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EFGIC: Chinese Gestapo-Like Agency Plays the Name Game
2003-11-18Chinese Government sources say such a name change along with the “disbanded” claim is a tactic frequently used by the Communist Party. They change the façade of an agency or policy that violates domestic and international laws, deflecting investigations and muting criticism. The sources say, however, the agency typically continues exactly as it always has with little or no change to its purpose or methods of operation.
Germany: Activities in Munich Highlight Efforts to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice
2003-11-17On November the 8th, 2003, practitioners from Munich, Stuttgart and other areas held a series of activities entitled the “Trial to Bring Jiang to Justice ” on Marienplatz square in Munich. Despite the cold weather, there were still a lot of passers-by, who were attracted by practitioners exercise demonstrations and photos of the worldwide spread of Falun Gong.
France: Guadeloupe Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to Introduce Falun Gong in Several Cities
2003-11-17On the morning of August the 16th, 2003, Guadeloupe Falun Gong practitioners introduced Falun Gong to the resident’s of “Pointe-Noire”. Practitioners held the activity on the local government’s square and used the time to clarify the facts to people about the persecution of Falun Gong as well as letting people know about the crimes that Jiang Zemin has committed.
EFGIC: American Citizen Subjected to Daily Brainwashing Sessions in Chinese Prison
2003-11-16LONDON (EFGIC) – A U.S. Consulate official in Shanghai has informed Ms. Yeong-Ching Foo that Chinese authorities have been forcing her fiancé Dr. Charles Lee to undergo brainwashing sessions on a daily basis. The sessions are carried out to force Dr. Lee to renounce Falun Gong, and have occurred despite numerous protests from the U. S. State Department.
United Kingdom: Promoting Falun Gong at the Southport Body, Mind and Spirit Exhibition
2003-11-16On Sunday the 9th of November, practitioners from Manchester took part in a Body Mind and Spirit Exhibition was held at the Floral Hall in Southport. The stand attracted people throughout the day and practitioners handed out leaflets, collected signatures. Many people were astonished to hear of the persecution, particularly after watching the exercise demonstrations.
"Action of Christians for the Abolition of Torture" Urgently Appeals for the Release of Dafa Practitioner Liu Chengjun
2003-11-15"...on the 24th March 2002, Cheng Jun Liu was again brutally arrested by the police. State employees beat his cousin until he divulged, under torture, Cheng’s hiding place. They then set fire to the woodpile where the latter was hiding and made him come out. Although he was already tied hand and foot they shot him twice in his thighs. After undergoing more ill treatment in a police hospital, Cheng Liu was transferred to a detention centre at Tiebei where he was tortured continuously for 52 days with the aim of extracting a “confession” from him. He was then condemned to 19 years’ imprisonment..."
Russian Primary Court: Asylum Granted to Two Chinese Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-11-15On November the 5th,2003, the Primary Court in Moscow once again looked into the case of two Chinese Falun Gong practitioners who have stayed in Russia longer than their visa permit. On November the 6th, the court announced that the two Chinese Falun Gong practitioners would be entitled to file for asylum. This case proves that as long as people understand the truth, their innate kindness will help them to make the right decision.
Cyprus: Some Stories about Suing Wu Guanzheng
2003-11-15On October the 27th, practitioners from Great Britain, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece and Australia filed a joint lawsuit at a Cypriot court against Wu Guanzheng, who was visiting Cyprus at the time. The indictment was submitted to the court on the same day as Wu arrived in Cyprus. A press conference was then held to publicise the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong to the people of Cyprus via the media.
Germany: Falun Gong receives the Attention of the Media and People of Cham City
2003-11-15On November the 8th 2003, Falun Gong practitioners held a “Falun Gong Night” activities in Cham City, Germany. This received much attention from the local media. Reporters from two local newspapers secretly mingled amongst the audience. After viewing the performances, the reporters individually wrote a detailed report covering half a page of their respective newspapers about their understanding of Falun Gong.
EFGIC: Firefighter, Falun Gong Practitioner Tortured to Death in Chinese Forced Labour Camp
2003-11-14LONDON (EFGIC) – Mr. Lu Bingshen, 39-years-old, was a firefighter with the 6th Fire Brigade in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. In mid-October 2003, Lu was tortured to death in Daqing City Forced Labour Camp at the hands of the Camp’s Assistant Brigade Leader, Mr. Zhang Mingzhu.
Denmark: Falun Gong practitioners hold a Candle light Vigil to Appeal for the urgent rescue of practitioners in Jilin province
2003-11-14On the morning of October the 30th, Falun Gong practitioners held a candle light vigil in front of the parliament building at the Christian Castle district of Denmark, to appeal to the Danish government and citizens for the urgent rescue of practitioners persecuted in China.
EFGIC: 44 Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners Verified in September and October
2003-11-13LONDON (EFGIC) – 44 more deaths of Falun Gong practitioners were verified during the months of September and October. The deaths, which occurred across 16 Chinese provinces, were mostly attributed to the severe torture practices of Chinese detention centres and labour camps. 23 of the deaths occurred in various labour camps, detention centres and police stations, where Falun Gong practitioners are routinely tortured, as officials attempt to force them to disassociate themselves from Falun Gong and make them sign documents denouncing the meditation practice.
Sweden: Practitioners in Stockholm Appeal outside the Chinese Embassy
2003-11-13Foremost the practitioners wanted to show the Chinese regime that the world knows about what happens in China, despite their attempts to cover everything up.Many people walking by stopped and expressed their support. Drivers honked their horns and waved. More and more people are learning the truth about Dafa and can see the evil nature of Jiang’s crimes.
Swedish MEP's Message at the Opening of a Falun Gong Exhibition in Mora
2003-11-12"As a member of the European Parliament and the Swedish State Committee, my attention has on several occasions been drawn to the infringement and mistreatment of Christians and Falun Gong practitioners within the oppressing dictatorship of China. It is a matter of direct persecution, where many people have lost their innocent lives. Let us all think about those who have sacrificed, who have been victimised for believing in freedom and the right to choose their religion, theory of life, belief and form of meditation. With deep respect for those people who are suffering, and with hope that this exhibition at the Mora house of culture will attract many visitors and receive great appreciation, I send my heartfelt greetings to you all."
Germany:Tourists Sign Petition and Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang on the Streets of Munich
2003-11-12From the 3rd to the 5th of November, practitioners held a photo exhibition at Maria square in the heart of Munich city to expose Jiang Zemin’s crimes of genocide and torture during his persecution of Falun Gong. Jiang controls the entire state machine and social resources and has used them to implement a policy of terror and “genocide” against Falun Gong.