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Denmark: Practitioners Commemorate the 5th Anniversary of the "4.25” Peaceful Appeal
2004-05-01To commemorate 4.25, some practitioners from Denmark and Sweden came to the largest square in the capital of Denmark and used pictures, banners and leaflets in different languages to tell people the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong and commemorate the 5th Anniversary of the “4.25” peaceful appeal.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Welcome Wen Jiabao to Europe
2004-04-30From May 1, Wen Jiabao will visit five European countries and his first stop will be Germany. A couple of weeks ago, Falun Gong practitioners in Berlin began taking the initiative to contact the German Federal Ministry of the Interior and police stations in various districts of Berlin to make Falun Gong practitioners’ position clear.
UK: Photo Report - Symbolic Trial Of Jiang Outside Royal Court in London
2004-04-30 -
Letters from Two Danish Members of the European Parliament to the French President
2004-04-29In January 2004, under pressure and deceit from Jiang’s regime, who are cruelly persecuting Falun Gong, the French police strayed from the truth and harassed Falun Gong practitioners in Paris. After the incident, Falun Gong practitioners enthusiastically clarified the truth to people from all levels of society, demanding that the responsible people take the legal burden and apologise to Falun Gong practitioners.
Germany: Photo Report - On the Fifth Anniversary of “4.25”, Practitioners from Northern German Cities Held a Commemorative Activity
2004-04-29On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of “4.25”, Dafa students from Northern Germany held a commemorative activity in the capital Berlin on the 24th and 25th of April. They peacefully appealed on Potsdamer Platz, telling the passing tourists the truth about how Jiang slandered and persecuted Falun Gong around that time.
Sweden: Photo Report - Practitioners Tell People the Facts About the Historic Zhongnanhai Appeal
2004-04-29In wet and windy weather, a group of Dafa practitioners gathered in Stockholm, Sweden, on April 25th 2004, to tell people the facts about the peaceful appeal in Zhongnanhai. Despite the rain, passers-by were happy to take truth-clarification literature and some stopped for a while to discuss the facts in detail. The atmosphere was one of peace and tranquillity.
Germany: A Peaceful Appeal Held in Munich to Commemorate the 5th Anniversary of "4.25"
2004-04-29Five years ago, on April 25th, after being interfered with many times and arrested with no place to appeal, Falun Gong practitioners peacefully appealed to the State Department Appeals Office, beside Zhongnanhai. More than ten thousand people stood quietly on the street. Matters were solved to everyone’s satisfaction and they left peacefully.
The Former Mayor of Paris and Other French Politicians Express Concern About the Unlawful Harassment of Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-04-28In January of this year, a few people in the French government caved in to pressure and economic temptation from Jiang’s dictatorial regime and decided to exclude Falun Gong, a legally registered group in France that represents the best of Chinese traditional culture, from participating in the Chinese New Year parade on the Champs Elysees. Several Falun Gong practitioners were also illegally stopped, searched and detained by the police in Paris, by order of a few individuals in the French government under pressure from the Jiang regime.
UK: Symbolic Public Trial of Jiang Outside Chinese Embassy Marks April 25th Event
2004-04-28The event in London highlighted Jiang’s personal campaign to eradicate Falun Gong through a Symbolic Public Trial. Facing the Chinese Embassy, the message of the trial was clear and strong; the truth will be revealed and the lies exposed one by one, and those who participate in the persecution of Falun Gong will have to face the rule of law.
While Irish Falun Gong Practitioners were Commemorating the "4.25" Peaceful Appeal, an Eyewitness Pointed Out that the Persecution is a "Long-Premeditated Scheme"
2004-04-28"Since the message we convey in our appeals is to bring Jiang Zemin and his accomplices who persecute Falun Gong to justice, as opposed to aiming at the government, many officials in the Chinese government have come to know that this persecution is wasting money and not supported by the people’s hearts, and that it is not the entire Chinese government’s decision”.
Radio Free Asia: Fifth Anniversary of "4.25"
2004-04-28Extremely nervous about the upcoming 15th anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre on June 4th, 1989, the Chinese government has no alternative but to give priority to the 5th anniversary of Falun Gong's "4.25" Peaceful Appeal. Falun Gong practitioners in all parts of Europe as well as human rights groups plan to hold various activities during this weekend. Falun Gong has spread widely in Europe. This report is based on a broadcast from Tian Yi, a reporter in Germany for Radio Free Asia.
France: Promoting Falun Gong and Clarifying the Facts in Marseille City
2004-04-28In the busy streets of downtown Massy, practitioners demonstrated the exercises, spread the Fa, and clarified the truth about Falun Gong. In the afternoon practitioners joined a peaceful protest in front of the Chinese Consulate. When night fell, practitioners held a candlelight vigil to mourn those practitioners who have been persecuted to death in China.
Sweden: While Commemorating the "4.25" Peaceful Appeal, Practitioners hold a Symbolic Trial of the Persecution's Prime Culprit
2004-04-27On April the 24th 2004, Dafa practitioners in the Gothenburg area of Sweden went to the biggest park in the centre of the City to hold a symbolic trial of Jiang Zemin, who is the prime culprit of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the "4.25" peaceful appeal.
France: Photo Report - Dafa Practitioners Let People Know the facts in Paris for the 5th Anniversary of 4.25
2004-04-27On 24th April, French practitioners clarified the truth about the 4.25 event. In the afternoon, practitioners came to the No.13 district in Paris, where many Chinese people live and work. They displayed a large number of pictures and articles to expose the brutal persecution, which Jiang’s regime has carried out against Falun Gong.
Germany: Photo Report - Explain the Facts in Berlin and Commemorating "4.25"
2004-04-27To commemorate 4-25, Falun Gong practitioners in Berlin started a campaign to let the public know the facts. It attracted much attention, in particular the banner, “Jiang Zemin is Charged with Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity.” Pedestrians accepted materials and some stayed to learn more about the truth.