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Latvia: National TV Channel 2 Screened a Truth-clarifying Video about Falun Gong
2003-08-27On the 23rd August 2003, Latvias national TV Channel 2 screened the film Falun Dafa The Path of Returning to the True Origin for Humankind at 12:50pm. This allowed many Latvian people to learn more about Falun Gong.
Radio France Internationale (RFI): Report about the Belgian Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-08-27Radio France Internationale broadcast a programme in Cantonese to Cambodia and the Cantonese-speaking area of Paris outlining the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin on charges of genocide, crimes against humanity and cruel torture, which was filed by several Falun Gong practitioners in Belgium. The programme also introduced details of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
FDI: Ethnic Korean, Falun Gong Practitioner Dies from Extended Torture in Chinese Labour Camp
2003-08-27According to reports from China, guards at the labour camp brutally tortured Ms. Cui because she refused to renounce Falun Gong and she persisted in her practise. On one occasion, these reports say, she was only allowed 22 hours of sleep during a 33-day period. Due to extended torture in the prison camp, Ms. Cui passed away on August 12, 2003.
Belgium: Major International Media pay attention to the Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-08-26On August 20th, six Falun Gong practitioners officially submitted a lawsuit to the Belgian federal court against Jiang Zemin for crimes against humanity and genocide. Major international media expressed their concern over the lawsuit including CNN, The Guardian, Reuters, AFP, and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
Sweden: People in Arvika City come to learn the Truth about Falun Gong
2003-08-26Because Dafa practitioners have worked hard to allow local people, the local government and the organisers of the festival to know the truth about Falun Gong, they were personally invited to join this big festival. The Falun Gong practitioners exercise demonstration and free Falun Gong exercise classes were arranged on each of the two days as part of the festival's main schedule.
Letter from the Belgium Falun Dafa Association to the Chinese Embassy in Belgium
2003-08-26"Jiang makes full use of the nations propaganda machine to slander, demonise and fabricate charges against Falun Gong while trying his best to prevent his crimes from being exposed. He incessantly instigates hatred of Falun Gong from innocent people. We really hope that you may conduct yourself well in the campaign against good people and justice, for your state, your nation and also your future. We expect that you will not follow the dictator who committed horrible crimes against the human race."
UK: Letting People know the Truth on the Streets of Cardiff, the Capital of Wales
2003-08-26Many people slowed down to read the boards with interest. Some people read the display boards and said that they felt indignant at the injustice and did not realize that such violations of human rights are still taking place in China. They said that without this Dafa activity, it would be difficult for them to learn the real situation from the media.
A Report on Falun Gong Practitioners Sueing Jiang in Belgium
2003-08-25Between 1992 and 1999, Falun Gong flourished throughout China. The Chinese governments own survey indicated there were between 70 and 100 million people who had taken up the practise by early 1999. Falun Gong practitioners were found in all walks of life, from farmers to bankers, from housewives to government and military officials. In July 1999, fearful and jealous that Falun Gong had touched the hearts and minds of such a broad range of Chinese people, Jiang Zemin used his power as the countrys top leader to ban the practise, an act that went against the decision of the Politburo Standing Committee members and the Premier, and was, in fact, illegal because it overstepped the power granted to Jiang by the Chinese Constitution.
Report from Agence France Presse: Belgian Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Jiang Zemin for Crimes against Humanity
2003-08-25Based on Belgiums new law, six Falun Gong practitioners formally sued Chinas former leader, Jiang Zemin, for his crimes against humanity. According to the report, the lawsuit will be formally submitted to the federal prosecutors on Wednesday. Georges-Henri Beauthier, a Belgian lawyer representing the plaintiffs, stated the defendant in the lawsuit is Chinas military head, Jiang Zemin, who committed torture, crimes against humanity, and genocide.
UK: Telling people the facts and promoting the Fa in the famous City of Bath
2003-08-25On August 16th, the sun shone brightly and the weather was fine. Practitioners from London, Birmingham, Oxford, Leicester, Nottingham, Cardiff, gathered in the Kings Parade in Bath to demonstrate the five sets of Falun Gong exercises, to display the information about Dafa, teach the Falun Gong exercises, collect signatures, and distribute various kinds of truth clarifying materials to passersby.
Sweden: The Four Years of Persecution are in Vain. Truthfulness, Kindness and Tolerance are deeply rooted in people's hearts
2003-08-25People there were happy to talk with us. They were delighted to receive the flyers and listen to the truth about the on-going persecution in China. Many people signed their names in the signature book to support the lawsuits against Jiang Zemin, who is the main instigator of the persecution. Some said: Those who are responsible for this persecution must be brought to justice."
Speech for Rally at Parliament Hill
2003-08-25There can be no excuses. No silence. No looking away. Instead all governments must, with determination and resolve, do everything possible to ensure that Chinese officials, no matter how high or low their office, who have been responsible for committing human rights violations are held to account for what they have done. That is what justice demands. That is what human rights demand.
EFGIC: Former Chinese Leader Faces Criminal Lawsuit in Belgium for Genocide, Torture, and Crimes Against Humanity
2003-08-24A lawsuit charging former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin and two of his senior aides with genocide, torture and crimes against humanity was filed yesterday in Belgium by practitioners of Falun Gong and their lawyer, Mr. Georges-Henri Beauthier.
Photo Report: UK Falun Dafa Day Activities in Birmingham
2003-08-24 -
Belgium: The Lawsuit against Jiang Attracts Great Interest from the Belgian Media
2003-08-24After the press conference held on August 20th, the Belgian media continue to show strong interest in the lawsuit against Jiang. On August 21st, at the request of a TV station, practitioners from France, Sweden, Britain, Germany, Denmark, Australia, and also Belgium were interviewed at the Brussels practice site.