are reportedly the victims. Indeed, the signs seem to indicate that these practitioners are subject in imprisonment, torture, even the death penalty, simply because of their adherence to this movement. It seems essential henceforward to validate these accusations."
Sweden: Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition in Motala
2007-02-12From the 23rd to the 28th of January, people in Motala could see a section of the “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition”. Two local newspapers and a Radio Station went to report on the exhibition. There were also three art classes from the upper secondary school who were brought there by their teachers.
Swiss Government Official: “What is at stake in this fight is the very principle of human freedom”
2007-02-12"I agree to join this coalition so that everything might come to light regarding this barbaric practice of organ harvesting. In opposing barbarism in every form we may hope to save our civilisation. If not, we will become worse than animals. Harvesting organs from human beings by violence is to take apart, bit by bit, our humanity. What is at stake in this fight, beyond the victims, is the very principle of human freedom."
Victim of Labour Camp Persecution Speaks at Establishment of European branch of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-02-12"Due to the international pressure, the CCP have hidden their methods of persecution. On the surface, you don’t have any physical injury, but the mental torture is far more severe than the physical torture. Physical injury can be cured by medicine, but the injury to your soul can never be cured... The most evil thing is they take organs from living Falun Gong practitioners."
Poland: Raising Awareness about the Persecution to People in Skierniewice and Warsaw
2007-02-11On the weekend of January 13th & 14th, in the town of Skierniewice and the city of Warsaw, a group of Falun Gong practitioners organised activities to let local people know about Falun Gong and the persecution in China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Polish practitioners were joined by practitioners from other European countries.
London Assembly Member Councillor Brian Coleman Sends Message of Support to CIPFG-Europe
2007-02-11"I am sorry that I cannot join you today at your press conference. I wholeheartedly support the work of the Coalition to investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China. I am extremely concerned at the reports of organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners and I utterly condemn this abhorrent practice which contravenes all international human rights legislation and common decency. I call upon the Government of China to call an end to these inhuman and disgusting transplants."
Australian Branch of Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) Congratulates the Establishment of the European CIPFG
2007-02-11"When 100 million innocent Falun Gong practitioners in China have been under severe persecution and torture for more than seven years, and what is worse, while their vital organs have been the subjects of commodity, as fellow human beings of this global village, we cannot turn a blind eye and do nothing about it. Silence is the same as allowing the murderer to continue killing the innocents."