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EFGIC: Shocking Video Footage Captures Woman Near Death after Two Years of Torture
2004-10-13LONDON [EFGIC]– Video footage smuggled out of Inner Mongolia shows the skeletal body of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Xia. Two years of torture have reduced her frame to 20 kilos and left her fading in and out of consciousness...In the video Ms. Wang is shown lying on her back as the camera zooms in on several scars above her knees left by ropes.
Italy: Government Officials in Sardinia Show Concern for the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-10-13From August the 23rd to September the 13th, a Swiss Falun Gong practitioner went to Olbia city on the island of Sardinia in southern Italy. Every morning he practised Falun Gong exercises in a park and set up a series of display boards so that passers-by were able to read about Falun Gong and the persecution that practitioners in China are suffering.
Czech Republic: First Czech and Slovak Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference held in Prague
2004-10-13In their conference articles, the practitioners spoke about their experiences of personal cultivation, how they learned to solve problems from the viewpoint of the Fa and improve together during Fa-Rectification cultivation, and how they can develop from past experiences and make their future efforts more effective.
Belgium: Promoting Falun Gong at the Hasselt Health Fare
2004-10-13On the second weekend in October, Belgian Falun gong practitioners took part in the Hasselt Health Fare. Many people attended the health fare and it was a big success. Almost every visitor to the health fare came to the Falun Gong stall or received a flyer. Children all over the exhibition hall were carrying “Falun Dafa is Good” balloons and paper lotus flowers made by practitioners.
Czech Republic: Displaying the Suffering of Falun Gong Practitioners in China on the Streets of Prague
2004-10-12One gentleman looked at the poster boards for a while and then refused a leaflet saying, "I already know what is taking place there. I do not buy anything from China because there is a chance it could come from a forced labour camp." Another lady was horrified and after she listened to the history of the persecution and said, "I have to tell more people. How could something like this take place today?"
France: Touching People's Hearts with an Anti-Torture Exhibition in Belleville
2004-10-12On the 2nd of October, French Falun Gong practitioners held an exhibition re-enacting the torture happening to Falun Gong practitioners in China at Belleville, an important Chinese district of Paris. They displayed three of over 100 methods of torture that Jiang Zemin and his regime use to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their beliefs.
Spanish Newspaper Reports on the Criminal Lawsuit Against Jia Qingling in Spain
2004-10-12'The lawsuit was filed for accusations of genocide and torture against millions of Chinese and western citizens who practise Falun Gong, a practice based on exercises and meditation similar to Tai-Chi and Yoga, and some spiritual principles. In this lawsuit, Jia Qinglin is accused by fifteen victims from different nationalities of various crimes he committed as Secretary General of the Chinese Municipal Communist Committee in Beijing.'
Austria: Anti-Torture Exhibition in Vienna Touched People's Hearts
2004-10-11Austrian Falun Gong practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition in Stevens Square in Vienna city centre on Saturday the 2nd of October to expose the Jiang regime’s cruel persecution. People were shocked upon seeing the cruel methods of torture that are being used in attempts to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their beliefs in China.
France: Falun Gong Practitioners were Invited to the Third Athletics and Sports Festival in Guadeloupe
2004-10-11The citizens of Guadeloupe are very sensitive to suffering. In the past, they were victims of slavery. Therefore, most people are very open and listen to practitioners explaining the genocide that is happening in China today. People express their complete disapproval of this kind of cruel supppression and can’t understand how such a peaceful practice could be persecuted like this.
German Newspaper FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) Reported on the Persecution of Xiong Wei in a Chinese Labour Camp
2004-10-11The report quoted Xiong Wei’s account of the persecution, forced education (brainwashing) and humiliation she has experienced in China’s detention centres and labour camps. Xiong Wei said, “The police have learned how to beat prisoners without leaving any scars on the body’s surface.” On several occasions, she was forced to stand still for hours without taking any food or water. She was imprisoned with several people in a small cell, which had only one toilet.
Ireland: As Jiang's Dark Deeds are Exposed, the People of Cork Offer Support for Falun Gong
2004-10-10Witnessing the brutality of the torture methods used in the labour camps was a moving experience for many passers by. Upon learning of nature of Falun Dafa and that practitioners are being persecuted for their belief in Truthfulness Compassion and Tolerance, the most frequent response from the kind-hearted Cork people was, “How can I help?”
European Practitioner Discusses the Benefits of Falun Gong in a Three-page Interview with a Chilean Magazine
2004-10-10Though the principle objective of Falun Dafa is that people find physical, mental and spiritual balance and achieve true internal peace, it has been scientifically proven that the practice facilitates remarkable improvements in health. For example in 1998 in China, a study was carried out where the health of thirty thousand practitioners was evaluated. The results indicated that 60% recuperated from their previous illnesses, and 97% reported feeling healthier and with greater physical energy.
France: Promoting Falun Gong in Lyon City
2004-10-10On October the 2nd, French practitioners went to the city of Lyon to promote Falun Gong to local people at a leading Asian marketplace and Lyon City Hall. Practitioners also handed out petition postcards addressed to French President Chirac for them to sign and post as an appeal for the end of this inhuman persecution.
Germany: Anti-Torture Exhibition on Marienplatz Square Expose the atrocities and Appeals for an End to the Persecution
2004-10-10After viewing the posters and the anti-torture exhibition, many people asked how they can help the practitioners suffering in Mainland China. Some said that they will take home leaflets for their relatives and friends; some signed a petition to “Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice.” Since too many people wanted to sign the petition, the practitioners ran out of signature books.
Sweden: Promoting Falun Gong during a Cultural Evening in Norrkping
2004-10-10On Saturday the 25th of September, in conjunction with a Cultural Evening in Norrkping, Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises and handed out leaflets about Falun Gong cultivation practice and the ongoing persecution in China in several locations around the city. People expressed their opinion that the persecution of Falun Gong is wrong.