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Article from "Skaraborg Lans Tidning" (Swedish Media): Focusing on Human Rights
2003-12-15According to official statistics from 1998, there were about 100 million people practising Falun Gong. The former Chinese dictator, Jiang Zemin, initiated this suppression and has rendered one twelfth of the Chinese population under direct persecution. The implementation of this national terrorism has even implicated Falun Gong practitioners’ family members.
Austria: Dafa Practitioners Invited To Hold an Information Day at the Martini Annual Fair
2003-12-15On December the 10th, Falun Dafa practitioners were invited to hold an information activity at the Martini Annual Fair. Many pedestrians learned the facts about Falun Gong from our activity. One of the people who came to the activities was a member of the European Union. She said that she is very sympathetic towards practitioners.
France: Promoting Falun Dafa at a Health Food and Handcrafts Expo
2003-12-14During these nine days, a continuous stream of visitors came to the expo. We distributed over ten thousand flyers and more than one thousand newspapers which revealed the persecution of Falun Gong and information on the lawsuits launched against Jiang and his regime in countries all over the world. Many people signed a petition supporting freedom for practitioners in China.
Germany: "Broadcasting Month for the Rescue of Xiong Wei" Running Smoothly
2003-12-14December the 8th is Xiong Wei’s birthday and December the 10th is World Human Rights Day, so practitioners decide to name this December “Broadcasting Month for Rescuing Xiong Wei”. The main approach is to give a song to German Radio Stations entitled “Free Xiong Wei”, which was written and composed by a western Falun Gong practitioner. This is an effective way to let the German people learn more about Xiong Wei's illegal detention.
Details of German Lawsuit Filed Against Perpetrators of the Persecution Against Falun Gong
2003-12-14On November 21 2003, a lawsuit was filed with the German Federal Supreme Court, charging former Chinese head-of state Jiang Zemin and 16 other high-ranking Chinese leaders with Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, Torture, Murder and the Severe Bodily Harm of Falun Gong practitioners. The lawsuit was filed by the German Falun Dafa Association, together with forty Falun Gong practitioners from Germany, China, America, Canada, Australia and Ireland. The plaintiffs’ legal representative is Mr. Wolfgang Kaleck, a lawyer from Berlin who famously represented German victims of military dictator Augusto Pinochet.
EFGIC: Internal Organs Missing from Body of Falun Gong Practitioner Killed in Police Custody
2003-12-13The second of two autopsies performed on the body of a Falun Gong practitioner who was beaten to death in police custody revealed that several internal organs had been removed, presumably shortly after her death....illegal human organ trafficking in China has been identified as a serious concern by international human rights groups. In June 2001, Chinese Dr. Wang Guoqi testified before the U.S. Congress about nearly 100 operations he reportedly performed on executed prisoners in China to extract their organs for sale.
Ireland: Irish Practitioners Demonstrate the Exercises and Clarify the Facts Outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2003-12-13Practitioners talked to the Ministry staff about Falun Gong and appealed for the rescue of the two overseas Chinese students, Liu Feng and Yang Fang, who are being persecuted by the Jiang regime in China because they practise Falun Gong. The purpose is to help the Irish government and the media to have a better and deeper understanding of Falun Dafa and the persecution in China.
Sweden: Dafa Practitioners Hold Activities in Gothenburg on World Human Rights Day
2003-12-13The peaceful and beautiful Falun Gong exercise demonstration starkly contrasted with the pictures of the brutal suffering of practitioners in China. After hearing about the crimes of Jiang Zemin and his regime, one old man exclaimed, “Why do they oppress Falun Gong? Are the Chinese communists so afraid of ‘Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance’? Then, isn’t it clear what they really are?”
Radio Free Asia: German Human Rights Organisations Invite Falun Gong Practitioners to Attend World Human Rights Day Activities
2003-12-13On Monday the 8th of December, the German International Human Rights Association and Amnesty International held a series of activities for World Human Rights Day. Representatives of Falun Gong were invited to participate in these activities.
German Court Issues a Warrant for the Arrest of former Argentine President Jorge Videla and His Accomplices
2003-12-12Two weeks ago, Mr. Kaleck submitted an 86-page-long indictment to the German’s Federal Procurator’s Office in Karlsruhe on behalf of forty plaintiffs from Germany, China, Ireland, Canada, Australia and USA. The lawsuit was filed against the former Chinese president, Jiang Zemin, and other Chinese political leaders who are responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong. They are charged of instigating crimes of genocide, torture, murder and infringements of human rights. Surely Jiang is next to be brought to justice.
Article from "Radio Free Asia": Falun Gong Picture Exhibition Held in Regensburg, a Culturally Famous German City
2003-12-12'To begin with, it [the exhibition] illustrates the rapid development of Falun Gong since it was first introduced by Mr. Li Hongzhi in China in 1992, followed by a description of the growth of Falun Gong in western countries, particularly, the in Western Europe. Then it talks about the persecution against Falun Gong carried out by the Chinese Government and details the facts of practitioners being badly tortured since July 1999. The pictures also show Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful appeals and its impact around the world.'
Washington Times Editorial Reveals How the Jiang Regime Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners by Depriving Them of Employment
2003-12-12"As soon as foreign corporations in China such as Mary Kay begin to exclude people from employment eligibility simply because the Chinese authorities ask them to do so, they become accomplices of the Chinese government in suppressing human rights and political freedom. To single out Falun Gong practitioners and supporters is particularly disturbing, since the persecution of Falun Gong is generally regarded by international human rights organizations as the most severe human rights violation conducted by the Chinese government in recent years."
WTN: Repression of all religions in China [Excerpt]
2003-12-12"To date many thousands of members have been detained (for varying periods), while at least ten thousand are serving lengthy terms in forced labor camps. An unknown number have been committed to psychiatric detention centers. Beatings and torture of those arrested are routine and have resulted in many deaths. The massive and brutal crack down of the Falun Gong - the intensity of the campaign blitz (in nationwide public demonstrations and mass meetings) with even far-flung regions having to demonstrate their active antagonism... - recall the Maoist campaigns of the 50s and 60s"
UK: Press Conference Opposite the Chinese Embassy Held on International Human Rights Day
2003-12-11On 10th of December 2003, International Human Rights Day, Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference opposite the Chinese Embassy in London. Speeches were given by Lord Thurlow and by the Chairman of UK Falun Gong Association. Several statements issued by UK public figures in support of Falun Gong and condemnation of the persecution were read out
Sweden: Joint Efforts from Falun Gong Practitioners and Amnesty International on International Human Rights Day in Gothenburg
2003-12-11The 10th of December is International Human Rights Day. Many human rights organisations around the world celebrate this day in different ways. In Gothenburg, Amnesty International and Falun Gong practitioners held a joint activity to help people learn more about human rights abuses.