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Latvian Media Reported on Falun Gong Practitioners’ Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy in Riga
2004-03-01Recently, more than twenty more Falun Gong practitioners were persecuted to death by the Jiang regime within one month, bringing the total number of verified deaths to 896. On Saturday, practitioners from Riga, the capital of Latvia, gathered near the Chinese Embassy to expose the illegal actions of the Jiang regime and call for the culprits to be brought to justice.
EU Commissioner Shows Concern over the Paris Incident
2004-02-29"As you certainly know, the EU meets with China biannually to hold a joint dialogue on human rights. Violations of the individual rights of members of Falun Gong in China are among the issues regularly raised, under the banner of freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and freedom of belief. We will again raise these concerns at the next session of the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue to be held in Dublin on 26 and 27 February."
Norway: Dafa Practitioners Peacefully Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy to bring Jiang, Luo, Liu and Zhou to Justice
2004-02-29Upon hearing about the Chinese regime’s escalating oppression against Falun Gong, Norwegian practitioners appealed on February the 23rd outside the Chinese Embassy. They called on the world to bring Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Liu Jing and Zhou Yongkang to justice for their heinous crimes in persecuting Falun Gong.
Germany: Appeal on the Streets of Munich to bring the Instigator of the persecution of Falun Gong to Justice
2004-02-29According to reports from the Falun Dafa Information centre there has been a recent escalation of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Around the country, many practitioners have recently been arrested and tortured. Overseas practitioners in different countries organised strong protests in response, appealing to bring those responsible to justice.
Delegates at Human Rights Convention in Lyons Express Support for Falun Gong
2004-02-29The conference delegates expressed concerns on the issue of human rights in China, particularly in relation to Falun Gong. Many of them knew what happened during the Chinese New Year in Paris after hearing about it on the TV or radio. Due to lies and pressure created by Jiang’s regime, French policemen had treated Falun Gong practitioners in a manner which violated human rights and opposed the founding principles of the French nation.
Article from German Newspaper Bruchsaler Rundschau: “My friends are being persecuted.”
2004-02-29'Ms. Wang’s friends and many other incarcerated Falun Gong practitioners have to endure psychological terror, brainwashing, gross physical and psychological abuse, mistreatment and torture. One of those, once a successful young scientist, is now a broken man who does not even recognise his family anymore. Approximately 700 of those mistreated people did not survive the torture and have died, states one of the Falun Gong information publications. Falun Gong has followers in more than fifty nations around the globe.'
Mayor of Spain’s Toledo City: “I will take every possible opportunity to appeal for the end of this persecution.”
2004-02-28"I carefully read your letter introducing the information about the Spanish Falun Dafa Association and the terrible situation that Falun Gong practitioners face under persecution in China...I will take every possible opportunity to raise your issue to the relevant people in Spain and abroad, and to appeal for the end of this persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China."
French MP: “We should give human rights higher priority than economic benefits.”
2004-02-28Recently, a French practitioner wrote to Franck Marlin, Member of Parliament for Essonne and Mayor of Etampes, complaining about the unfair treatment Falun Gong practitioners received in Paris at the end of January. The MP replied saying that he completely agreed with the practitioner and thinks “we should give human rights higher priority than economic benefits.”
Germany: Falun Gong hold a Protest due to the Misconduct of the Volkswagen Company
2004-02-28'“Since Falun Gong was banned, the practitioners of Falun Gong have suffered discrimination in China. This also happened in foreign businesses.” At the Volkswagen company in China, if the job applicants do not sign an agreement to indicate that they are not Falun Gong practitioners and do not support Falun Gong, their applications will be refused. There are a lot of examples of this.'
WOIPFG Spokesperson Discusses How the Persecution of Falun Gong Is Related to Western Corporations at the International Conference on 'Genocide in the New Era'
2004-02-28"The persecution needs money, of course. Where does the money come from, how can it be generated? What might be the role of big companies, especially those which are investing from abroad? How is the Chinese regime abusing people in forced labor camps? A few weeks ago, we received information that about one dozen Falun Gong practitioners working in the Volkswagen Joint Venture in Changchun, the capital of Jilin province in China, have been dismissed from work because of their belief. Recently, another similar case has been confirmed."
Spain: Practitioners Strongly Appeal at the Chinese Embassy to bring Jiang, Luo, Liu and Zhou to Justice
2004-02-28Practitioners held a peaceful protest outside the Chinese Embassy in Spain, to highlight the escalating persecution against Falun Gong in China, which has seen a recent increase in arrests and killings. They strongly appealed to bring Jiang Zemin, the main culprit responsible for the genocide against Falun Gong, to justice together with his accomplices Luo Gan, Liu Jing and Zhou Yongkang.
Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era" by German Lawyer Wolfgang Kaleck
2004-02-28The International Conference on “Genocide in the New Era”, organised by “Friends of Falun Gong Europe” and “International Advocates for Justice”, took place in Sweden’s capital, Stockholm from January 26th to January 28th 2004. This is one of the conference speeches by Wolfgang Kaleck, a German lawyer who has worked on legal actions against the chief persecutors of Falun Gong practitioners.
Radio France Internationale: An Actor from "Yong Zheng Dynasty" Appeals for an End to the Brutal Persecution Against Falun Gong
2004-02-28'Many of my friends who practise Falun Gong suffered from the brutal persecution. One of them was arrested in winter. They poured cold water on him after stripping him of his clothes and binding him to iron handrails. The temperature in Beijing was minus 20 degrees Celsius at that time. Another Falun Gong practitioner was forced to crawl on the ground covered by thick snow. To make the torture even more painful, the guards poured water on the practitioner’s feet. The purpose of the torture and persecution is to make Falun Gong practitioners give up their practice, and abandon their belief.'
Article from Washington Post: 'New' China, Old Repression
2004-02-28China has changed in some ways in the past decade. Ordinary citizens can generally say what they want in private or in some public settings -- so long as they remain completely unorganised and unchallenging to the regime. But when it comes to tolerance of any political opposition, or to human rights standards as generally defined by the international community, China is essentially the same as it was a decade ago. The regime has never expressed the slightest remorse for using weaponry against its own people.
A European Practitioner: “Let everyone in Paris know the truth about Falun Gong!”
2004-02-27From the 24th to the 28th of January, several incidents of Falun Gong practitioners being arrested and detained for no reason by police on the streets occurred because of the French government’s economic interests and pressure from the Chinese regime. After the incident occurred, Falun Gong practitioners would like to let more French people know the truth about Falun Gong, Jiang Zemin’s ruthless oppression of Falun Gong practitioners, and the unreasonable conduct of the French police.