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Spain: Report on the Lawsuit against Jiang - Peaceful Demonstration in Front of the Chinese Embassy
2003-10-30Practitioners first explained the facts to the policemen and told them that Jiang is officially being prosecuted in Spain. The policemen gathered around the practitioners with concern to hear and said they knew that Falun Gong is peaceful and is being persecuted in China. They happily accepted the Dafa materials and expressed their gratitude.
Article from "The Cyprus Mail": Falun Gong Activists launch Suit against Visiting Chinese Official
2003-10-30'Human rights activists yesterday launched a civil suit against a senior Chinese official on a one-day visit to the island, charging him with crimes against humanity and genocide. The activists, practitioners of Falun Gong, staged a protest outside the Presidential Palace and the House of Representatives building, and later held a news conference outlining their complaints against the Chinese government.'
Finland: Letting People know the Truth about Falun Dafa
2003-10-30They said that they had already heard about Falun Gong and upon learning that the man used to be an English professor, the practitioner handed him the CD. The couple asked several thoughtful questions about Falun Gong. The man held the practitioners hands tightly and reminded her to take care.
Vice-President of the French Parliament: The Chinese Government Must Change its Attitude towards Falun Gong
2003-10-30Letters were sent from the Vice-President of the French Parliament to the Foreign Minister stating that France must react powerfully to the human rights violations against Falun Gong. The letters also said that the Chinese government must change its attitude towards Falun Gong.
Bulgaria: Falun Gong practitioners Painting Exhibition is Cancelled due to Pressure from the Chinese Embassy
2003-10-29Mrs. Snezhina Chipeva MP expressed her astonishment at the cancellation of the painting exhibition under pressure from the Chinese Embassy. She also prepared an enthusiastic speech for the exhibitions opening ceremony. She believed the cancellation of the exhibition is interference in Bulgarias domestic affairs. Many members of parliament questioned the Parliaments Secretary General, and demanded an explanation of this issue. Just as a reporter stated, The event is not over yet. I feel it will influence Bulgarias future. It is very dangerous for a government to place economic interests over human rights.
Cyprus: Falun Gong practitioners Hold a Press Conference in Nicosia
2003-10-29Being victims of genocide, Falun Gong practitioners attracted a lot of attention from the media. Reporters from four main TV channels, a few large newspapers, national radio and some news agencies were present at the conference. The press conference lasted for one hour, during which the reporters listened carefully and with interest.
Germany: Promoting Falun Dafa and Teaching the Exercises at Siegen Health Expo
2003-10-29The organisers of the exhibition came to the Dafa stand to learn more about Falun Gong before giving an introduction of over the halls public address system. Their introduction recommended that people participate in learning the Falun Gong exercises, which were being taught for free.
A letter from a French MP to the Foreign Minister, asking how Severe Human Rights Abuses in China can be Stopped
2003-10-29Since 1999, the Chinese government has begun a systematic suppression of Falun Gong believers. Nearly 71 million people are under persecution (subject to arrest, detention, torture, re-education through labour, forced into psychiatric clinics and death). As a consequence of this, Eric Dlard demands to know from the Minister, what diplomatic policy our government will adopt to end this severe human rights abuse.
EFGIC: 100 Go on Extended Hunger Strike in Chinese Prison Camp as Man Upholds Peaceful Appeal, Tortured to Brink of Death
2003-10-29Reliable sources in China indicate that 100 Falun Gong practitioners are being held at Jilin Prison, and that most of them undertook a hunger strike to protest the ongoing severe torture by prison guards there. The lives of those engaged in the peaceful appeal are likely in danger.
FDI: Mary Kay Corporation under Pressure to Force Falun Gong Practitioners in China to Renounce Their Beliefs
2003-10-29Two weeks ago, the Falun Dafa Information Center confirmed specific information about how the Mary Kay Corporations operations in China have been pressured by Chinese authorities to force employees and sales consultants to sign a statement guaranteeing they will neither practise nor advocate for Falun Gong a traditional Chinese spiritual practice. Those who do not sign the statement are fired and potentially reported to local authorities.
Lawsuit Filed Against Chinese Human Rights Abuser Wu Guanzheng during his Visit to Cyprus
2003-10-28A member of the Chinese Communist Party Politburo Standing Committee, Wu is a key figure in the 4-year campaign of brutal persecution against Falun Gong, during which at least 805 practitioners in China are known to have died of torture or ill-treatment. Wu has personally coordinated the persecution in Shandong Province where 93 practitioners are known to have died.
Article from "Electronic Freedom Times": Spanish Falun Gong Members File a Lawsuit Against the Former Chinese President Jiang
2003-10-28The indictment points out that to this day, there are approximately 2,000 Falun Gong practitioners detained in Chinese prisons, suffering from torture and being persecuted to death. Hundreds of thousands of people have been locked up in labour camps, more than 2,000 people have been forcefully detained in mental hospitals and have suffered from mental and physical tortures, as well as being maltreated by the misuse of medicines.
A Letter from the Vice-President of the French National Assembly to the Foreign Minister: The French Government must Respond Strongly
2003-10-28Facing this regrettable situation, we, in France, need to act vigorously to urge the Chinese government to change its attitude toward Falun Gong practitioners. I demand the Minister to inform the Chinese government of our position on this matter.
Norway: Promoting Falun Gong at the Alternative Therapies Fair in Stavanger
2003-10-28There were always one or two practitioners who distributed flyers and talked with the visitors. The people were very eager, curious and interested to chat with the practitioners about Falun Gong. Practitioners often found themselves spontaneously surrounded by large groups of people who wanted to find out more.
Bulgaria: Falun Gong Practitioners Successfully Hold a Painting Exhibition
2003-10-27Last week the Chinese embassy blocked a painting exhibition of Zhang Cuiying, a traditional Chinese artist and Falun Gong practitioner. After this was revealed to the public, many Bulgarian MPs, citizens and journalists condemned the Chinese embassy’s behaviour. With justice on her side, Ms. Zhang’s painting exhibition went ahead successfully.