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  • Russia: Introducing Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution to the People of Kingisepp

    On November 4th, 2006, Russian practitioners came to Kingisepp in St. Petersburg and held activities to introduce local people to Falun Gong and tell them about the persecution of the practice taking place in China. Many passers-by talked to practitioners in order to get to know more about Falun Gong and the local media also conducted interviews with practitioners.
  • Greece: "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance" Art Exhibition held in Athens

    On the evening of November 1st, a “Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance” Art Exhibition lasting twenty two days opened in Athens, the capital of Greece. Forty works by artists, who are Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world, were exhibited in a city centre Art Gallery and they attracted many visitors. Similar exhibitions have been held in over seventy countries in Europe.
  • Italy: People of Verona Appeal for an End to the Persecution

    On October 21st and 22nd, Italian practitioners took to the streets of Verona to introduce local people to Falun Dafa and expose the persecution of practitioners taking place in China. Some practitioners set up a table with leaflets and a petition, while others reenacted various torture methods used against practitioners in Chinese labour camps and prisons.
  • Germany: Exposing the CCP's Harvesting of Organs from Falun Gong Practitioners

    On November 4th 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from Munich held activities in the city centre to expose the harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners by Chinese Communist party (CCP) institutions. Exasperated by the Chinese Communist regime’s atrocities, many kindhearted people signed a petition calling on the German government to take action to put an end to the persecution in China.
  • Denmark: Supporting Fifteen Million Withdrawals from the CCP

    On November 4th, the Danish Service Centre for Quitting the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), volunteers from the Epoch Times Newspaper and Falun Gong practitioners held an activity to support fifteen million Chinese people withdrawing from the CCP. The activity was held in the second largest city in Denmark.
  • Finland: Exposing the CCP's Atrocities in China during an EU Leaders Meeting

    A freezing cold wind was blowing that day when practitioners arrived in Lahti. They went to the place assigned for all demonstrators. After midday, the practitioners held a small parade that went through the city centre. They had boards with words “No CCP” (Chinese Communist Party) in Finnish, Russian and English. The parade got a lot of support from the public. Many people's faces lit up when they got a flyer. One old man who owned a small shop came out to thank practitioners and said, “It is a very good thing that you bring up this issue.”
  • Switzerland: Rally Supports Quitting the CCP and Exposes the CCP's Atrocities

    Many passers-by were attracted by this special parade and demonstrations of the beautiful Falun Gong exercises; they happily accepted leaflets. After hearing a speech exposing organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist regime, many people immediately signed a petition demanding an end to the brutal persecution of Falun Gong.
  • Sweden: People in Orebro Condemn the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong

    The Falun Gong stall was eye-catching and near the stage. People approached the stall to learn about the persecution in China and also about the Falun Gong practice. When they heard about how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has harvested organs from living practitioners to sell for vast profits, they signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution.
  • Italy: The CCP Organ Harvesting Atrocities Anger the People of Milan

    On October the 28th and 29th, Falun Gong practitioners held a two day activity in Corso Dante in Milan city centre to tell people about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) atrocities of harvesting organs from the living Falun Gong practitioners. Many Italian citizens as well as tourists pass here and it’s a spot that is well visited by Chinese tourists.
  • Finland: The Gods Sent Them Here to Learn the Truth

    On November the 5th, to mark the number of people who have publicly renounced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) reaching 15 million, the service centre for quitting the CCP and volunteers of the Epoch Times newspaper were joined by Falun Gong practitioners at Helsinki central railway station. They held an event to publicise the news to the Finnish people.
  • Sweden: People of Orebro Condemn the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong

    On October 21st and 22nd, a seminar and exhibition in the name of the World Unity Show was held in the People’s Hall in Orebro, Sweden. Upon hearing about the evil CCP's trade in organs harvested from live Falun Gong practitioners, one after another they signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong.
  • Italy: Introducing Falun Gong to the People of Cavriglia Township

    On October 21st and 22nd, 2006, Italian Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate in the “Autumn Festival” activities in Cavriglia Township. With help from the Deputy Mayor and other city government officials, Falun Gong practitioners set up their booth at the best location in the square in the downtown area. The number of visitors was extremely large.
  • Germany: Introducing the Benefits of Falun Dafa Cultivation Practise to a Health Tradeshow in Bremen

    During a health tradeshow in one of the large shopping centres in Bremen, German Falun Gong practitioners introduced the benefits of Falun Dafa, most importantly its outstanding effect on human health. Visitors had a chance to learn about an exercise practice that is distinctively different from the well-known qigong schools.
  • United Kingdom: Exposing the Persecution on the Streets of Leeds

    Many passers-by stood in shock at the images on the display board depicting various torture methods used on practitioners in China. Having read the details they would naturally take the initiative to sign one of the petitions to stop the persecution which will eventually be sent to the UK government to urge the Chinese Communist Party to stop their illegal acts.
  • Hungary: People Call for an End to the Persecution Against Falun Gong

    On November 1st 2006, Hungarian practitioners gathered at Blaha Lujza Square in Budapest to let people know about the Falun Dafa practitioners being persecuted in China. They displayed posters, handed out flyers, collected petition signatures and talked to passerbys. Pointing to the posters, a man said: “I can’t believe this is still happening in the 21st century!”