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Report from Spanish Newspaper San Fernando Información: "Persecuted and Tortured in Communist China"
2004-04-27“My husband was murdered, the sister of my husband is detained in a forced labour camp, and the father of my husband also died. I was left alone with a baby of 15 months. My husband was murdered because he went to Beijing to deliver a letter, in which said that his whole family had obtained enormous benefits from practising Falun Gong, that Falun Gong is good. He was arrested, tortured and murdered when he was only 34 years old..."
France: French Dafa Practitioners Hold a Series of Activities to Commemorate the 5th Anniversary of the "4.25" Peaceful Appeal
2004-04-26In the afternoon of April 23rd some practitioners practiced the exercises, sent forth righteous thoughts and told people the truth at the Chinese Embassy. They requested a stop to the persecution of Falun Gong and severe punishment for the Jiang regime. The activities helped the police and passers-by to learn the truth.
Austria: Practitioners hold Activities to Commemorate the 5th Anniversary of the “4.25” Peaceful Appeal
2004-04-26On the 22nd of April, Austrian practitioners practised the exercises and sent righteous thoughts at the Chinese Embassy in Austria to commemorate the “4.25” peaceful appeal. They also appealed for the criminals who persecute Falun Gong practitioners to be brought to justice.
Holland: To Commemorate the 5th Anniversary of the "4.25" Peaceful Appeal
2004-04-26At the time of commemorating the 5th Anniversary of the April the 25th peaceful appeal, we call for the Chinese Government to immediately stop persecuting Falun Gong, and for the international community to pay attention to this urgent issue.
Radio France Internationale: The Zhongnanhai Appeal is a Historical Necessity
2004-04-26"The majority of people thought that the suppression of Falun Gong was caused by the appeal of the Falun Gong practitioners who gathered at Zhongnanhai in 1999 and that this shocked Beijing. However, from a large amount of investigations, it has been discovered that the incident of the Zhongnanhai appeal was a historical necessity."
Geneva: Prosecuting Wang Yusheng, a Prime Culprit of Inciting Hatred
2004-04-26In April 2004, at the U.N. Human Rights Conference, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yoko Kaneko, who was recently released from a forced labour camp in China and was invited to give a speech at a forum on women’s rights in the UNHRC, recognised and identified a man who incited cruel torture and brainwashing in China but attended the UNHRC as a member of the non-governmental organisation “United Nations Association of China” (UNAC).
Radio Free Asia: A German-Based International Human Rights Association Submits a Five-Point Resolution to the European Parliament
2004-04-26A Human Rights Association based in Germany has been paying close attention to China's human rights problems. At their annual general meeting last year, they passed a resolution asking the German government to express concern over China's crackdown on Falun Gong and to help release the imprisoned Falun Gong practitioner Xiong Wei. Last weekend they passed a five-point resolution based on last year's resolution and submitted it to the European Parliament.
FDIC: Worldwide Activities Mark April 25th, Call for End to Half-decade of Persecution
2004-04-25Practitioners of Falun Gong will mark April 25 this Sunday with activities around the world, renewing the call for Beijing to end a five-year campaign of suppression that legal experts have come to term genocide.
UK: Symbolic Trial of Jiang Held Outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London
2004-04-25On April the 24th 2004, UK Falun Gong practitioners held a Symbolic Public Trial of Jiang in front of the Royal Courts of Justice in London. The purpose was to demonstrate the reality of bringing Jiang to justice through legal means, to add weight to the lawsuits already in process around the world and to gain momentum in the preparations of a lawsuit in the UK.
Finland: Telling People the Facts about the April 25th Incident
2004-04-25Falun Gong practitioners held activities in the central Helsinki for the 5th anniversary of the April 25th incident. Finnish practitioners made a special flyer about the incident. People in Helsinki have become more clear about the evil and brutal nature of Jiang Zemin’s campaign against innocent Falun Gong practitioners, and they condemn the persecutors.
UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Perform at the Fact Art Centre in Liverpool
2004-04-25On April the 17th 2004, the Fact Art Centre in Liverpool organised a show with the theme “A little peace in this changing world”. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to join the show and used this opportunity to tell the audience about Falun Gong and the persecution in China.
Swedish Daily: “People Who are Locked up in Labour Camps in China are Suffering”
2004-04-25On April 16th 2004, the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs visited Sweden. An article written by two Swedish citizens was published in the “Swedish Daily” in which the current conditions and forced illegal enslavement of people in labour camps in China is exposed.
EFGIC: Legal Action in UK against Chinese Officials for Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners in China, Genocide and Crimes against Humanity
2004-04-24LONDON (EFGIC) – Falun Gong practitioners in the UK are initiating a criminal action against Jiang Zemin, former president of China, for his personal responsibility, from 1999 onwards, in the persecution of the 100 million adherents of the ancient Chinese system of moral discipline, Falun Gong, which is centred on Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. The action concerns the torture of a male UK resident, who has now been granted asylum here.
Reply From German MP: "We Will Urge China to Honour Human Rights after the 60th Session of UNHRC Meeting"
2004-04-24A German MP, Mr. Hermann Groehe, who is also the president of the Christian Democratic Party’s branch of the Government’s Human Rights Association, wrote a letter in reply to German Falun Gong practitioners on the 6th of April, stating that he agreed with the EU’s decision of supporting the U.S resolution on condemning China for its human rights performance.
Press Release: Dictator Jiang Zemin on Trial in London
2004-04-24On Saturday 24th April, a symbolic trial of Jiang Zemin will be held outside the Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand and on Sunday 25th at the Chinese Embassy in Portland Place, London. The 25th of April has a special significance, as it is the 5th Anniversary of the original peaceful appeal to the Chinese Government in 1999 by Falun Gong practitioners. This symbolic trial exposes the crimes committed by Jiang, and demonstrates the reality of using legal means to bring him to justice.