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Norway: Persecution of Falun Gong in China lasts Five Years
2004-08-12Norwegian Falun Gong practitioners, with support from Swedish and Danish practitioners, held activities in Oslo to mark the fifth year in the persecution of Falun Gong. Similar exhibitions have been held in many places over the world in the last few last weeks, as well as in the other Nordic countries. The exhibition attracted a lot of attention from passersby.
Spanish Newspaper Report about the Fifth Anniversary of the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2004-08-12'I suppose that deep down inside we fear China. No so much because of its enormous military might, but also for what it would mean to loose 1 billion potential consumers. I can’t think of any other reason to explain how it can be possible that we don’t move a finger when faced with what is happening over there in the matter of human rights.'
Sweden: Mourning Practitioners Who Have Been Persecuted to Death in China
2004-08-12On July 23rd 2004, Falun Gong practitioners assembled outside Gothenburg Chinese Embassy and held a vigil to mourn for the more than one thousand Falun Gong practitioners who have been persecuted to death. They also asked for the Embassy’s staff to not betray their conscience and not participate in this persecution of innocent people.
Radio France Internationale: The Tanzanian Judiciary Confirms the Lawsuit Against Chen Zhili for Persecuting Falun Gong
2004-08-12On Wednesday August 4th 2004, Radio France Internationale broadcast a report in Chinese to Mainland China and Metropolitan Paris. The French Falun Dafa Association recently sent a message claiming that on Tuesday the Tanzanian Judiciary fixed the case of Falun Gong suing China’s State Councillor Chen Zhili for crimes of persecuting Falun Gong as a criminal case. Related proceedings are listed for hearing.
Report from Spain's El Mundo Newspaper
2004-08-11On July the 22nd 2004, one of the two leading newspapers in Spain, El Mundo, published an editorial presenting the repression against Falun Gong as the most evident example of why China’s “economic freedom” is an illusion that will clearly fail without human rights and the rule of law.
Hungary: Successful Information Day on Margarethen Island
2004-08-11On July the 25th 2004, Hungarian, Australian, German and Ukrainian Falun Gong practitioners gathered on Margarethen Island in Budapest, to give a presentation on the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Despite the heat, many people stood in front of our booth to view the small photo exhibition and admire the slow flowing excercise movements.
Radio France Internationale: Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Zhao Zhizhen
2004-08-11In a fax from the Falun Dafa information Centre to Radio France International, it stated that Falun Gong practitioners had sued Zhao Zhizhen, the former Wuhan TV Station Director and the former Wuhan Radio Station Director. On August 2nd, Zhao submitted an application for an extension to appear in a U.S. federal court with the excuse that his English was limited.
The Society for Threatened People (GfbV) Contacts the Chinese Ambassador to Austria Regarding Falun Gong Practitioner Yong Wang’s Passport Extension Rejection
2004-08-10"Mr Yong Wang advised us concerning his Chinese passport extension rejection. We understand that he has not received, as of date, a written clarification concerning the denial of his right and freedom of travel. We view your actions concerning the revocation of Yong Wang’s citizenship without any clarification of due process, as a serious violation of human rights, given legal precedence and direct as well as indirect declarations of applicable UN Agreements."
Radio France Internationale: Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Jiang Zemin and Others in Greece Days Before the Olympics
2004-08-10'According to news from Paris, the European Falun Dafa Association held a press conference announcing that two Greek lawyers, on behalf of three Falun Gong practitioners from Australia, Ireland and Greece, filed a criminal lawsuit against former Chinese Dictator Jiang Zemin as well as former Vice Premier Li Lanqiang and another top official Luo Gan.'
Ireland: Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong in County Kildare
2004-08-10A series of posters depicting the torture imposed on Falun Gong practitioners in China became a focus for many passersby. They asked many questions and were visibly shocked by the horrifying scenes and found it hard to understand why such awful events are taking place in China today. After seeing the beauty of the Falun Gong exercises, many of the onlookers were moved and asked why such a peaceful thing could ever be prohibited anywhere in the world.
United Kingdom: Photo Report - Falun Gong Practitioners Awarded First Prize at the Edinburgh Festival Cavalcade for the Third Consecutive Year
2004-08-10 -
United Kingdom: Warm Response to Falun Gong Parade at the Edinburgh Cavalcade
2004-08-09Before the Falun Gong display had even reached them, the onlookers at this year’s Edinburgh Cavalcade had already been touched by the generous heart of the Falun Gong practitioners. Walking before the parade, practitioners in traditional Chinese dress handed out hundreds of paper lotus flowers into the outstretched hands of children leaning over the barriers.
The Chinese Embassy in Vienna Illegally Refuses Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Yong a Passport Extension
2004-08-09A passport extension application made by Falun Gong practitioner Mr Wang Yong was refused by the Chinese Consulate in Vienna on July the 21st 2004. The reason for the refusal is that Mr Wang practises Falun Dafa and regularly participates in peaceful appeal activities at the Chinese Consulate in Vienna.
Greece: Press Conference following the Lawsuit Launched in Athens
2004-08-09On August 5th 2004, European and Greek Falun Dafa Associations in conjunction with International Advocates for Justice (IAFJ), sponsored a press conference to celebrate the Olympic ideal, enshrined in the wisdom of Socrates, Lao Tze and many others. European and Greek Falun Dafa Associations in conjunction with International Advocates for Justice (IAFJ), sponsored a press conference to celebrate the Olympic ideal, enshrined in the wisdom of Socrates, Lao Tze and many others.
Statement by NGO Interfaith International at the 56th Session of the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
2004-08-08"Purely for economic interests, enterprises of all sizes and foreign investors who are aware of the situation prefer to close their eyes. They do not consider the fact that they are making themselves accomplices of what well-known human rights lawyers consider one of the most serious situations of persecution and genocide currently existing, in terms both of its size and of the means used: slander, incitement to hatred, incitement to denounce, privation of all social, economic and cultural rights, torture and murder."