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Germany: Two-Day Anti-Torture Exhibition near the Famous Cologne Cathedral
2004-12-24The 10th of December was World Human Right Day. To efficiently and deeply expose the brutal torture, harassment and persecution against Falun Gong, which has been carried out by Jiang and his communist group for the last five years, Falun Gong practitioners gathered at the famous tourist resort of Cologne Cathedral on the 10th and 11th of December.
Spain: Falun Gong gets a Big Welcome at the National Health Expo
2004-12-24From the 4th to the 7th of November, at the 20th National Health Exposition held in Madrid, the Falun Gong stall attracted many people from all over the country in all professions. Many people came to Falun Dafa’s exhibition table to ask for information or to watch and learn the exercises. The “Introduction to Falun Dafa” meeting got a big welcome from all the visitors.
Radio France Internationale Reports on Falun Gong Lawsuits Against Senior Chinese Officials
2004-12-24"Facing the Chinese Communist regime's brutal persecution, practitioners in many countries have made significant progress in working for practitioners' human rights. As it is the French judiciary system sending an International Rogatory Letter to its counterpart in China, requesting an investigation and explanation on the abuses of French practitioner Hélène Petit and many other practitioners, we feel this shows substantial progress because an objective judiciary investigation of this kind would be impossible in China, where the media and Justice System and all other organs are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party."
UK MP Visits Anti-Torture Exhibition to Show Support for China's Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-12-23After hearing about this event, Patsy Calton MP and her assistant went to the town centre especially to express their support. After making a statement, Ms. Calton signed a petition calling for the Chinese Government to stop persecuting Falun Gong. On December the 14th, she tabled an Early Day Motion in the UK Parliament about the persecution.
Germany: Appealing Against the Persecution on World Human Rights Day in Frankfurt
2004-12-23Practitioners gathered on World Human Rights Day to appeal to the Chinese Government to stop the persecution against Falun Gong. A large number of passers-by signed a petition calling for the immediate release of Xu Youlin, mother of a German practitioner who is being detained in Beijing’s Female Forced Labour Camp for practising Falun Gong.
Media Report on French Legal System's Unprecedented Request for Chinese Government's Cooperation on the Lawsuit against Chinese Senior Officials
2004-12-23French Lawyer William Bourdon, through the French Justice System, has sent China a request to investigate the role of former Chinese Vice-Premier Li Lanqing and current Minister of Culture Sun Jiazheng in the persecution of Falun Gong. The European Chinese media outlet, European Daily carried a report on this progress on the front page of its weekend edition.
EFGIC: The Youngest Victims
2004-12-22LONDON [EFGIC] – Little Jingyu, barely eight years old, lay silent, terrified, still, on the cold concrete floor of the Jiuxian Village jail. But the scene kept moving through her head. It was her dad she saw, she was sure, but not the strong, smiling father she knew. This time it was so different. Dad was crumpled in pain, writhing. Hours of beatings had left him a shadow of his former self. Police had made Jingyu watch. The pain and confusion proved too much for the young girl, even after she and her mother were released from custody. The trauma was so deep Jingyu soon began spitting up blood and vomiting. Less than one month later she passed away, too broken to live.
French Court Requests China to Investigate the Defendant’s Role in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-12-22On the 16th of December, the French Falun Dafa Association and lawyers William Bourdon and Georges-Henri Beauthier held a joint press conference to outline details of the international collaborative legal effort by French practitioners against senior Chinese Communist Party officials who are actively involved in persecuting Falun Gong.
Sweden: Falun Gong at Gothenburg's Way of Life and Health Expo
2004-12-22The Falun Gong display attracted lots of people. They came to the booth one by one and signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution. A reporter from a local radio station interviewed a practitioner, mainly about the benefit that Falun Gong can bring to people’s minds and moral character, as well as the Chinese Communist regime’s persecution of Falun gong practitioners.
Radio Free Asia: French Court Accepts Falun Gong Lawsuit Against Sun Jiazheng and Li Lanqing
2004-12-22A lawyer on behalf of French Falun Gong practitioners said on Thursday night that a local court has accepted four Falun Gong practitioners’ lawsuits against the Head of the Chinese Cultural Department Sun Jiazheng and the former Deputy Premier Li Lanqing. In addition they demanded the relevant Chinese judicial departments to offer assistance and help to investigate the on-going persecution against Falun Gong in China.
Interview with a Dutch Lawyer About the Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin: “All countries should help to stop the crimes of genocide.”
2004-12-21On December the 2nd 2004, the Dutch Falun Gong Association filed a legal complaint against the former President of China Jiang Zemin, Li Lanqing and the Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai, charging them with committing crimes of genocide and torture in the suppression of Falun Gong. Renowned Dutch human rights attorney Ms. Liesbeth Zegveld submitted the lawsuit on behalf of Falun Gong practitioners to the National Court in Rotterdam. On December the 7th, a reporter interviewed Ms. Zegveld.
Turkey: Exposing the Persecution on World Human Rights Day
2004-12-21On World Human Rights Day, I promoted Falun Gong and told people about the persecution against the practice in Ankara city centre. I set up a display booth with photos of Falun Gong practitioners being tortured by the Chinese authorities because they refuse to renounce their beliefs. Local people were very supportive.
Russia: World Human Rights Day Appeal in St. Petersburg
2004-12-21World Human Rights Day on December the 10th saw Russian practitioners gather in the centre of St. Petersburg to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. People were very interested to listen to practitioners’ explanation of the facts about Falun Gong and many wanted information on their local practice sites where they can learn the exercises for free.
EFGIC: International Falun Gong Plaintiffs Win Torture Lawsuits
2004-12-20LONDON [EFGIC] – We are encouraged by last Wednesday’s U.S. court ruling which found two high-ranking Chinese officials liable for crimes of torture, genocide, and other crimes against humanity. This ruling adds to the momentum of 47 lawsuits filed in 29 countries and six continents against Chinese officials who have actively persecuted Falun Gong practitioners. These lawsuits have become the largest international collaborative legal effort since the Nuremberg Nazi trials.
United Kingdom: People who see the Anti-Torture Exhibition in Leicester want to Help the Persecuted Practitioners in China
2004-12-20On the 11th and 12th of December 2004, Falun Gong practitioners from England went to Leicester city centre to hold an anti-torture exhibition and introduce people to the practice of Falun Gong. A practitioner demonstrated the small cage torture; passers by were concerned when they found out that this is happening in China right now.