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The First Falun Dafa Conference in Siberia Held Successfully
2007-02-01From the 3rd to the 7th of January 2007, Krasnoyarsk in Russia hosted the first Siberian Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference. Practitioners attended from various cities. Many participants met one another for the first time at the conference. Even though they did not know one another well, the atmosphere was warm and harmonious.
Sweden: Letter from a Swediish Practitioner to the Singapore Government
2007-02-01"I read in the newspaper today that a trial was held on January 22nd, 2007, of six Falun Gong practitioners who distributed flyers about the persecution of Falun Gong two years ago ... Apparently no family members, media or supporters have been allowed to attend the trial ... I wonder if Singapore, like all other democratic countries in the world, should show her support and sympathy to these people who simply want to inform the public about a horrible on-going persecution in China. How could they have been so maltreated in Singapore?"
Slovakia: Introducing Falun Gong to the People of Dunajska Streda
2007-01-31Falun Gong practitioners visited the city of Dunajska Streda, a small town in south-west Slovakia. Although it was initially snowing heavily, gradually it stopped and passers-by would stop before practitioners performing the exercises to read information posters about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Many were concerned upon learning about the situation and took the initiative to sign the petition.
Sweden: Letter to the Singapore Goverment
2007-01-31"It has come to my knowledge that a show trial against six Falun Gong practitioners in Singapore began on January 22nd in Singapore for having delivered flyers about the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. The court was held with only eight seats for the judge and defendants etc, neither media nor relatives were allowed to be present. I believe that Singapore wants to be considered as a part of the international community. But now it seems as Singapore is walking hand in hand with the biggest dictatorship in the world, and is unfortunately influenced by the Chinese Communist Party ... "
Denmark: Practitioners Call on the Singaporean Authorities to Revoke the Unreasonable Charges against Practitioners
2007-01-30Practitioners presented a letter from the Danish Falun Gong Association to the Singaporean Ambassador to Denmark, Arne Simonsen, to protest against the trial of six Falun Gong practitioners who are being prosecuted on the charge of assembly without a permit. They urgently called on the Singaporean government to revoke the illegal accusations.
Germany: Falun Gong Association Protests at the Singapore Embassy
2007-01-30"Six Falun Gong practitioners were in twos or threes distributing materials about the persecution of Falun Gong in mainland China on Wujie road. The party concerned did not have an intention of breaking Singaporean law. In such a condition, as soon as the police pointed it out, the party concerned removed their banners and abided by the order. We feel it very difficult to understand why the court in Singapore insisted on seizing this point and striking Falun Gong practitioners without considering the outcome if they do not have any political factors behind them."
Press Conference Speech by Director of Czech NGO Human Rights without Borders
2007-01-29" ... I invite you to symbolically ring the keys once again, this time to support all the Chinese people who were not as lucky as we were seventeen years ago and who couldn’t successfully finish their own “Tiananmen Velvet Revolution”. Together, let us help all the people in concentration camps in China whom I believe we can still rescue. We can learn from history that in these issues time plays the most important role and to hesitate even a little bit might mean an irretrievable loss of human life."
Finland: Finnish People Sign a Petition to Support Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-01-28The volunteers and Falun Gong practitioners distributed leaflets exposing the CCP's crimes, its cruel persecution of Falun Gong and the atrocity of killing practitioners for their organs. After reading the leaflets and the posters displayed, some people requested more information and they said, ‘Thank you and well done’ to practitioners. Some asked if they could do anything to help. Many others signed the petition to support practitioners.
Support Letter from Czech MP
2007-01-28"It’s a great honour for me to be able to support, even if just symbolically, the very meaningful thing of merit that was accomplished here. But this is just the beginning. Human rights are indivisible and I can’t imagine we would put higher value on business relations then to protecting human rights, dignity and lives when dealing with that regime and having the Olympic Games in China ... I’m urging our government and governments of all EU members to put pressure on China ..."
Slovakia: Welcoming the New Year at the Chinese Embassy in Bratislava
2007-01-27The coming of the new year is a good reason for celebration, but for a few followers of Falun Gong at the Chinese Embassy in Bratislava it had a symbolic meaning. They welcomed the arrival of a New Year in peaceful meditation. Meditation has symbolic value at the Chinese Embassy because it is China that for seven years has persecuted followers of this spiritual system.
Speech Given by David Kilgour During Rally in Prague
2007-01-27"Very briefly I’d like to say to you that David Matas and I studied this terrible problem of organ harvesting and we’ve concluded that thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in China have been killed and their organs have been sold for large amounts of money ... If it doesn’t stop this terrible thing that it is doing how can anyone of us anyone of you go to Beijing in 2008 to watch the Olympic Games? What kind of an Olympic spirit is it put on by a government that kills its own people?"
Belgium: Lotus Flowers Blossom at the Hobby Market in Hasselt
2007-01-26Practitioners took part in a Hobby Market in Hasselt. As well as demonstrating the Falun Gong exercises, practitioners wrote visitors' names in Chinese characters and held an activity in which people could sit together and fold paper lotus flowers. Both were extremely popular and provided an opportunity to raise awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Finland: Supporting Seventeen Million Withdrawals from the CCP
2007-01-25Groups representing the Finnish Service Centre for Quitting the CCP, The Epoch Times newspaper and Falun Gong came to Helsinki’s central train station. They came to support seventeen million Chinese people quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and exhibited photographs exposing the CCP’s tyranny in China.
Radio Free Asia Reports on Lawlessness in Chinese Labour Camps
2007-01-25The Masanjia forced labour camp in Liaoning Province refused to provide to Mr Zhang Zhengtong, a Chinese student studying in Germany, any information about his wife Wang Xiaoyan who has been illegally detained there. At the coming of New Year, human rights groups in Germany are concerned with the situations of Wang Xiaoyan and Jiang Renzheng and demand the Chinese Communist regime to immediately stop persecuting them.
Speech at Press Conference by Spokesperson of the Czech Falun Gong Association
2007-01-25"One of the few countries where the communists are still in power is China, a country where the basic human rights, freedom of speech and freedom of belief are systematically violated. But not only that. In China people are sent to prison for many years without trial because of their beliefs. According to eye witnesses and independent investigation we have learned that since 2001 human organs are being taken by force the from the bodies of the prisoners of conscience throughout China. One of the most persecuted groups in China is Falun Gong also known as Falun Dafa."