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Letter from Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners to Other NGOs
2004-03-17"With the 60th Session of United Nations Commission on Human Rights in Geneva quickly approaching, we write, on behalf of the 40 international human rights organizations signed below, to ask you to please join us to encourage the United States in taking the lead to draft a China Resolution to condemn Falun Gong persecution and other human rights abuses and to urge all countries with representatives at the 60th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Commission to support passage of such a resolution."
Scotland: Personal Meetings with Human Rights Organizations to let them Know the Facts
2004-03-17As practitioners continue to make efforts to tell people about Dafa and the persecution, more people have come to understand the truth. However many people still have an impression of Dafa that appears correct but is actually wrong, whilst some even have misunderstandings. We have sent truth clarifying materials to various human rights organizations in Scotland but overall not much feedback was received. In order to clarify the truth further, Dafa practitioners in Scotland decided to meet various human rights organizations face to face.
Photo Report: Dafa Practitioners held a Candlelight Vigil at the Place Des Nations in Geneva on the Opening Day of the 60th Session of the UNHRC
2004-03-17 -
Large-Scale Activities in Geneva Bring the Hope of a Brighter Future to the 60th Anual United Nations Human Rights Congress
2004-03-16On Monday the 15th of March 2004, the 60th annual United Nations Human Rights Congress began in Geneva, Switzerland. Around 500 Falun Gong practitioners from countries all around the world gathered in Geneva, to us this opportunity to raise the profile of the persecution of Falun Gong in the international community, and to explain in more depth the nature of the persecution.
Forty NGOs Cosign Resolution to Urge the United Nations to Call Upon China to End Human Rights Abuses
2004-03-16" is the sense of the undersigned that the United States Government should continue its tradition in taking the lead in drafting a China Resolution to highlight Falun Gong persecution and other human rights abuses and taking the lead in organizing multilateral support to obtain passage by the Commission of such a resolution."
Speech by Chairman of the European Falun Dafa Association outside the UNHRC in Geneva
2004-03-16"There is ample evidence and no doubt that a planned and deliberate policy of elimination has been directed at tens of millions of innocent people in China. Gross human rights violations have been committed against these people simply because they believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The criminal acts seek to destroy everything that is positive and good in our world and they seek to take away human beings’ fundamental rights to improve themselves physically, morally and spiritually."
Dafa Practitioners from Around the World Tell People the Facts in Geneva before the United Nations Human Rights Commission
2004-03-16After activities in Geneva on Saturday the 13th of March to let people know the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution in China, practitioners continued to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises and distribute leaflets by the lakeside in Geneva on Sunday the 14th of March.
Photo Report: Before the Opening of UN Human Rights Commission, Practitioners from Around the World Promote Dafa and Tell People the Facts All Over the City of Geneva
2004-03-16 -
Photo Report: On the Day before the United Nations Human Rights Commission, Falun Dafa Practitioners from Around the World Join Activities in Geneva
2004-03-15 -
UK: Some Interesting Stories of Promoting Falun Gong during the Weekends
2004-03-15On February the 28th 2004, several Falun Gong practitioners arrived in Swansea, a city located on the south-western shore of the United Kingdom, to demonstrate Falun Gong exercises on the busy streets. Many people came over to the exhibition booth to sign their names on a petition calling for an immediate end to the ongoing persecution against Falun Gong in China.
Open Letter to Chinese Delegates from World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG)
2004-03-15"In September of 2003 and January of 2004, WOIPFG and the Canadian Falun Dafa Association submitted to the Canadian Royal Mounted Police a list of names of 45 people who have initiated and actively participated in the persecution of Falun Gong, as well as evidence of the crimes that they have committed. The 45 people include Jiang Zemin, Li Lanqing, Luo Gan, Liu Jing, Zhou Yongkang, among others."
Article from The Epoch Times: Enslaved Falun Gong Practitioners Make Wigs Sold Worldwide
2004-03-15Labour camps such as Shibalihe and Xuchang buy Falun Gong practitioners from other labour camps for 800 RMB each (almost $100 US), and force them to work day and night. Many have been tortured to death as part of a "reeducation" program that aims to crush their spiritual beliefs. The labour camps are located in Henan Province, where hair products are the number one export. Henan Rebecca describes itself as "the largest hair product company in China and one of the biggest in the world," including the U.S.
Letter from Roger Helmer MEP to the UK’s French Ambassador Regarding “a serious violation of basic human rights” in Paris
2004-03-14"The allegations in question are that the Parisian authorities arrested, and not simply stopped for identity checks, handcuffed and detained several UK Falun Gong practitioners for up to five hours until after the afternoon’s parade had finished...As I stressed in my earlier letter, these allegations, if true, amount to a serious violation of basic human rights."
Germany: Letting People know about the Lawsuit against Jiang Outside the Procuratorate
2004-03-14On the 6th of March from 10 am until 10 pm, over 50 practitioners from the German city Karlsruhe and the surrounding cities held an activity on the Karlsruhe City Square, to collect petition signatures in support of the persecuted practitioners in China and to inform the public about the latest development in the lawsuit against former Chinese President Jiang Zemin and his regime...'
Spain: Falun Gong practitioners participated in the “Nature & Health Expo”
2004-03-14Falun Gong practitioners from Barcelona and Madrid participated in the “Nature and Health Expo” held in Lleida city. With the help of enthusiastic organizers, besides holding two workshops introducing Falun Dafa, practitioners also put up a Falun Dafa exhibition booth on a piece of open space outside the exhibition hall where visitors must pass by.