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France: Explaining the Facts at the Chinese Embassy in Paris
2003-11-02The French practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts, used a loudspeaker to unveil Jiangs crimes against humanity and gave leaflets to passers-by, including Chinese citizens who were at the consulate to apply for various documents. They came to learn the facts and many of them encouraged the practitioners.
Speech by President of the German Branch of the China Democracy League at the First European Meeting of the Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice
2003-11-02"In just a few years, the number of Falun Gong practitioners reached 100 million. This is twice the number of members in the Chinese communist party. As a result, Jiang Zemin was so afraid of Falun Gong that he used weapons, and he used scoundrel tactics to start the bloody persecution of Falun Gong, the worst persecution in history. Statistics show that there are over 700 practitioners who have been brutally tortured to death."
Article from Greek Newspaper "Politikis": Neglected at the Chinese Diplomat's visit - They were all Chinese
2003-11-02'Mr Wu Guanzheng, a member of the Communist Party Politburo and third in the Chinese chain of command, almost found himself part of the Cypriot court 'system' while on an official visit to Cyprus yesterday...The lawsuit against Mr Guanzheng is included in the framework of an organised struggle begun by all Chinese citizens, not only those who have relatives or have themselves been imprisoned and brutalised by the Chinese government.'
Germany: Bringing Jiang to Justice in the Court of People's Conscience: Reports on a Series of Activities in Munich
2003-11-02Practitioners displayed boards introducing Dafa and exposing the evil persecution, and when they demonstrated the exercises the passing tourists slowed down. Many people were shocked by the cruel persecution and could not understand why the Jiang regime treats a group of people who cultivate Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance in such a way.
Spain: Clarifying the Truth to Amnesty International Before Filing the Lawsuit Against Jiang and Luo
2003-11-01"The intention to sue Jiang is not to win the case but to let more people know about the evilness of the persecution and to let more people know about the truth in order to stop this persecution. This persecution isnt just aimed at Falun Gong practitioners, but its also aimed at humankinds precious morality and the principles of the universe. Therefore, the victims of this persecution are not only Falun Gong practitioners, but people throughout the world."
UK: Peaceful Appeal at the Chinese Embassy in London to Support Practitioners on Hunger Strike in Jilin province in China
2003-11-01"Today we have learned that in China there are many Falun Gong practitioners who have been arrested because they broadcast the truth about Falun Gong on TV; one practitioners life is also now in danger. As a result, 100 plus Jilin practitioners who are currently jailed are helping them by hunger striking. We are also here to assist them.
The First European Public Assembly of the Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice held in Germany
2003-11-01The assembly attracted a large audience and received a lot of feedback. Many German citizens signed their names on a petition in support of the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin; some of them even offered their ideas about how to bring Jiang to justice. Tourists from China also said, Falun Gong should file a lawsuit against Jiang. The public will be happy about this lawsuit. Some of them even took photos of the scene and said that they would show them to their relatives and friends in China.
Ireland: Press Conference and Peaceful Appeal Outside Dublin's Chinese Embassy
2003-11-01Recently many of the Falun Gong practitioners detained in jilin Prison have staged a hunger strike, the only method available to them to protest against the severe torture they receive from the prison guards. Irish practitioners highlighted the atrocities in Jilin prison and their support for fellow practitioners imprisoned there.
Sweden: A Falun Gong practitioners 40th Birthday Celebration
2003-11-01The party was held at the Ericsson Company offices on the 23rd of October 2003. A traditional Chinese Lotus Dance, poetry recitals and the Falun Gong exercises were all performed. Each received a loud round of applause from the audience, accompanied by a few questions. Some Chinese employees were astonished by the answers.
Cyprus: Letting the Cypriot People Know about the Evil Persecution in China
2003-10-31Falun Gong practitioners held a peaceful demonstration in front of the hotel where Wu was staying as well as in front of the Parliament where Wu was to visit. When police, security guards, media and other people learned the truth, they were shocked and all of them offered their support to Falun Gong practitioners.
NGO's Speech at a German Rally: "The Association of Threatened People is very concerned about the steadily escalating persecution that Falun Gong has been suffering from."
2003-10-31"The Association of Threatened People is very concerned about the steadily escalating persecution that Falun Gong has been suffering from. No other religion or group has been confronted with bloody suppression in China on a scale as large as Falun Gong. Since the suppression in China started four years ago, there have been 770 Falun Gong practitioners persecuted to death in detention centres, labour camps or prisons due to inhuman torture."
Sweden: Local Radio station Broadcasts Programmes that Reveal the Truth about Falun Gong
2003-10-31After practitioners exposed the Chinese Consulates attempts to stop a program about Falun Gong from being broadcast on Swedish radio, practitioners from the South of Sweden set up another truth-clarifying programme. This broadcast aims to expose the evil and clarify the truth.
"Reuters" Article: A Falun Gong lawsuit against Jiang Zemin in Spain
2003-10-31Lawyer Mr Carlos Iglesias told the press This morning we filed for charges against Jiang and Luo for genocide and crimes of torture against Falun Gong practitioners. The most horrific human rights violation since the second World War has been occurring in China for the past four years.
EFGIC: U.S. Congress Condemns China's Oppression of Falun Gong on U.S. Soil and in China
2003-10-31Last week, the US Congress introduced a concurrent resolution calling on the Chinese government to end its brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China and stop all activities against Falun Gong practitioners inside the United States.
EFGIC: Chinese Communist Insider Sued in Cyprus for Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-10-30A member of the Chinese Communist Partys (CCP) inner circle was sued in Cyprus yesterday, joining other high-ranking Chinese officials in more than a dozen countries who have been named as defendants for their responsibility in genocide, torture, and crimes against humanity.Mr. Wu Ghuangzhen, former governor of Shandong province, was visiting with government officials in Cyprus when the national court accepted a civil suit filed by Falun Gong practitioners.