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An Austrian Citizen Writes to the Chinese Ambassador in Vienna
2004-08-17I heard that the major reason for not renewing the passport was because of an accusation that Wang Yong is against the Chinese government. I know Wang Yong well, and I can honestly tell you that he is definitely not against the Chinese government. What he is doing is just appealing to the Chinese government to stop the persecution of Falun Gong and for bringing the responsible criminals within the Chinese government to justice.
Switzerland: Postgraduate Students of Law from Different European Countries Pay Attention to Falun Gong Issues
2004-08-17Graduate students from different European countries who have in mind to devote themselves to careers in human rights or become lawyers, came to Geneva to attend a UN Human Rights Committee Conference. They exhibited strong concern and sympathy for the Falun Gong issue and hearing about the persecution taking place in China touched them deeply.
Participants in International Human Rights Course in France Include Persecution of Falun Gong in List of Urgent Concerns
2004-08-17To commemorate the five-year mark since the persecution of Falun Gong began in China, on July the 22nd 2004, a member of Amnesty International and I organized a panel discussion. At the event, I explained about Falun Gong and the lawsuits filed in different countries against Jiang Zemin and others responsible for the persecution, while the representative of Amnesty International spoke about the human rights violations committed against practitioners in China. At the end, we showed the award-winning film, False Fire.
Russia: Daily Appeals for Justice at the Chinese Consulate in St. Petersburg
2004-08-17Since July 2004, practitioners in St Petersburg have held an appeal at the Chinese Consulate in St Petersburg every day. They hope this might lead people from all sections of society to pay close attention to the brutal and illegal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. A banner was displayed reading "Stop Persecuting Falun Gong Immediately".
Greece: After a Successful Parade Falun Dafa Practitioners Gather in Syntagma Square and Show the Beauty of Dafa
2004-08-16The beautiful Falun Dafa parade made its way through the centre of Athens and came to an end in Syntagma Square, which is located next to Greece's Parliament. Practitioners demonstrated the exercises, handed out leaflets and performed Chinese waist-drumming and the lotus dance. The event attracted the attention of the media.
United Kingdom: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Press Conference and an Anti-torture Parade in Edinburgh
2004-08-16After participating in Edinburgh Arts Festival Cavalcade and winning the 1st Prize for best float in the Community section, a portion of UK Falun Gong practitioners and practitioners from France and Ireland held an anti-torture parade in Edinburgh, exposing the cruel persecution and the brutal torture that Falun Gong practitioners suffer in China.
Sweden: Dafa Practitioners Talk to Tourists about the Persecution during the Gothenburg Festival
2004-08-16On the 6th of August 2004, the annual Gothenburg Festival started in Gothenburg city centre. In the bustling streets of the city, you could see lots of tourists from Europe and other countries around the world. The people of Northern Europe make the best use of this time to sit out in the streets and bask in the sun.
Greece: Dafa Practitioners' Athens Parade Attracts Media Attention
2004-08-15On August the 11th 2004, Falun Dafa practitioners held a successful large-scale parade in Athens. When the procession passed through Syntagma Square in the city centre, it attracted attention from locals and visitors, as well as various media including TV, news agencies and radio.
Russia: Dafa practitioners File a lawsuit against Bo Xilai During his Visit to Russia
2004-08-15Russian Falun Dafa practitioners handed in a lawsuit to Russia’s Inquisitorial Court during a visit by the current Chinese Minister of Trade Bo Xilai, accusing him of brutally persecuting Falun Gong practitioners when he was Mayor of Dalian and Governor of Liaoning Province. The lawsuit states that Bo Xilai has contravened Article 357 of the Russian Criminal Law in his crimes of genocide, torture and crimes against humanity.
Belgium: Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to Participate in an International Conference on Human Rights and Freedom of Belief in Brussels
2004-08-15An international conference on human rights and freedom of belief was held in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, from August the 5th to the 7th. Councillors and representatives of some non-governmental organisations from North America, Asia, Europe, and Africa participated in the Conference.
Article in Spanish Newspaper "El Mundo": Chen - Another Martyr for Falun Gong
2004-08-15“El Mundo”, one of the two major Spanish newspapers and well-known for its analytical reports, interviewed Falun Gong practitioner Ms Dai Zhizhen in early July. On Sunday, July 18th, 2004, when the newspaper had the largest volume of circulation, “El Mundo” used an entire page to report the miserable story of how Ms Dai’s family was ruined.
Switzerland: Dafa Practitioners Hold an Anti-Torture Exhibition in Switzerland’s Biggest City Zurich
2004-08-15The Swiss practitioners told Swiss people about the five years of persecution that have been waged against the 100 million people who practise Falun Gong in China. They asked people to join them in calling for an end to these violations of human rights. Swiss politicians and NGO representatives made speeches to express their support for Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful resistance to this persecution.
Hungary: Photo Report - Promoting Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution
2004-08-15From the 3rd to the 8th of August, practicioners from Hungary, Poland and Romania got together to let people in Hungary know more about the Falun Dafa and the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. They demonstrated the exercises, handed out leaflets and discussed the facts with passersby.
EFGIC: Young Woman Suffers Mental Breakdown Following Untold Torture and Rape
2004-08-14'Thirty-two-year-old Ms. Zhu Xia cries, laughs, and often bangs on doors and windows madly. She soils her clothing uncontrollably, and has frequent hallucinations, tossing and turning restlessly amidst unseen enemies...This is not the young woman her family members described as “healthy and vibrant” before the police took her away because she practised Falun Gong.'
A Representative of the Association of World Citizens made a Speech at a Plenary Session of the Fifty-Sixth Session of the Sub Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights held at the United Nations Office in Geneva
2004-08-14This system equates to veritable economic slavery set up and maintained by the Chinese Government. It violates the Chinese Constitution and international laws such as International Labour Organisation Conventions Nos. 29 and 105 It encourages corruption, torture and organised crime (for 570 cases of death from torture in the camps, 24 per cent were Falun Gong practitioners).