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France: Photo Report Promoting Falun Dafa in Chinatown to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-07-01 -
UK: A Parade Against HK's Article 23 Legislation Held in London
2003-07-01The Global Coalition against Article 23 Legislation held a press conference and parade in London to support the people of Hong Kongs appeal against Article 23. UK citizens who are concerned about the democracy, freedom, and future of Hong Kong, including some Falun Gong practitioners, took part in this parade.
The Guardian: Hong Kong's Flawed Law
2003-07-01'The most worrying clause requires the government to proscribe any group found to be linked to an already proscribed mainland organisation. The obvious example is the Falun Gong [group], already banned on the mainland where it is claimed, ludicrously, to be a threat to national security.'
AFP (Agence France-Presse): Massive Protest to Mark Anniversary of Hong Kong's Handover from Britain
2003-07-01'Hong Kong will mark its sixth anniversary under Chinese rule on July 1 with a huge protest march over proposed national security legislation which many fear will restrict fundamental freedoms...United States and Britain have joined international human rights and press groups to condemn the planned laws.'
MEP Writes to UK Ambassador for China regarding a Practitioners Persecuted Family and Friends
2003-06-30"I have been informed that this people have been imprisoned solely due to their belief in Falun Gong and I would urge you to convey my concerns about these people to your government. I would ask your government to allow family and friends from the United Kingdom to visit these people in China as soon as possible."
Belgium: Dafa Practitioners Collect Signatures to Oppose Torture and Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-30One Belgian woman signed the petition immediately and clearly realized the terrible nature of this persecution. A Danish businessman told the practitioners that he fully supports our activities. He signed the petition and wished us good luck before he left and said he was sure the trial against the dictator Jiang will be a success.
Sweden: Telling People about Falun Gong, Article 23 and the Lawsuit Against the Instigators of the Persecution
2003-06-30This weekend, practitioners in Växjö took to the streets to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises and let more people know about the severe persecution of practitioners in China. We told people about the lawsuits against several of the people responsible for this persecution, and we told them about Article 23, which is an enormous threat against democracy and human rights in Hong Kong.
Swedish Prime Minister: Speaking out for freedom of belief and human rights is everyones duty.
2003-06-29"The Swedish government understands very well how Falun Gong practitioners are being treated in China, which shows serious violations of human rights. It is important for the international community to voice strong opposition to this. The Swedish government can never approve of the persecution of individuals for their beliefs or political views, nor of brutal oppression. Its everyones duty to speak out for freedom of belief and human rights."
Sweden: Collecting Signatures in Malmo City to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-29We hung up a banner and set up display boards, and more and more people offered to sign their names. Through signing their names, they expressed their surprise and anger at the persecution of Falun Gong by Jiangs regime. Some of them asked, Why is such a peaceful movement banned in China? People here can belong to all kinds of movements. Others said, You are all nice people, why should they persecute you?
Speech by European Friends of Falun Gong at Article 23 Press Conference in London
2003-06-29"We know how many people are against the introduction of Article 23. 26,000 people have signed a petition against it in the last few weeks alone. Article 23 must be stopped in its present form. We must help maintain the One country-two systems principle, which China agreed to in 1997. Hong Kongs citizens must be given the chance of freedom of belief and expression, which we in the west take for granted, but which should be extended to all citizens of the world."
Agence France Presse (AFP): 100,000 people expected to rally against Hong Kong's anti-subversion laws
2003-06-29'Some 100,000 people are expected to participate in a protest march against the Hong Kong government's plan to pass controversial anti-subversion laws next week.."We have revised our application to the police and told them of our latest estimate that some 100,000 people are expected to attend the protest march," to the government headquarters on July 1, said Tsoi Yiu-cheong, spokesman for the Civil Human Rights Front.'
Sweden: Help the people of Hong Kong to keep their rights to freedom of expression, belief and association.
2003-06-29On 28 June 2003, as part of the global action against the implementation of Article 23 in Hong Kong, practitioners in several Swedish cities informed the public about the threat of Hong Kongs new national security bill. Many Swedish people approached practitioners and asked to sign a petition supporting the Hong Kong people.
Germany: Collecting Signatures to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin and Rescue our Relatives
2003-06-28German practitioners campaign to collect petition signatures in Varsburg has now entered its fourth week and many people have signed our petition. During this month-long campaign, more and more people have found out about this activity and go out of their way to talk with practitioners and ask about the prosecution of Jiang Zemin. In particular, our campaign has been highly supported by the largest local newspaper.
Ireland: Promoting Falun Dafa at the Special Olympics
2003-06-28As the crowds were entering the stadium, Falun Gong practitioners from Ireland demonstrated the exercises. They also exhibited a banner which read Falun Gong practitioners welcome the Chinese athletes in both Chinese and English. Some families took pictures in front of the practitioners banner. Drivers blew their horns to show their support.
Radio France Internationale (RFI): Hong Kong Residents will launch a Large Parade to Protest Against Article 23 Legislation
2003-06-28'Hong Kong residents generally believe that the enactment of Article 23 of Hong Kongs Basic Law will not only impair Hong Kongs long-existing freedom of the press and freedom of speech, but is also harmful to Hong Kongs economy. Once the legislation of Article 23 is passed, the Hong Kong authorities, like Mainland China, may arbitrarily arrest Hong Kong residents without warrants and deprive them of human rights. As a result, they plan to launch a large scale parade and demonstration to oppose Article 23 legislation.'