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  • Falun Gong Practitioners Filed a Lawsuit in France against Wang Yunkun, Secretary of the CCP’s Jilin Provincial Party Committee

    Jilin has been one of the most notable provinces in China where Falun Gong practitioners were persecuted. The number of documented deaths in Jilin had reached 301, ranking fourth worst among China’s thirty one municipalities, provinces and autonomous regions. In the afternoon of June the 8th 2005, the French Falun Gong Association filed a lawsuit in the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris.
  • Germany: Local People Support the Anti-Torture Exhibition in Wuppertal

    Falun Gong practitioners from the German state of North Rhine Westfalia held an anti-torture exhibition there. When passers-by saw posters depicting the cruel torture methods used in attempts to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their beliefs, they were shocked at the human rights violations happening in China.
  • Opening Speech from the 2005 European Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference 2005 in Stockholm

    For Swedish practitioners and those from the rest of Europe, 1995 was an unforgettable year. It was in this year that our compassionate Master came to the continent of Europe. He showed the way for his disciples and He brought beauty to Europe. And now, during the ten-year anniversary of Master visiting Europe and teaching the Fa in Sweden, we hold our European Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in the capital city, making this conference even more special and historically important.
  • Finland: Falun Gong Photo Exhibition Tours Lapland (Part 1)

    During spring 2005, we contacted several libraries in Lapland and made inquiries about holding a Falun Gong photo exhibition. Several librarians were interested to hold an exhibition during the spring and summer. Most of them knew about Falun Gong already and those who didn’t were interested to hold the exhibition and find out more.
  • Ukraine: Exposing the Persecution during a Mythology Drama Presentation

    On May the 28th and 29th, Ukrainian practitioners took part in a mythology drama held by Dnepropetrovsk City Council in a local park. During the gathering, people viewed a display of pictures exposing the human rights abuses against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Many people were attracted by the paper lotus flowers made by practitioners.
  • Little Swiss Girl Katharina's Wish Hasn't Come True Yet

    Katharina is seven years old. At school she is a good student and all her schoolmates and teachers like her. At home, she is mummy and daddy’s young helper. She helps mummy to look after her younger sister and do some simple housework. Katharina should be an unworried girl but she is feeling heavy in her heart because her big wish to end the persecution of Falun Gong has not yet come true.
  • Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in an Alternative Health Fair in Uddevalla

    On the 28th and 29th of May, Falun Gong practitioners took part in an alternative health fair in Uddevalla. They performed the five sets of Falun Gong exercises and informed the participants about Falun Gong and the ongoing persecution occurring in China. They also set up an exhibition of posters and photos, accompanied by an information table.
  • Germany: Excellent Performances at the Bielefeld Cultural Festival

    Germany’s Ninth Bielefeld Cultural Festival was held and around 1,500 people from seventy organisations participated in a parade. Many people clapped along with the beat of the waist drum performance. Practitioners’ peaceful and graceful demonstration of the five sets of exercises on a float was the target of the crowd’s cameras.
  • Well-Known Dutch Musicians Compile an Album Inspired by Falun Gong

    From the titles of the songs it's obvious that the inspiration came from both the mystical aspects of oriental spiritual practices, which are so very present in Falun Gong, as well as the perseverance and endurance of Falun Gong practitioners that manifest in their struggle to stop the persecution they are suffering in China.
  • Germany: People and Officials of Wuerzburg City Appeal to the German Government to Rescue Jiang Renzheng

    Since Jiang Renzheng was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp in China, shortly after his whole family was deported from the German city of Wuerzburg, Falun Gong practitioners in that city have organised five events in the city centre to call for Jiang’s release. Most members of the public said they already had some knowledge of Jiang’s arrest from the city’s media. People deplored the German government’s bad decision while gaining a lot better understanding of the persecution Falun Gong practitioners are suffering in China.
  • Norway: Folding Paper Lotus Flowers at a Children’s Festival in Oslo

    A children's festival was arranged during the last weekend in May at the Medieval Park in Oslo, the capital of Norway. During this annual weekend activity, children and their parents experience different exciting things such as song and dance, cooking and a lot more. This year, the children could also learn how to fold paper lotus flowers.
  • United Kingdom: Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance International Art Exhibition held in Central London

    From the 31st of May to the 3rd of June, the Truthfulness, Compassion Forbearance International Art Exhibition was successfully held in central London. This special art exhibition is created by Falun Gong practitioner artists, many of whom have suffered vicious persecution first-hand in Chinese forced labour camps and prisons.
  • Romania: “The Evil CCP is the Same as Ceausescu!”

    Romanian Falun Gong practitioners went to Suceava city to promote Falun Gong and raise awareness of the human rights abuses influicted on practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party. They handed out leaflets about Falun Gong to tourists in the park and allowed more people to get to know that the world needs “Truthfulness Compassion and Forbearance”.
  • Slovakia: People in Povazska Bystrica Help to Raise Awareness of the Persecution Against Falun Gong

    Povazska Bystrica is a city with about 40.000 inhabitants in western Slovakia. Practitioners demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises and exposed the Chinese Communist Party’s human rights crimes against Falun Gong on large poster boards. People who passed by stopped to sign a petition calling for an end to this persecution.
  • Radio Station in Czech Republic Broadcasts 60-Minute Falun Gong Programme

    The radio listeners learned about the brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China. They also learned that Falun Gong is based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance. In answer to a question about whether Falun Gong can help people, the practitioner revealed that when the practice was spread in a Taiwanese jail, some of the inmates improved their moral character to such an extent that their sentences were shortened.