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United Kingdom: Practitioners Hold a Press Conference on World Human Rights Day
2004-12-11December 10th was World Human Rights Day. In London, Falun Gong practitioners gathered opposite the Chinese Embassy to draw attention to the five-year campaign of persecution waged against fellow practitioners in China. Several statements of support by VIPs were read out and practitioners spoke about the persecution they have suffered personally.
Switzerland: Falun Gong Practitioners Visit the Mountain Region to hold an Anti-Torture- Exhibition and Expose the Persecution
2004-12-11On the 27th of November, Swiss practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition in Heri Sau and Appenrell on the borders of Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Local people from the mountain areas all took leaflets and enthusiastically signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution, although they had never heard about Falun Gong before. Some of them even helped the practitioners to give out leaflets.
Radio Free Asia: A Seminar on the Chinese Communist Regime will be held in Germany
2004-12-11“Falun Gong advocates ‘Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance’ but the Chinese Communist Party promotes vicious struggles. Therefore, they are fundamentally different. Secondly, belief holds people in awe, but the Chinese Communist Party maintains its political power by terror. After it took over power, the Chinese Communist Party has launched a variety of campaigns to continue its ruling position. This persecution did not end in the wake of Jiang Zemin’s step-down..."
Turkey: Short Stories of Turkish people Embracing Falun Gong
2004-12-11One day I went to Istanbul on a business trip and met eight schoolteachers in a restaurant. They were chatting and I introduced myself to them. I mentioned Falun Gong to them and the ongoing persecution in China and told them that the main instigator of the persecution, former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, is being sued in the international courts of many countries for the crime of genocide. They showed great interest in Falun Gong and some of them immediately wanted to learn the exercises.
Holland: Practitioners Hold Anti-Torture Picture Exhibition On the Eve of the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue
2004-12-10On the 6th and 7th December, Dutch Falun Gong practitioners held an anti-torture poster exhibition on the square outside the Parliament building. Passersby and the parliament staff felt astonished and disgraced when they learned about the brutal torture and persecution that Falun Gong practitioners are suffering in China.
Turkey: A Market Manager Supports Activities to Promote Falun Gong
2004-12-10On 4th and 5th December 2004, practitioners held two days of events to promote Falun Dafa and raising awareness of the persecution in the marketplace of Ankara. The practitioners told people about Falun Gong and demonstrated the five sets of exercises. People were pleasantly surprised and stopped to watch.
Radio France Internationale: Falun Gong Filed a Lawsuit in the Dutch Court Against Jiang Zemin and his Accomplices
2004-12-10The Falun Gong movement filed a law suit against Jiang Zemin, Bo Xilai and Li Lanqing to the Dutch Court on Thursday, accusing them of torturing two Dutch citizens who are Falun Gong practitioners. The Dutch Court will decide whether or not to start investigating this case in a few weeks time.
Germany: Exposing the Torture Against China’s Falun Gong Practitioners during the “China Meets Europe” Economic Convention
2004-12-09As soon as we heard about the Hamburg Economic Convention from November the 11th to the 27th 2004, we decided to organise an anti-torture exhibition near the meeting location. This included re-enactments and demonstrations of the methods of torture used to force Falun Gong practitioners in China to renounce their beliefs.
Extract from Dutch Radio Station Report: Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Jiang Zemin for Genocide
2004-12-09Jiang Zemin, who stood down last year, is the brain behind the persecution. He altered the law for that purpose and established the Gestapo-like ‘6-10 Office’, with the aim of eliminating Falun Gong. This systematic way of eradicating the movement can be qualified as genocide according to the lawyer for the Dutch Falun Gong Association. Confirmation and documentation are available for about 1200 cases of Falun Gong practitioners who have been tortured to death by Chinese authorities.
EFGIC: United Nations Reports on Persecution of Falun Gong Compiled in Recently Published Book
2004-12-08LONDON [EFGIC]– The Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group has announced the publication of The 2004 United Nations Reports on China’s Persecution of Falun Gong. In its second edition, the book is a collection of reports issued by the Special Rapporteurs of the United Nations Human Rights Commission on China’s violent, and often deadly, persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
United Kingdom: Promoting Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution in Leeds and Middlesborough
2004-12-08On November the 27th and 28th, a group of British Falun Gong practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition and activities to promote Falun Gong in Leeds and then Middlesborough. Leeds and Middlesborough were the final stops of the anti-torture exhibition tour by practitioners from North Britain. Previously, the tour visited Newcastle, Sunderland, York and Huddersfield.
Chinese Embassy in France Refuses to Renew Our Passports
2004-12-08On the afternoon of June the 29th 2001, my wife and I went to the Chinese Embassy in France to apply for the renewal of our passports. As the passports we had were Service Passports, the consuls asked us to show them the necessary certificates for passport renewal authorised by the Education Division of the Embassy.
Article from The Irish Times: Rights will be Part of China Agenda
2004-12-08[Irish Premier] Mr Ahern said that when the Chinese officials visited Ireland in recent years, he had raised the issue of human rights."We actively called for the release of the Falun Gong prisoners two years ago, which was deeply appreciated by the Chinese community in Ireland," he added. "We succeeded in a number of high profile cases. When Ireland held the EU presidency earlier this year, we gave a commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms."
Irish Falun Dafa Information Centre: Criminal Complaint Against Chinese Official Huang Ju Presents an Opportunity for the Irish Judicial System
2004-12-07The investigation of these allegations and any subsequent trial of Huang Ju presents the Irish judicial system with an historic opportunity to examine the evidence and investigate if a high ranking Chinese official was aware of, involved in or planned the systematic use of torture in the persecution of one hundred million mainstream Chinese people.
Dutch National Radio Interviews the Lawyer for the Dutch Falun Gong Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin for Torture and Genocide
2004-12-07"Falun Gong is not limited to borders; genocide is not limited to borders either. It’s a global problem and today, because we have the International Criminal Court here in The Hague and we have the Yugoslavia Tribune, these penal facts - these serious penal facts - should be recognised by all countries. Otherwise, we cannot handle the problem."