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MEP Roger Helmer writes to ‘European Friends of Falun Gong’ about the “appalling treatment” of Practitioners in Paris
2004-03-08"I wrote to the French Ambassador, Gerard Errera, on January 30th raising my concerns over the appalling treatment of the practitioners. Furthermore, I have asked that these allegations be investigated as soon as possible, and that the Parisian authorities clarify the grounds on which the arrests were made."
Mayor of Spain’s Alcudia City: “We are completely against this serious violation of human rights and we condemn it.”
2004-03-08"I received your letter, from which I was informed that there are hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners being seriously persecuted in China, and their basic human rights are being violated. The Alcudia City Government, which is led by me, would like to make the following statement: we are completely against this serious violation of human rights and we condemn it."
Slovak Falun Gong Association is Founded and Formally Registered
2004-03-08The Slovak Falun Gong Association was founded and officially registered on February the 23rd 2004. The goal of this association is to help more Slovakian people learn about Falun Gong. In order to achieve this goal, the association will update the public with important news about Falun Gong, organize workshops and arrange meetings where practitioners can share their experiences and benefits from practising Falun Gong.
Latvia: Falun Gong Practitioners Call for Jiang, Luo, Liu and Zhou to be brought to Justice Outside the Chinese Consulate
2004-03-08Over the past few weeks, Jiang’s regime has intensified the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. As a result, the number of Falun Gong practitioners killed due to this persecution suddenly increased to 901. Falun Dafa practitioners in Latvia held a peaceful appeal outside the Chinese Consulate on February the 22nd 2004, in response to this situation.
Delegate from the Swedish Central Party: “We will continue to call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong.”
2004-03-07On the 3rd of March 2004, in Stockholm, Falun Gong practitioners raised the issue of the recent escalation of the persecution of Falun Gong in China and with the Swedish Central Party. Speaking decisively, Lena Ek, the delegate of the Swedish Central Party was resolute as she expressed her support: “the leaders of the Swedish Government will always use every opportunity to raise the issue of Falun Gong to the Chinese government at all levels. We will continue to call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong whether we are in political, business or enterprise meetings. Good luck to Falun Gong!”
Ukraine: Second "Falun Dafa Around The World" Picture Exhibition Is held at Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky
2004-03-07A photo exhibition entitled "Falun Dafa Around The World" was held at Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky in Ukraine from January the 23rd to January the 28th 2004. One hundred and twenty pictures were put on display. The picture exhibition was organised by Ukrainian Dafa practitioners, who have benefited greatly from learning Falun Dafa.
French TV Report on “Spring Telling” Exhibition Explains the Facts About Falun Gong
2004-03-07A French TV station recently reported on Falun Gong practitioners' participation in the recent “Spring Telling” Exhibition in France. This provided a chance to clear the good name of Falun Gong and to explain the facts about the nature of Falun Gong and the persecution. This TV report was a significant opportunity to clear out the poisonous lies behind which the Jiang regime has hidden its evil persecution from the conscience of the world's people and the condemnation of the international community.
Irish MEP Writes to the President of France about "Extremely Disturbing" Violations of Human Rights in Paris
2004-03-06"Falun Gong adheres to the three principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance” and denying them the right to express these peaceful ideals is an obvious encroachment on their freedom of speech. Since Communist leader Jiang Zemin outlawed Falun Gong in 1999, 870 deaths have resulted as well as many more tortures and imprisonments. France’s contribution to this maltreatment of members of Falun Gong is disheartening and sets an extremely dangerous precedent."
EFGIC: Despite Cosmetic Reforms, U.S. Department of State Says Human Rights in China Backsliding
2004-03-06'The 2003 US Department of State Annual Human Rights Report issued last week, points to China’s degenerating rights practices, some cosmetic beautification not withstanding. “Although legal reforms continued, there was backsliding on key human rights issues during the year,” says the report. One of these key issues is Falun Gong. As in previous years, the severe persecution of the practice is a central concern throughout much of the report, with extensive citing of torture, arbitrary detention, and unlawful killing, as well as denial of freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and association.'
Sweden: Teaching the Exercises to People who have been Waiting for Dafa for a Long Time
2004-03-06During the last weekend of February 2004, practitioners in Gothenburg, Sweden, held a two-day Falun Gong exercise class. During these two days, many people who wanted to learn the exercises attended the course on both days. When they got to know Falun Gong further many people exclaimed, “Falun Gong is what I have been waiting for.”
Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era": Genocide against Falun Gong in the Context of the Supposedly “Reformed” Chinese Legal System
2004-03-06"The crimes of the Chinese Government against the practitioners of Falun Gong are not in dispute. There is no doubt that the vicious and gratuitous violence perpetrated on those who simply speak in favour of the movement or hold up Falun Gong banners, the incarceration, torture and mass murder of Falun Gong adherents, together with the government and media campaign of hatred and vitriol against them, combine to meet the legal definition of “Genocide”. What is difficult for many international observers to reconcile is how this can occur in a country which is described by many influential opinion makers as having made huge and rapid strides in implementing the rule of law."
MEP Patricia McKenna Writes to an Irish Practitioner about the “Shocking and Wrong” Actions of the French Authorities
2004-03-05"The blatant denial of the participation of Falun Gong groups in the New Years Parade and the repression of their right to expression and peaceful protest by the French authorities is shocking and wrong. That the French government might have conceded to the request of Jiang Zemin to suppress and silence Falun Gong is extremely worrying indeed."
Falun Gong asks for the Persecution of Practitioners in China to be Discussed in the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue
2004-03-05Bilateral talks on human rights between the European Union and China were recently held in Ireland’s capital, Dublin. Human rights organisations asked the Irish government to pay attention to China’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, along with China’s Internet censorship and information blockade. Falun Gong practitioners also took further steps in filing a lawsuit against the Chinese officials who persecute Falun Gong.
Switzerland: More Than One Thousands Skiers Learned about Falun Dafa in the Jungfrau Mountain Region
2004-03-05Switzerland is a wonderful country with many world famous tourist attractions. One of the most beautiful is the majestic mountain of the Jungfrau Region. On February the 23rd 2004, Swiss practitioners set up a stall and some display boards in the town of Wengen at the foot of the Jungfrau Region, as part of an activity to let more people know about Falun Dafa.
Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era": CIST Spokesman Examines Role of Media in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-03-05"At a previous conference I attended entitled “Searching for Justice: Comprehensive Action in the Face of Atrocities”, I proposed the perspective of media and the Internet being a "new threat." One of the panellists mentioned that media is not itself bad, and the panellist was correct. Media is a tool, like a blade, and with regard to matters of persecution, genocide, international security and justice, the question is whether it will be a blade forged into a sword for Lady Justice or a sickle for the Grim Reaper...."