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Practitioners in Ukraine Send New Year's Greetings to Master Li and Practitioners in Mainland China
2005-01-01We, all Ukrainian practitioners, want to send New Year's greetings to our respected Master and all the practitioners in China! Our thoughts are always with you. Hope this year will bring more peace and goodness to the hearts of Chinese people. Wish you Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance! Happy New Year!
Germany: A Representative from a Human Rights Organisation Collects Signatures for Falun Gong at a Christmas Fair
2005-01-01On Christmas Eve, each German city, no matter whether big or small, holds the Holy Infant Fair. After the busy Kirta Fair in the Autumn, Falun Gong practitioners from Cham city held an information day at the traditional festival to tell the facts to people more thoroughly.
Sweden: Swedish Media Report on Practitioners' Activities to Expose Torture by Jiang Zemin and Other Chinese Officials
2005-01-01Falun Gong practitioners in Sweden exposed the crimes of China's former Head of State, Jiang Zemin, by re-enacting some of the torture methods used by his regime against Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China. This attracted the attention of several Swedish newspapers.
Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to Participate in an Anti-Torture Parade Organised by Amnesty International
2004-12-31On World Human Rights Day, 10th December, Amnesty International Gothenburg branch held an anti-torture parade and a candlelight vigil. Falun Gong practitioners from Gothenburg and the surrounding cities were invited to take part in the parade.This is the third time that Falun Gong practitioners have taken part in these activities.
Germany: The First Information Day Held in Vilshofen City
2004-12-31On 4th December 2004, Falun Gong practitioners from Vilshofen city held an information day to let people know what Falun Gong is and the truth about the persecution. People wanted to know what’s happening, and why Falun Gong practitioners are suffering such a brutal persecution.
France: Practitioners Invited to a Conference by Human Rights Organisations Active in Southeast Asia
2004-12-30Asian human rights organisations exposed the serious human rights violations in authoritarian and communist countries. The ongoing persecution against Falun Gong by Jiang Zemin’s Chinese communist regime raised concern and attracted the attention of every organisation and participant in the conference. The persecution was strongly condemned.
The Epoch Times: 700 Days in a Nanjing Jail: Woman Works to Free American Fiance
2004-12-30Charles Lee sits unmoving on a wooden stool. His heart is beating fast, his breath is short, his back is straight, and his eyes look straight ahead at the television. He is not allowed to move. After seven hours or longer, he may be taken into a room to make Christmas tree lights for export. For Lee, this is another holiday season away from his fiancée as a prisoner of conscience in China.
Radio Free Asia: Falun Gong Practitioners Are Persecuted or even Tortured to Death in China
2004-12-28In China, Falun Gong is slandered and practitioners are persecuted by the regime; some have even been tortured to death. Three practitioners from Jilin Province, Yu Lixin, Liu Hongwei, and Song Yanqun, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong many times. Recently, their family members said that they were either sentenced to prison or labour camps. One of them was tortured to death, one was serious ill and another one was forced to stay away from home to avoid persecution.
Russia: Promoting Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution in Moscow City Centre
2004-12-27The activities on Saturday were held in the centre of the city, which was crowded with people. Over two thousand flyers in Chinese and Russian were given out within three hours. As practitioners spoke to people one-on-one, those who came to know the truth signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution.
Turkey: Stories of New Practitioners
2004-12-27A new practitioner is a CEO of a bank. She likes Falun Dafa very much, and she took the initiative to call me after she heard about Dafa from a practitioner friend of mine. She also brought several friends to learn the exercises. Because it is quite cold outside now, she has offered the living room of her house as a practice site.
Germany: Speech from Human Rights Day in Bremen
2004-12-26"It is now twelve years since Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, came to the public. It is five years since the persecution started. Today, we find that Falun Gong is persecuted in China without cause. Practitioners have to suffer torture and are sent to slave labour camps. The Chinese media disseminates fabricated stories to suppress information about this groundless persecution. We even find that the German media repeats the stories and distorted subject matter about Falun Gong, disseminated by the Chinese regime. I’m sad to say that this is the same regime that perpetrates the persecution."
Turkey: Turkish People Warmly Welcome Falun Gong
2004-12-26After holding activities in Ankara, Falun Gong practitioners were once again invited by the Market Manager to promote Falun Gong. Many people had heard about Falun Gong after the previous activities and had been asking the Market Manager to invite practitioners back, saying that they wanted to know more about Falun Gong.
United Kingdom: Falun Gong Practitioner Zhu Baosheng's Sister was Released after Four Years of Illegal Detention
2004-12-25Although Baolian has been released, tens of thousands of other Dafa practitioners are still illegally imprisoned in China's forced labour camps and prisons. We would like to urge the Chinese Government to stop the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners and release all practitioners who are imprisoned and brutally tortured for their beliefs.
Sweden: Exposing the Persecution Against Falun Gong in Gothenburg City Centre
2004-12-25Between the 17th and19th of December, practitioners held activities in the centre of Gothenburg. After finding out that over 1,100 Falun Gong practitioners have lost their lives in the five-year campaign of genocide happening in China, many people came forward on their own initiative to sign the petition calling for an end to these human rights abuses.
German Newspaper Reports on the Rescue of a Falun Gong Practitioner from a Chinese Forced Labour Camp
2004-12-25Organisations such as Amnesty International and the International Society for Human Rights (IGFM) have called on Beijing to stop the persecution for years. However, Xiong Wei’s case is apparently only one of many others. She returned to her home country in 2002 and was arrested by police while she was distributing printed materials about the persecution of Falun Gong. She was taken for “re-education” to a forced labour camp without trial. She talks about beatings, humiliation, and sleep deprivation. “We had to wrap 6,000 disposable chopsticks every day.”