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UK: Report on the SOS Car Tour to Rescue our Persecuted Family Members (2)
2003-07-17We first rushed to a local newspaper office. The Editor was very interested in Falun Gong. He praised our perseverance and our peaceful fight for justice, truth and human rights, especially after we told him about the Genocide lawsuit filed against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin in Chicago.
Germany: Appealing in Darmstadt City to Oppose Article 23 and Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-07-17Last Saturday, we held an Information Day activity in Darmstadt City to tell local residents the facts about Hong Kongs Article 23 and the genocide lawsuits against Jiang Zemin. We prepared two eye-catching posters that attracted the attention of many passers-by. As some practitioners were demonstrating the exercises, others were handing out flyers and chatting with local people.
EFGIC: Rat Poison at Chinas Xinhua News Agency
2003-07-17LONDON (EFGIC) On July 2, Xinhua News Agency reported in Wenzhou City in Zhenjiang province 16 Beggars Poisoned: the Suspect is a Falun Gong Member. However, the Xinhua account is contradicted by the first report on this story in a local newspaper. A follow-up investigation uncovered more discrepancies and demonstrated there was no connection between the alleged murder cases and Falun Gong.
UK Councillor Supports Bringing Jiang to Justice
2003-07-16"Thank you very much for your letter regarding the Communist Leader, Jiang Zemin. Like you, I share many of your concerns about human rights abuses which have gone on in China. They have been perpetrated on a significant number of the population and have been perpetrated for many years. I am extremely pleased to be able to support your campaign to bring this individual to justice and I hope that one day we can all live in a fairer and more accountable world."
Finland: Practitioners Tour the Country to Demonstrate Falun Gong and Tell People the Facts about the Persecution
2003-07-16In every place they demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises, explained the facts about the Jiang regimes brutal persecution and collected signatures on a petition calling for an end to this suppression. They also brought up the issue of article 23, which is a huge threat for the freedom of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong people.
Sweden: Four Years of Persecution are in Vain Truthfulness, Kindness, Tolerance are Deeply Rooted in People's Hearts (II)
2003-07-16Swedish and Danish practitioners peacefully appealed at Gustav Adolphs Square located in downtown Gothenburg. They called on the Swedish citizens to help to put an end to the persecution on Falun Gong, to oppose the enactment of Article 23 in Hong Kong, and to support the global trial of Jiang Zemin.
Denmark: Nordic Practitioners Collect Signatures to Support the Global Trial of Jiang Zemin
2003-07-16Danish and Swedish practitioners collected petition signatures in downtown Copenhagen. Some tourists from China chose to support the Lawsuit against Jiang and also signed their names. When receiving materials from the practitioners, some Chinese people said emotionally, It is time for us to understand the facts. In China we have been so misled by the government!
Germany: Spreading the Fa and Explaining the Facts at the Altonale Festival
2003-07-16The practitioners had lots of opportunities to spread Dafa, tell people the facts, support bringing the Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin to justice, and collect signatures to rescue our relatives and friends who are being persecuted in China. After the practitioners explained the facts to them, people quickly signed their names and took away leaflets.
Article from Luxembourg Newspaper La Voix: They Came to Defend Falun Gong
2003-07-16'Sitting cross-legged on a small carpet and dressed in yellow T-shirts, several Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated in front of the Chinese embassy in Luxembourg yesterday, to protest against the persecution of the practitioners of this spiritual practice in China, now practised in more then 60 countries all over the world and by almost 100 million people.'
Austria: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy Demanding an End to the Persecution
2003-07-15As the fourth anniversary of the Jiang regimes brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners approaches, Austrian Falun Gong practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese embassy on July 12 to demand and end to the ruthless suppression of practitioners in China.
UK: Report on the SOS Car Tour to Rescue our Persecuted Family Members (1)
2003-07-15The first stops of the tour were two cities on the south coast of England. When they reached the first city, the practitioners sent a petition letter to the local councillors giving them the opportunity to support the campaign to rescue practitioners family members. Practitioners also contacted the local media to tell them about the activities to rescue UK practitioners persecuted family members.
RFI (Radio France Internationale): Demonstration Against Article 23 in Front of the Chinese Embassy in France
2003-07-15The spokesman for the Chinese Democratic Party in France, Wu Jiang, told the reporters that the Chinese government is trying to bring dictatorship and autocracy to Hong Kong by the enactment of Article 23. The spokesman for French Falun Dafa Association, Zhang Jian-Ping indicated that the enactment of Article 23 was, to a great extent, targeting Falun Gong. Both of them said they request that the legislation of Article 23 is completely abandoned, not just postponed.
Report from Luxemburger Wort: Demonstration Against the Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-07-15On Friday 11th July, Falun Gong practitioners held a demonstration in front of the Chinese embassy in Luxembourg to draw the publics attention to the persecution of Falun Gong in China and to appeal to the government of Beijing to stop this persecution. The practitioners came from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.
Campaign Begins to Rescue a UK Practitioners Younger Brother, who is Incarcerated, Suffering Torture and in a Critical Physical Condition in China
2003-07-14During the four years of persecution by the Jiang regime, UK practitioner Bing HEs brother, Jian, has been incarcerated in a labour camp in Wuhan for eighteen months without trial, and has been tortured many times for practising Falun Gong and peacefully appealing against the cruel persecution. Around 22 June 2003, he was arrested again to suffer further at the hands of the police. Two weeks later, Bing learned that his brother is struggling for his life in a hospital heavily guarded by the police.
Sweden: Four Years of Persecution are in Vain Truthfulness, Kindness, Tolerance are Deeply Rooted in People's Hearts (I)