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Article from the Irish Times: Chinese Falun Gong Practitioner tells of Rights Abuse
2004-05-14'A Chinese Falun Gong practitioner (1) made a passionate appeal for an end to human rights abuses in his country at a meeting of a parliamentary committee in Leinster House yesterday. He claimed he was subjected to "brainwashing" to force him to renounce his beliefs. He further alleged that, on different occasions, he was deprived of sleep, forced to squat and had his hands pinned behind his back, all for long periods. Mr Zhao alleged he was beaten so hard that he "couldn't walk for two weeks" and that he was also subjected to electric shocks.'
Spain: Promoting Falun Gong at Valencia International Culture Exchange Expo
2004-05-14From the 7th to the 9th of May, an annual cultural exchange expo was held in Valencia, a beautiful seaside town in Spain. People were immediately attracted by Falun Dafa’s posters and practitioners’ exercise demonstrations. Many people stopped at our stand and listened to practitioners introducing Falun Dafa.
Ireland: Calling for an End to the Persecution and Welcoming Wen Jiabao
2004-05-13During his visit, practitioners peacefully appealed to welcome Wen Jiabao, call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong and demand that the chief persecutors be brought to justice. The practitioners displayed banners reading "Welcome Wen Jiabao", "Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice" and "Falun Dafa is Good"
UK: Wen Jiabao Arrives in the UK and Bo Xilai is Sued
2004-05-13Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao arrived in the UK on May 9th. Aside from high-level political and trade talks, the issue of Hong Kong will be a focal point. Bo Xilai, the visiting Chinese Minister of Commerce, has been sued by UK Falun Gong practitioners.
Germany: Clarifying the Facts in the Town of Ansbach
2004-05-13On May 8th, German Falun Gong practitioners held Falun Gong activities in the small town of Ansbach in southern Germany. Practitioners demonstrated the five Falun Gong exercises for passers-by and collected signatures calling for the release of unlawfully imprisoned practitioners in China. Many people stopped to take a look and asked questions about Falun Gong.
Radio Free Asia: Falun Gong and Chinese Human Rights Issues Arouse the Attention of German Human Rights Associations and Other Organisations
2004-05-13The reporter interviewed an ordinary German who protested on the square near the hotel where Wen Jiabao stayed, asking her if she would like to say a few words. This lady, named Leonarda, said, ” We welcome Mr. Wen Jiabao’s visit to Germany very warmly. But, we hope that he would stop damaging China’s human rights, stop persecuting Falun Gong, and be able to put the people who suggested the persecution of Falun Gong first, like Jiang Zemin, on trial. I hope that the Chinese people can get real freedom.”
UK: During Wen Jiabao's Visit, Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal to Bring the Prime Culprits to Justice
2004-05-12The UK is the fourth stop of Wen Jiabao’s European visit. Just before the visit, UK practitioners filed a lawsuit against Bo Xilai for his crimes of torture and genocide against Falun Gong practitioners and requested his arrest upon arrival in the UK. The Metropolitan Police at New Scotland Yard considered the formal allegations made against him.
Belgium Appeal Activities During Wen Jiabao's Visit
2004-05-12When we arrived, many media organsiations were at the scene to cover this event. Falun Gong practitioners from Germany, France, Holland and Belgium unfurled banners and demonstrated the five sets of exercises. The embassy officials were all watching us, as were persons from local student associations and the media organisations dispatched by China.
Switzerland: Zhang Cuiying’s Art Exhibition in Switzerland
2004-05-12After Zhang Cuiying’s art exhibition in Brugg, Switzerland, came to an end on May 3rd, another exhibition opened in Switzerland at Fribourg University. The Freiburger Nachrichten newspaper took the lead in reporting details of the art exhibition and the story of Ms Zhang, a Falun Gong practitioner who was persecuted in China by Jiang Zemin's political regime.
Report from Spanish Newspaper La voz de Almera: Jiang Zemin Has Been Sued for the Crime of Genocide at the Spanish National Court
2004-05-12'Last October, Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese President, was sued by eighteen Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world for crimes of genocide and torture at the Spanish National Court. Falun Gong is an ancient meditation practice and was warmly welcomed by people in China. However, nearly 100 million practitioners are under brutal persecution carried out by the Chinese Government.'
UK: Appeal to Welcome Wen Jiabao and bring Bo Xilai to Justice
2004-05-11On Sunday the 9th of May 2004, UK Falun Gong practitioners gathered at the Chinese Embassy in London. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao arrived in England this weekend and Falun Gong practitioners held an appeal with banners displaying 3 important messages: "UK Falun Gong Practitioners Welcome Wen Jiabao", "Bring Jiang to Justice" and "Falun Gong is Good".
Norway: "Human Rights in China" Seminar Tour began in the University of Oslo
2004-05-11On May 6th, 2004, the Chinese Human Rights Speech Tour began its journey at Auslu University. This speech tour has a group of lecturers including a famous Canadian lawyer and the chairpeople of Asia Research Association in America and the Labour Studies Fund Association, as well as Falun Gong practitioners that have been persecuted.
UK Falun Gong Practitioner Xie Weiguo: My Fiancée Zhu Yongjie's Situation is Very Worrying
2004-05-11In the UK, Falun Gong practitioners have collected over twenty thousand signatures appealing for the release of Zhu Yongjie, Zhu Baolian, He Jian and other UK practitioners’ family and friends persecuted and detained in China. In China there are many other practitioners like Zhu Yongjie who are investigated by the Ministry of State Security. Their situations are of great concern. Only when more people stand up for the end of this persecution can the situation fundamentally improve.
Spain: Clarifying the Truth at the Contemporary Human Rights Forum at Comillas University
2004-05-11The Falun Gong practitioners’ statement shocked.the participants a great deal. A law school professor said, “Although I have heard about the human rights conditions in China, I did not realise that it was so bad.” Another participant added, “Such a major event has occurred in China, but we didn’t know. We hope that we can provide help."
UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Filed a Lawsuit Against Bo Xilai
2004-05-10After a lawsuit filed by American Falun Gong practitioners against Bo Xilai for the crime of genocide, torture and crimes against humanity, UK Falun Gong practitioners also entrusted an attorney recently to file a lawsuit against Bo Xilai for crimes of torture against fellow Falun Gong practitioners in China. The Metropolitan Police at New Scotland Yard accepted the formal allegation made against Bo Xilai for serious crimes and a request for his arrest upon arrival in the UK by issuing a Crime Number.